Thursday 30 November 2023

Our most powerful weapon: BOOKS - Nishan Karki

Why is education important?

"It wasn't until I started reading and found books they wouldn't let us read in school that I discovered you could be insane and happy and have a good life without being like everybody else." John Waters

Our most potent weapon is books and, more precisely, education. The book is vital in people's lives, including teachers, students, businessmen, workers, and all the others. It serves as a medium for acquiring knowledge and gathering information.

Like me, there are numerous students all around the world who use books. The use of the Internet for gaining knowledge and information has increased, yet books have retained their trend and popularity among the masses.

"If you do not have any friends, make books your friends." In fact, you can make books with your best friends.

Why is education important?

Education must be taken by every person. It is vital for the holistic development of every human being and for improving people's quality of life. An educated person can become a good citizen of society. It's also necessary to decide your career.

The rapid rise in population and pollution is because people are uneducated.

Let's take the example of India. India has been facing the problems of pollution and population growth since it attained independence. Many people in India still need to be educated. People may be literate, i.e., able to read and write, but need to be educated.

Educated people can bring the most effective change to society. Although the problem of population growth might not be wholly diminished, it can be reduced to a great extent. So education is vital for the development of every country in the world.

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society 

My Experiments with Self-Awareness - Anvesha Rana

From daily news to new trends, the weather forecast to the match score, we know so many things just because they are happening around us; we love to be up to date. However, amidst gathering this information, we get so distracted that we must remember to collect ourselves or ask ourselves what is happening within us? 

Self-awareness is to know, share, ask, or be aware of oneself. Strangely, the person we have been since time immemorial is also the person we know the least about; most of the time, other people know more about us than we do about ourselves! Yes, and as an exercise, ask your friends about what you like; I am sure they will get it right. 

So, self-awareness is vital as you need to know who you are and be clear about what you like or dislike. Self-awareness is a gradual process, though it is believed to be an innate ability that vanishes growing up. Thus, we need to constantly experiment to regain ours. 

Whenever we get lost in a discussion, we should ask ourselves, is this really important? Would I like to be a part of this? Moreover, we must decide about numerous things daily and sometimes need help with choices. Consequently, we should learn to recognise and observe our choices and decipher the pattern. This code or pattern is our approach to problem-solving that sums up the kind of person we are. 

To be more self-aware, we should spend time alone with our thoughts in our head; it’s good to head out, but sometimes, to seek answers to deep questions, it’s okay to run in. Being the observer of our lives also means observing or influencing our thoughts. Being the observer is being in the position of power, i.e. we are not guided by the current flow in the ocean, but we decide where the current shall flow. It may be difficult initially, but once we start to love our own company, that is the self-awareness threshold.
Anvesha Rana
Grade 11
Gyanshree School

Monday 27 November 2023

Being always grateful is what Gratitude means - Tenzin Jambey

Gautam Buddha was born into a royal family, but unlike other princes, he didn't like being a prince or wanting to become a king or rule a kingdom. He was greatly affected and unfortunate after finding out that human life is a misery; therefore, he attained "Nirvana" after meditating for years to free himself from the world of sorrow and sadness. Sometimes, religious texts and stories make me wonder whether they occurred in reality.

The flying chariot of Ravana, the superpower monkey God like Hanumanji, etc., are all myths that few people in the world don't believe, and some people like me are in a dilemma. Some people believe that praying to God and offering sacrifices brings peace into one's life, but we must understand that we bring happiness and sadness to ourselves.

Now, the question arises: What does gratitude do with all this?

Gratitude is an art that can bring about a significant change in our lives. When gratitude becomes part of our lives, we stop blaming gods for our sadness and sorrow. First, we must understand that it is a natural process that, after giving birth, everyone has to die. A flower that is blooming today won't stay blooming forever. At the same time, we have to learn to accept sadness, sorrow, failure, hate, death, and misery. Because of all such emotions, we know what happiness, joy, birth, and pleasure feel like.

"Every action has an opposite reaction and an equal reaction." Newton's law is implied in everything around us, even our emotions. Now that we know that sadness and sorrow will come into our lives, why mourn for a long time? Why do you have to cry and shed tears for the sad moment that happened years ago when you didn't laugh at the joke from last year?

