Tuesday 11 January 2022

Freedom - Asmi Patankar

Freedom is a unique feeling. It is felt differently by everyone. I experience freedom when I play with my friends. I enjoy running around without adults supervising me all the time. When I play with my friends, I get exercise also happiness. Honestly, the experiences are too good for words. 

Ultimately, playing in the ground with my great friends is my freedom. 

Name: Asmi Patankar
Grade: 5A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Freedom - Samruddhi Patankar

To me, the meaning of Freedom is:

The power of the right to act, speak or think 

as one wants and the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved

An example of the freedom part came in my life. 

In 2020 there was no freedom because there was a lockdown, and because of the lockdown, there was no possibility to go out and do whatever we wanted, so that time, there was no freedom.

Name: Samruddhi Patankar
Grade: 2A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Find Your Calling - Prarthana Rastogi

Your career is what you're paid for, Your calling is what you're made for.
                                            - Steve Harvey

Finding your calling means following your passion and doing what you feel happy about. Everyone has their calling. You may have found it but not know about it or you might have to find it . Your calling says a lot about who you are and what you want to be. We shouldn't push ourselves to do something in which we have no interest; we should follow our dreams, which makes us happy from within. Parents should help their children with their calling and support them whatever their children see their future in. Everyone wants to become successful in the future but what makes them different is how are they successfully portray what are passionate about. When a child wants to do something unique they shouldn't be discouraged. Parents shouldn't put pressure on their children if they don't want to become someone their parents want because it can lead their child to go in depression. Someone wants to become a doctor, engineer, sports person and many more. Like me, I want to become a sports star. I love playing sports. I am passionate about basketball, badminton, skating and cricket. My parents always support me in contributing in their way to become what I want to and I'm really happy and feel lucky about it. 

Prarthana Rastogi 
The Doon Girls' School

Monday 10 January 2022

Courage - Aishwarya Kalia Ahuja

Ms Aishwarya Kalia Ahuja
TGT English
Ahlcon Public School
I am an experienced English teacher. Alongside teaching, I enjoy writing. I've also authored research papers and published poems. I've a keen interest in research which is always leveraged in analyzing learners' language needs.


My stories were dealt with mock and fun
Sneers, taunts, sarcasm were all I won.
All smiles I was in
To not let anyone hear my lyrics.
I showed Courage every time
No matter what the atmosphere is!

I needn't put on my armour and show my strength
A clear conscience doesn't exhibit its defence.
My silence would yell my feats
They'd soon regret their mistreat.
I'll smile in my lyrics
No matter what the atmosphere is!

Wheel of time would turn soon.
They will dance to my tunes
What if I ace up my sleeve
In how much time they'd retrieve?

All smiles I was in
To not let anyone hear my lyrics
I showed Courage every time
No matter what the atmosphere is!

Freedom - Avni Karmarkar

Once upon a time, there was a colourless tiger. All his shades were greys, blacks, and whites. So much so that he seemed like something out of an old black and white movie. His lack of colour had made him so famous that the world's greatest painters had come to his zoo to try to put some paint on him. None of them succeeded, as the colours would constantly just drip down off his skin.

Then along came Van Cough, the crazy painter. He was a strange guy who travelled all about, happily painting with his brush. It would be more accurate to say that he moved his brush about as if to paint; because he never put any paint on his brush, and neither did he use canvas or paper. He painted the air, and that's why they called him Can Gough. So, when he said he wanted to paint the colourless tiger, everyone had a good laugh. When entering the tiger's cage, he began whispering in the animal's ear and moving his dry brush up and down the tiger's body. And to everyone's surprise, the tiger's skin started to take on colour, and these were the most vivid colours any tiger had ever had. Van Cough spent a long time whispering to the animal and making slight adjustments to his painting. The result was stunning.

Everyone wanted to know what the painter's secret was. He explained to them that his brush was only good for painting real life and that to do that, he needed no colours. He had managed to paint the tiger using a phrase he kept whispering in its ear: "In just a few days, you will be free again, you shall see." And seeing how sad the tiger had been in his captivity and how joyful the tiger now seemed at the prospect of freedom, the zoo authorities transported him to the forest and set him free, where never again would he lose his colour.

Name: Avni Karmarkar
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

Freedom - Samaira Gupta

“Freedom means self-determination. Freedom is not just what makes dreams come true; it makes dreams possible. Freedom is essential because it leads to enhanced expressions of creativity and original thought, increased productivity, and overall high quality of life. 

Freedom for me is art. I can do art whenever I want. It's like I am inhaling the colours and exhaling them on the canvas.

Name: Samaira Gupta
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

Appreciation - Rishona Chopra

Appreciation is to appreciate as in to be grateful and thankful for something. 
Most of us have so much to appreciate, but we still take time for finding mistakes and forget to embrace all the privileges we have and don't appreciate that. There shall always be greed for more, but it's on us to know how to control it, appreciate what we have, avoid finding what we don't have and stop this greed for more.

I know finding out mistakes is easier and catchy to talk about. I faced this problem myself! Although I have a lot to appreciate, I used to find what I didn't have. I have worked on that mistake and have stopped complaining and enjoying what I have. It's a little tricky but the moment you think about the things you have - a home, good clothes, education which most people might not even have you feeling happy and grateful for what you have. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade - V
Gyanshree School

Reflections Since 2021