People are like a maze, and it's our nature to look for sadness until we change it ourselves. To overcome this, "gratitude" serves as a hearing medicine. We should always accept that whatever happens, it happens for the best. Always be grateful for everything that happens around you. Even if you fail or someone takes away your privilege, be happy and grateful, as there is always a learning part and learning and lessons are far better than winning. "Be grateful for your house," "Be grateful for the food you eat," and "Be grateful for your body organs," as there are some who don't have a home, have body parts, or get one meal a day. A boy was sitting on the bench, and he was barefoot. We wished for a show and became sad, but his desire for a shoe vanished when he saw another guy with no legs. This is how gratitude works.
Having gratitude will protect you from being affected by others; feelings of jealousy and hate will never arise if you follow the art of gratitude in your daily life. "BEING ALWAYS GRATEFUL IS WHAT GRATITUDE MEANS."

Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Major set backs serve as a catalyst - Shambhavi Nautiyal

My opinion implicitly agrees with the title 'major setbacks serve as a catalyst for success'. I come across many such stories embodying the essence of the title every week, thanks to my mom, which are usually about some IAS officers from a grassroots-level background. As vexed as I have grown from reading the headlines of those stories, I set out today on a journey to finding my own inspiration in this concept. 

The first thing that comes to mind (as I can relate the most to it) is my spiritual journey and study patterns. Each day, we are growing and evolving. And learning new things, but what if all you had were hand-me-down textbooks from your elder brother or a library near your house? Then what would you do? Would you lose all hope and lie hopelessly, thinking you will take over your family's profession, or would you employ what you had best instead? People could only choose the second if they were self-motivated due to having a vision or a transitional figure who inspired them to rise above all the odds and fight for what was right. 

When two people are standing in prison, one sees the stars, and the other considers the bars. As humans, those of us who have a Sattvic nature tend to reach for the stars innately, even if maybe in the external, there seems no prospect. But even those who don't have that kind of mindset can still learn to mend their mindset. However, what happens on the inside is what manifests on the outside, which is the reason. Having a vision is so consequential. Not caring about other people's disproof or approval while trying to find our way through that one thing we want to achieve. 

That is the most brilliant thing about human dispositions. It may seem too fanciful at the start or in the middle of the journey, but we must learn how to dream. We must have faith, or we'll all just perish, and it won't mean a thing. Let the people around you head into the darkness, but you must Reach for the stars; you need to try, or else it will all be wasted.

Don't let the people around you DEFINE YOUR MINDSET; DON'T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF.

Imagine your own success story in that place you want to be and keep striving to get there because, in the process, I know you will find your own position. Get in your high vibrational state and decide your future and your vision. The moment you do that, the universe sets the path for you. All you have to do is walk on it. Now that you have backtracked, it makes it all worth it for you to achieve. Have hope and faith that you can make a difference; you do it daily without knowing it. You are worth so much; don't let anything convince you otherwise. I love you, and if you don't, I'll be upset and won't talk to you, so better be careful. Ciao!

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Intern at My Good School

Sunday 26 November 2023

Reflection of the week - 26th November 2023

Live Life In Crescendo
1. Major setbacks can often serve as the catalyst.
2. Our most potent weapon: Books. Why is education important?
3. My experiments with self-awareness 
4. "You see things, and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not?'"
5. Was Malala merely a leader or much more?

From Tata Stories
1. Search up and learn more about the RTI Act ( Right To Information Act)
2. What are relief funds, and how were they used? What were the various relief funds we have?
3. Were there any similarities between Malala Yousafzai and JRD Tata?
4. There is no doubt that vision and purpose, once well defined, constitute the most important North Star in the life of any individual. 
~a helping point~
Your vision statement will include what you're hoping to achieve. Your purpose statement will include your motivations for this. Your mission statement will include your actions to get there.

These are some suggestions you can choose from. I am looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!

You can email your reflections to Manisha Ma'am at -

Rishona Chopra
School Captain My Good School?

Saturday 25 November 2023

Gratitude - Tulsi Karki

We all know that being thankful and being ready to show appreciation and return kindness is known as gratitude. Gratitude is when we feel grateful for the good things in our lives. This could be stuff people often take for granted, like having a place to live, clothes to wear, food to eat, clean water to drink, and friends and family.

Having gratitude can bring change to us. If we express our gratitude towards something, we feel positive. It can broaden our outlook, boost our minds, and help us face negative thoughts and challenges. People who purposely acknowledge and express gratitude feel more positive; their emotions are better able to relish good experiences and build stronger relationships.

Tulsi Karki
Pestallozi Children's Village Society

Thursday 23 November 2023

Power of a book in a child's hands - Nishan Karki

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.” ― Walt Disney

The book, one of the sources of knowledge, is of great importance to us. Students need books to learn, teachers need books to teach, and other people need books to acquire information and knowledge. Initially, we all need books to gain knowledge and gather information. A book may be small, but it has the power to change a person. We must never underestimate the power of books.
Roald Dahl, one of the most prolific modern writers, in his poem Television, has laid emphasis on the importance of books to children and has gone against devices like television. Following are a few lines that I have extracted from the poem.

"Oh, books, what books they used to know,
Those children living long ago!
So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away,
And in its place you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.
Then fill the shelves with lots of books,
Ignoring all the dirty looks,
The screams and yells, the bites and kicks,
And children hitting you with sticks-
Fear not, because we promise you
That, in about a week or two
Of having nothing else to do,
They'll now begin to feel the need
Of having something to read.
And once they start -- oh boy, oh boy!
You watch the slowly growing joy
That fills their hearts."

In this poem, Roald Dahl says that the children living long ago knew about many books. He begs and prays for the parents to throw their TV set away and install a lovely bookshelf on the wall where the TV was kept before. They must fill the shelves with a lot of books, which will make their children ignore the dirty looks of TV. When the TV is removed, the children will scream, yell, bite, kick, and hit their parents with sticks. But the parents need not be afraid because in about one or two weeks, the children will have nothing to do, and then they will feel the need to have something to read. Once they start reading, the slowly growing joy will be seen in the children, which will fill their hearts.
So, Roald Dahl has beautifully described the importance and need of books for children. It will help children increase their imagination. It will help to improve their creativity too.
"The best addiction is being addicted to books." This addiction will help us gain, not lose. It will prove to be an asset, not a liability. So, all people must read books, whether young or old.
Nishan Karki
Pestallozi Children's Village Society
Image courtesy- Canva

Book Review: I Came Upon a Lighthouse - Saikiran Sahu

                                     “I Came Upon a Lighthouse” by Shantanu Naidu

Every person has a bookish soul, some just haven't found their match yet! And the book” I Came Upon a Lighthouse” is the perfect match .

This is a meticulously curated book by Shantanu Naidu and illustrated by Sanjana Desai. It is a short memoir of life with Ratan Tata and is probably the best book written on him yet. This book's title is like a magnet, and I can't help but be drawn to it. It paints Ratan Tata as a lighthouse, shining bright and steady in the midst of stormy seas, offering a glimmer of hope to all those lost in the darkness. It is not much of a biography where there is a description of his milestones or historical events , instead the world finally gets to see Ratan Tata's softer side, revealing the big brother and cool guardian angel within! The colors and shades of his personality shone bright as day, leaving us all giddy with excitement! This book isn't merely a narrative, but a poignant memoir that captures a range of emotions. This memoir delves into a profound friendship that transcends age and it was their shared empathy and mutual compassion for homeless dogs that led to an unexpected bond between them.

In a nutshell, "I Came Upon a Lighthouse" is a refreshing and heartwarming tale about an unlikely friendship between a millennial and an octogenarian that gives glimpses of a beloved Indian legend in a warm light. This book is a feel-good read, one that you didn't realise you needed but will undoubtedly enjoy.

Saikiran Sahu, IX Gyanshree School

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Gratitude makes our Attitude - Sunbeam Varuna

Ismat - "If you concentrate on what you have, you'll always have more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never have enough." - Lewis Howes

Astha - Maintaining an attitude of gratitude holds significant importance as it transforms our mindset. By redirecting our attention from ourselves towards appreciating people or things, we open doors to express gratitude for every facet of our lives.

Ismat - Cultivating this attitude involves consciously appreciating both major and minor aspects regularly-be it relationships, health, business, possessions, basic necessities like food and water, or our general sense of wellness.

Astha - Embracing an attitude of gratitude lets us engage from a standpoint of abundance. Nurturing this mindset cultivates greater happiness, positivity, and compassion towards ourselves and those in our circles.

Ismat- Centering on what brings us gratitude helps build stronger habits of appreciating the significant individuals and elements in our lives. Gratitude, fundamentally, involves appreciating what we possess rather than fixating on what we might lack.

This is our maiden effort, we hope you like it.

Brought to you by Sunbeam Varuna School & Hostel Varanasi

You can also listen out our podcast on your favoured app or on

Sunday 19 November 2023

The relationship between exercise and mental health - Shambhavi Nautiyal

If you feel overwhelmed or want to stay in shape, it is a great idea to exercise. Exercise helps you feel happy and productive. 

According to the Bhagavad Gita, it is a rajasic activity, i.e., an activity that makes you feel vigorous and fervent, and a way to worship God since you are sacrificing your comfort to do something productive. It is consequential to maintain both your physical and mental health. If you are someone who experiences low self-worth or insecurity about. If you are not productive enough when giving yourself a self-care day, then this is a sign for you to exercise. 

Exercising helps regulate your breathing and hence grounds you at the moment (i.e.increasing your mindfulness) whilst releasing the "feel-good" hormones of serotonin and endorphins. It regulates your thyroid, makes your heart stronger, improves your memory, and concentration, and keeps diabetes at bay for you. Knowing all these benefits will certainly leave you feeling less stressed out as you meditate on how you are blessed with such good health.

Investing in 30 minutes of exercise every day. Exercise is implicitly fruitful for people with mental conditions like anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia, as it helps ease the symptoms and also leaves the average person feeling easier than usual. If you are healing from depression, then it can give you something, like a purpose to focus on, and help distract you from negative thinking. patterns. It can also provide you with a community if you go out and join yoga classes or a gym. This can aid in removing feelings of isolation and loneliness. You move through the day feeling like you are at the helm of your decisions and have gifted your body something in return for all that it does for you. Your body feels agile, robust, and healthy. So appreciate your body be body-positive, and keep exercising!

Shambhavi Nautiyal 9F
Ahlcon Public School
Image courtesy- Canva

Reflections - 19th November 2023

Sunday School 

- From Live Life In Crescendo

  1. Gratitude makes our attitude
  2. Power of a book in a child's hand

- From Tata Stories

  1. Find out more about Aspy Engineer and his work
  2. Recreate the Gypsy Moth aircraft - you can draw it or even write about it
  3. Know more about the flying race, its competitors, and what it was about. Does the race teach us lessons of friendship and teach us some values?
  4. Competition between friends sometimes ruins bonds, it gives rise to jealousy and selfishness; we get lost in competition that we don't see who is on the other side.

- Know more about JRD Tata here - Tata

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!

You can email your reflections to Manisha Ma'am at -

Rishona Chopra

School Captain My Good School

Thursday 16 November 2023

Diwali in Nepal - Nishan Karki

We all celebrate various festivals, one of which is Diwali, or the festival of light. It is one of the biggest and most popular festivals in India. It is celebrated with immense joy, enthusiasm, and happiness.

Have you ever wondered how Diwali is celebrated in Nepal?
You may have, or maybe not.

Diwali is called Tihar in Nepal. It is also one of the most popular and biggest festivals in Nepal. It is celebrated differently in Nepal in contrast to India.

Tihar is marked by lighting diyas inside and outside the home. Still, unlike Diwali in other parts of India, the five days of Tihar include the celebration and worship of the four creatures associated with the Hindu god of death, Yama, and the goddess of wealth and prosperity, Laxmi. Nepal's various communities celebrate Tihar in different ways. People decorate their houses, make rangoli, light diyas and eat delicious food. Special foods such as sel roti, finni roti, and patre are eaten during Tihar.

The celebration of Tihar goes on for five days. The first day is called Kaag Tihar. On this day, we worship crows (kaag in Nepali ). We prepare delicious food and offer it to the crows.

The second day is called Kukur Tihar. On this day, we worship dogs (kukur in Nepali). We make marigold garland and put it around the dog's neck. Fresh and delicious food is also offered to the dogs. The third day is called the Gai Tihar. We worship cows (Gai in Nepali) on this day. We offer delicious food and put garland around the cow's neck. Goddess Laxmi is also celebrated on this day. She is offered prayers and puja. She is believed to bring wealth, prosperity, and happiness to people.

We perform Bhailo on this day. (At night, Bhailo is performed by girls and women.) The girls performing Bhailo are called Bhailini. The fourth day is called Goru Tihar. On this day, we worship oxen (goru in Nepali). Oxen are worshipped in the same manner as cows are.

We perform Deusi on this day. Both boys and men perform deusi. The boys performing Deusi are called Deuse. The fifth day is called Bhai Tika (bhai dooj in India). Bhai means brother in Nepali. On this day, sisters pray to Yamraj for a long life and prosperity for their brothers. The ritual involves sisters marking the foreheads of their brothers with a seven-coloured long tika. The brothers bring gifts to their sisters and the festival ends with feasting.

Now, let's talk more about Deusi and Bhailo. Deusi and Bhailo are Nepalese traditional folk songs sung during the Tihar festival. Children and adults perform Deusi/Bhailo by singing songs and dancing as they go to various homes in their community, collecting money, sweets, and food, and giving blessings for prosperity. At the end of these songs, the house owner serves food and gives money to the Deusi/ Bhailo singers and dancers.

Name: Nishan Karki
Class. 10 
School -Pestalozzi 

Tuesday 14 November 2023

JOL Diaries November 23

Newsletter by My Good School

"This Children's Day of the year 2023, we are most delighted to bring you the first issue of our monthly newsletter, and we look forward to the middle of every month to get into the middle of your heart and mind with #JoyOfLearning".
Rishona Chopra, School Captain

Monday 13 November 2023

The Significance Of Touching Feet - Shaurya and Soham

"It was a pleasure to listen to Soham and Shaurya talking about the importance of touching feet, which I always believed in as it has a cultural and scientific relevance. I am happy they both follow what Sunbeam stands for to always understand ancient traditions while having a modern vision!!! I wish them the best of luck in life! Jai Hind!"
Amrita Burman 
Deputy Director Sunbeam, group of educational institutions, Varanasi

Season 14, Episode 1 Sunbeam Schools are teaming up a new series!

Touching feet, an act of paying respect, is a profound topic to listen to, from Ram's last act before leaving Ayodhya to Arjuna seeking blessings before going for the war. All this has the same act of touching feet and the exact reason for paying respect. But is it worth touching someone's feet, or is it just an abstract act of paying respect? Tune into this exciting conversation between Shaurya and Soham to know the true '' significance of touching feet''.

Thank you, Ms Varsha Banerjee, of Sunbeam School Lahartara, for your kind support.

Marta Vieira da Silva - Sakshi Jain (Journalist)

Marta Vieira da Silva

One inspiring female football player who has left an indelible mark on the sport is Marta Vieira da Silva, commonly known as Marta. Hailing from Brazil, Marta's exceptional talent and dedication have not only earned her numerous accolades such as FIFA World Player of the Year (first win) in 2006 and subsequent victories in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, Olympic Silver Medal (2004), Golden Ball at FIFA U-19 Women's World Championship, UEFA Women's Champions League and many more. 

Marta's journey to becoming one of the greatest female football players is marked by resilience and determination. Despite facing challenges and stereotypes associated with women in sports, she persevered, showcasing unparalleled skills on the field. Marta's commitment to her craft has not only shattered gender barriers but has also redefined the possibilities for women in football.

Moreover, Marta's leadership both on and off the field serves as a beacon of empowerment. She actively advocates for gender equality in sports, using her platform to address issues such as equal pay and opportunities for female athletes. Marta's commitment to social causes amplifies her impact, making her not just a football icon but a symbol of positive change.

~Sakshi Jain (Journalism Club)

Sunday 12 November 2023

Life Is A Game Of Chess - The Game Of Life - Oshi Singh

Image courtesy, used by Oshi Singh for representation only.

In this universe, there is nothing more unpredictable than life itself. Yes, indeed, just a four-letter word: life. 

Life is very uncanny. Life is a gamble. Life is a game of chess, a game which shall prevail. We’ll never know what’s coming but are always yet to find out. Just when we feel ‘comfortable’, we’ll notice danger. We never know what’s the right move, yet we always try. Things keep changing. After all, nothing is permanent, but we always get a chance. A chance to try and give our best. 

It has been rightly and very beautifully said by the famous Cuban chess player José Raúl Capablanca, ‘You may learn much more from a game you lose than from a game you win. You must lose hundreds of games before becoming a good player.’

People often say chess is a game of tactics and strategies but I differ. I don’t think that’s completely true. I believe chess and life are long-lost twins. No matter our plans or how well-planned they are, there is always a catch to it. It can be anything, anytime, but don’t ever stop trying because even though life may have some other plans, there are always new avenues and new chapters waiting to be unveiled. 

So, in this unreliable game of life, always be open to change and, most importantly, always ready for challenges. Life will keep throwing pawns upon us, but our aim should be clear until we checkmate all these obstacles. After all, actions speak louder than words, and our only word should be “Checkmate”. 

Oshi Singh
Gyanshree School


Saturday 11 November 2023

Unveiling the Enchantment: A Quest into the Mysteries of Film and Music - Saikiran Sahu

"Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience, in the way film does and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark room of our souls." - Ingmar Bergman.

The world of music and films is vast and diverse, with countless genres, styles, and cultures contributing to it. Whether you are a fan, a creator, or just curious, there's always something new and exciting to explore. People connect with film and music profoundly because art forms have an unparalleled ability to tap into depths of human emotion and experience. Films weave narratives that resonate with universal themes, offering a visual and auditory journey that allows viewers to empathise with characters and contemplate the complexities of life. Music transcends language barriers, providing a direct pathway to the soul. 

So, the club I would like to initiate is the "Film & Music Appreciation Club". We could once a week discuss different types of movies from various genres worldwide. The generation is more into movies, and these movies can teach a lot. Both film and music possess the extraordinary power to evoke nostalgia and trigger memories.

In the end, In a world that can often feel fragmented, film and music serve as unifying forces, connecting individuals through the shared language of emotion and the timeless pursuit of meaning. 

We would like to achieve this, and for that to be achieved, I would like all of your support!

People who have joined the club:

Simar Kaur- Intern Head at My Good School. She is a great thinker with a podcast of her own, "Two Girls One Mic".

Oshi Singh and - Vice Captain of My Good School. She is the most cheerful and passionate person I have ever seen. She also co-hosts a podcast called "Two Girls One Mic".

Rishona Chopra - Captain of The Good School. She is way ahead of her age. At such a young age, she has achieved a lot.

Anvesha Rana - Podcast host for the Learning Forward Podcast. Very enthusiastic and a good role model for us.

Anushka Kathuria - An intern at My Good School, participant in the My Guide Inside (MGI) pilot program at Gyanshree School. She is hard-working and is best at what she does.

I would be glad to welcome you all to this club! I hope we discover the world of Films and Music together!

Film & Music Appreciation Club Secretary -  Saikiran Sahu

Email Address - 

Image Courtesy

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Importance of forgiveness - Nishan Karki

Forgiveness means letting go of negative feelings and attitudes towards another person. Forgiveness arises when we try to understand other people's feelings and show some sympathy towards them.
It is one of the most important human values.

Forgiveness can help both parties, i.e., the one who forgives and the one who receives forgiveness.

The paragraph written below is the famous mercy speech by Portia in the play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.

"The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
'T is mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown:
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice." 

In the above lines, Portia says that mercy ( forgiveness) is not a quality that is felt or shown under any compulsion. It is shown by humans as naturally as the gentle drops of rain fall from the sky to the earth below. Mercy is a double blessing. It blesses both the forgiver and the receiver, or the one being forgiven. It is the supreme quality that anyone, no matter how great, can possess. It is the most powerful quality in those who have the highest authority. It suits a king sitting on his throne better than his crown suits him. The golden rod of authority in the hands of a king is an indication of the force of his earthly power. The rod of authority is a symbol of the fear that kingship inspires in others, and it indicates the high dignity of the king. But mercy is something higher and greater than earthly authority, which is symbolized by the rod. Mercy occupies a lofty place in the hearts of kings. It is a quality and attribute of God himself. Earthly power acquires a divine quality when a man softens the hardness of the demands of justice by showing mercy.

So, the quality of mercy or forgiveness is one of the greatest possessions of people. In fact, animals also possess the quality of mercy, so why can't humans? The quality of mercy or forgiveness must be in the possession of every living being on earth.
Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi children's village society
Image Courtesy- Premium Times Nigeria

Sunday 5 November 2023

The author of my story; the master of my fate - Rishona Chopra

I have always believed that we are the author of our tale. We are the ones that create our story and decide how it shall conclude. The pen is in our hands and it is our wish to decide how things shall go. 

We are the master of our fate and we can decide which path we choose and go on. Yes, there will be numerous challenges on our way. Yes, there shall be a few earthquakes and floods and things that bring us down. But, its the way one soars after being pulled down each time that matters. 

There are lot of people or rather characters that influence our story. They may influence our decisions or bring about a plot twist or setback in our story but again the pen is in our hands. We are the captain. The final decision is in our hands.  We have the power to control our thought. We have the power to control our attitude.

A thought that comes to my mind is that what about instances when something bad happens? Lets say one gets fired from their job. That may not be one's destiny. This is just another flood in our life; something influencing our story. Some people may go down and drown with the flood and some may swim through it an survive. It's all about the attitude and thought in life. Someone may come across a serious injury and accept it and happily pass away to heaven abode; nothing bad in it at all, they wrote their ending and it was what they wanted,that was one's happy ending. Some may try and try to survive this earthquake and yet fail but I'd say that's not failure; giving up because you think its too tough is failure because nothing is impossible. 

Another thing is death. People don't want to die but eventually they have to. Its just the way it works. You may live as long as 400 years but it has to end. One day it has to. That is the all eternal end but fate here is how you live your live. The future of all the small events in our life. 

There are a few lines from a song I would quote:
"He said,One day, you'll leave this world behindSo live a life you will remember"

What matters is how we live our lives. With happiness and glory or sadness and misery.

We all can surely make our fate better. Better and happier. We have the power to do that. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Saturday 4 November 2023

Why is forgiveness important? - Ritesh Gaire

Forgiveness is an act of letting go of the past and making ourselves light of the burden that we get because of some specific reasons.

It is good to forgive one, not to make him or her sound, but to make yourself light of the burden we hold in our minds. Some mistakes can be overlooked easily, but some go so deep in our hearts that we get many problems. Holding on to emotions and not letting go of past memories can affect us in many ways. It affects our concentration, health, and many other daily activities. For example, we get into arguments with our friends often, and when we don't talk with them after an argument, it feels very bad, and our hearts feel heavy until we forgive and forget it.

It is perfect to forgive. Forgiveness does not always come from the inside, but sometimes, we must move on. Forgiveness builds good relationships with each other. It does not completely repair the broken relationship, but slowly and gradually, it improves it. Hence, forgiveness is essential.
Ritesh Gaire
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy-Radiance Functional Medicine

Forgiveness - Tenzin Nyesel

A very famous line said:

"When you forgive, you heal.
When you let go, you grow."
When we suffer through harsh times in any relationship, it's hard to think about forgiving the other person. On that, it's harder to move on from that situation. That's the time when we start thinking about ourselves. The time when we think, "If I say 'this' to that person, what will my image be towards her or him? What does that person think about me?
As time goes on, slowly and gradually, we realize our actions and the words we said at that time. We start getting feelings of guilt, sorrow, and anger. We start reflecting on those mistakes and the ego we have been holding. That's the time when we let go of dirty stains from our clean, white life. We try to get things together.

This reflection concludes with a line:
"Forgiveness is not just to forget and move on; it's about remembering it without the anger."

Tenzin Nyesel
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Forgiveness - Tenzin Jambey

In the journey of our lives, we come across many situations that result in the destruction of our peace of mind. Sometimes, we mistakenly hurt someone. It really feels bad when others don't accept your apology and when you are not forgiven for the mistake you made.

We humans are not perfect; we make mistakes as we take every step in our lives. Sometimes, our actions hurt the sentiments of others, which results in the birth of hate in others for us. When we ask for forgiveness from others, some accept it, but some people don't forgive the mistakes made by children. A few days ago, my football went on the roof of the neighbour's house. I went to get it and called out the uncle. He came outside, and I quickly greeted him and said sorry in a polite manner. Still, I ended up getting terribly scolded by him. If I look from one side, what he did was right, as I should have cared for him while playing, as it could have broken the things in his house, but if I were in his place, I would have given the child advice rather than scolding him. When we get scolding from others, it makes us feel a bit restricted, and from now on, we feel a bit scared and down to do things again, like playing. If we don't forgive the mistakes of the younger ones, they will never be able to enjoy their childhood, and they will feel that they have made the biggest mistake, which will affect their minds.
Forgiveness is essential, especially when it comes to children. Through this reflection, we are smart enough to know when to forgive and when not. Forgiveness depends on the situation and dimensions. We know which things should be ignored and which are to be punished. Even though forgiveness stands higher than punishment, humans still follow this practice as we don't have any options, and there are no such questions for forgiveness for the people who willingly indulge in activities like crimes, murders, and rape. Therefore, forgiveness is essential, depending on the situation and people's actions. We should know when and where to forgive and when not.
In the case of children, we must forgive as they will make thousands of mistakes, and they will not do what is right and wrong. They like a mountain lake that is pure and calm, but sometimes, they take the form of hurricanes and irritate others a lot. But this act of theirs makes us feel happy and reminds us of our old days in the future. Someday, forgiveness binds us together. Suppose the neighbour's uncle forgives the kid who broke his window twice or three times and still possesses a sense of forgiveness. In that case, it makes the uncle a hero in the eyes of the kid, and who knows, in the future, the kid will become a famous person and come to visit you with gifts and old-time memories.
The art of forgiveness works differently for different ages of people. The easiest, simplest, and most effective one is forgiving children. I still remember the uncle who returned my football whenever it went into his house. He never got angry, and he did forgive me when I broke his house's window. He used to give me advice, "Child, this is the right time to enjoy and create trouble for others, as in the future you will never get to experience it." His words really reflected upon me. As I take each step daily, I am expected to do well and make the fewest mistakes.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestallozi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy- Dreamstime

Why forgiveness is important? - Tulsi Karki

Forgiveness is part of healing and letting go of the past. Holding on to negative emotions may cause too much burden on our minds. Forgiveness is not for others but for us. For example, when a teacher is angry over something, a student asks some questions. He/she gets severe scolding from the teacher. The student feels bad and talks negatively about that very teacher. But later, if the same student finds difficulties in understanding any chapter and has to learn from the same teacher. That student won't feel uncomfortable asking for help because he or she has forgiven that teacher. Here, the student gets the benefit and gets to learn many things. If that student held grudges towards the teacher, would he or she ever get to know that chapter? No, because holding grudges and never forgiving teachers would not help the student.

Forgiveness can lead to healthier relationships. It shows how much strength we have and how we manage to pull through the hard times. 

Tulsi Karki
Pestallozi Children's Village Society
Image courtesy- Experience life- lifetime

Thinking for oneself - Nishan Karki

Thinking for oneself

"Its starting point has always been a willingness to think for oneself, a feeling of respect and concern for our fellow creatures, and a refusal to be complicit in abuse, and people of such conviction come from everywhere." —Matthew Scully
Thinking for oneself is one of the most important parts of life. It plays a crucial role in one's life. One should also think about his own motives instead of those of others. Well, it is also important to think for others, but before that, thinking for oneself is more crucial.
Arthur Schopenhauer, a German philosopher, said that:
A library may be very large, but if it is in disorder, it is less useful than one that is small but well-arranged. In the same way, a man may have a great mass of knowledge, but if he has yet to work it up by thinking it over for himself, it has much less value than a far smaller amount that he has thoroughly pondered.

So, one may have a great deal of knowledge, but if he does not use it wisely and in a fruitful manner by thinking it over for himself, his knowledge is worthless. He should utilize his knowledge to do good for himself and, thus, for others. He should not let it go to waste and always try to gain from it. If only he gains from his knowledge by thinking it over for himself, his knowledge will be valuable.

Nishan Karki
Class 10
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy- wikiHow

Friday 3 November 2023

Learning Forward with Dr Niti Rana

Coming Soon Learning Forward Podcast
with Dr Niti Rana, in conversation with Anvesha and Rishona

Dr Niti Rana is the founder of Rakshya Nepal, an organisation established in 2008 to address the issue of school bullying. Through her work, Dr Rana has significantly contributed to raising awareness about and combating school bullying in Nepal. Her organisation, Rakshya Nepal, works towards creating safe and inclusive learning environments for students by implementing anti-bullying programs and providing support to victims of bullying. Dr. Niti Rana's dedication and efforts have positively impacted the lives of many students in Nepal.

Read more in the book School Bullying: Peer Victimisation and How to Deal with It.

Wednesday 1 November 2023

The Tree - Sakshi Singh


In the forest deep, A tree stands tall. Dancing free is a sight to see. With every breeze they seem to play, birds find a place safe from storms and the world's alarms.
"O kind soul, please spare me. Even I am part of nature's life. I breathe for the earth and dance with the sky. From the wood that builds your shelter to the papers you write, I serve in countless ways, from morning until night."
Let's cherish and protect them; they are vital to every living being. The blessings they bring, for together, we find harmony in this living thing.
Sakshi Singh
Gyanshree School
Image Courtesy-

Reflections Since 2021