Monday 22 April 2024

Significance of Jataka Tales- Anmol Kashyap

Jataka tales, originating from Buddhist literature, are profound narratives that carry immense significance across cultures. These stories depict the previous lives of the Buddha, known as Bodhisattva, before attaining enlightenment.

Through various characters and scenarios, Jataka tales convey moral teachings and spiritual wisdom. One key aspect of Jataka tales is their emphasis on virtues such as compassion, kindness, and selflessness. Each story showcases the Bodhisattva embodying these qualities, serving as an example for others to follow.

By illustrating the positive outcomes of virtuous actions, Jataka tales inspire readers to cultivate these qualities in their own lives. Furthermore, Jataka tales highlight the concept of karma, the law of cause and effect.

They illustrate how one's actions, both good and bad, shape their future experiences and spiritual progress. This teaching encourages individuals to be mindful of their deeds and strive for virtuous conduct to create positive outcomes in their lives. Moreover, Jataka tales provide valuable insights into human nature and the complexities of life.

Anmol Kashyap
Sunbeam School, Lahartara 

Knowledge Vs Learning - Tejas Kumar

Knowledge and Learning are closely related but distinct concepts. Knowledge refers to the information, facts, and understanding a person possesses about a particular subject or the world. It involves knowing specific details, principles, or theories.

Learning, on the other hand, is the process through which knowledge is acquired or absorbed. It encompasses the activities, experiences, and efforts involved in gaining new information, skills, or understanding.

Learning can occur through various means such as formal education, informal experiences, observation, or self-study. While having knowledge is a part of being educated, it is not the sole factor. Education involves more than just accumulating facts or information. 

It also encompasses critical thinking, problem-solving skills, creativity, communication abilities, and a broader understanding of the world. Education is about applying knowledge, adapting to new situations, and continuously seeking to expand one's understanding and skills.

In essence, having knowledge is a component of being educated, but true education involves the ongoing process of learning, growth, and development across various aspects of life.

-Tejas Kumar
-IX 'D'

People and their differing aims - Tejash

Happiness: Many people strive to lead a happy and fulfilling life. This might involve pursuing activities, relationships, and experiences that bring joy and satisfaction.

Success: Success can be defined in various ways, such as achieving career goals, financial stability, personal accomplishments, or making a positive impact on others.

Health: Maintaining good physical and mental health is essential for overall well-being. People often aim to lead a healthy lifestyle through exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management.

Meaningful Relationships: Building and nurturing meaningful connections with family, friends, and romantic partners is a fundamental aspect of life for many people.

Personal Growth: Continuously learning and growing as individuals is important for self-improvement and development. This could involve acquiring new skills, gaining knowledge, or working on personal qualities.

 Sunbeam School, Lahartara 

Importance of Leadership - Shubhangi Kashyap

Importance of Leadership

Leadership is pivotal in nation-building, providing direction, motivation, and decision-making. A leader's vision inspires citizens, fostering unity and trust. Effective leadership manages change, fosters innovation, and promotes inclusivity, vital for societal progress.

By nurturing international relations, leaders secure peace and cooperation. Transformative leadership enacts reforms, leaving lasting legacies that shape a nation's future.

However, leadership alone cannot determine a nation's destiny; societal, economic, and cultural factors also influence its development. Yet, a strong leader can galvanize collective action, navigate challenges, and steer the nation towards prosperity, leaving an indelible mark on its history.

Shubhangi Kashyap
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

What is Faggot Bearer?- Animesh Kashyap

What is Faggot Bearer?

PC- Pinterest

A "Faggot Bearer" is a critical component in traditional timber framing, specifically in roof structures. This horizontal timber beam runs parallel to the rafters, providing essential support for their ends. 

The term "Faggot" originates from bundles of sticks or small wood pieces historically used in construction. Positioned at regular intervals along the roof's length, these bearers distribute the weight of the roof evenly, ensuring structural integrity and preventing sagging. 

While the term may have historical connotations, it's purely technical in contemporary construction, denoting a vital element in traditional timber-framed buildings, particularly in regions with a heritage of such construction methods.

-By Animesh Kashyap
-Class- IX D
-Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Reflection of the week - Sunday 21st April 2024

- From Jataka Tales - 

1. Which language were Jataka Tales written in? When were they written?

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why? 

3. What learnings can we take away from the story "King Makhadevas Grey Hairs "?

4. What are the things one aims for in life?

5. What learnings can we take away from the story "The Cold Half Of The Month "?

- From The Hidden Life Of Trees - 

1. What is Gulliver in Lilliput about?

2. What can we learn from the "Tree or Not Tree" chapter?

3. What is coppicing?

4. How is Trees' age measured?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!  

You can email your reflections to - Feel free to call Neetu, Monday to Friday, 10 am to 7 pm, +91 135 2710958

Monday 15 April 2024

What Are Jataka Tales? - Shambhavi Nautiyal

What are Jataka Tales? What do you know about them?

Jataka Tales are a voluminous body of literature which is a compound of stories from the life of Gautam Buddha as well as his previous births.

In these stories, the future Buddha may appear as a king, an outcast, a deva, an animal—but, in whatever form, he exhibits some virtue that the tale thereby inculcates. Often, Jātaka tales include an extensive cast of characters who interact and get into various kinds of trouble - whereupon the Buddha character intervenes to resolve all the problems and bring about a happy ending. The Jātaka genre is based on the idea that the Buddha was able to recollect all his past lives and thus could use these memories to tell a story and illustrate his teachings.

Did the story connect with you today and why?

I think, yes, it did connect with me in some manner. For instance, I like that the king, at least, tried providing for his illegitimate child in the form of a signet ring, because that doesn’t happen often. Most of the time, women get estranged in such cases, by both their parents and the father of the child.

I was also able to relate when the king tried denying the fact that it was his son who had come to the court since although it wasn’t upright, it’s something we all have done in our lives- trying to deny a mistake due to shame and fear of being judged but I was glad when the kind got over it and owned his ‘mistake’ as he had thought.

And I feel like we all can take away something from this, even after thousands of years,i.e., that no child should be denied their parental love despite whatever society might think. This resonates with a thought I came across right after the class, “You need to fully experience the karmic cycle to break free from it” as only after he tried denying it did he realise its ramifications and started operating from a standpoint of love.

So for me, the moral of the story is ‘Own whatever you do, because, after some point, they will get to know about it anyway.'

Shambhavi Nautiyal 
Class- 10
Ahlcon Public School

Sunday 14 April 2024

Reflection of the week - 14th April 2024

Jataka Tales

1. What are Jataka Tales? What do you know about them?

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why? 

3. What learnings can we take away from the story "The King and the Stick Gatherer "?

4. What is a faggot bearer?

The Guru Nanak docuseries

1. Difference between knowledge and learning - Does having only knowledge make you educated?

2. Importance of leadership? How can leaders change the nation?

3. What does it mean to be living mindfully?

4. Live a conscious living

5. What did you learn from the episode today?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! 

You can email your reflections to -

Post courtesy Rishona Chopra.

Monday 8 April 2024

Jataka Tales: Stories of Virtue and Enlightenment - Shaurya Chaturvedi

"Enlightenment is not a destination, but a journey paved with stories of compassion and wisdom."

Jataka Tales are an extensive collection of stories that originated in ancient India within the Buddhist tradition. They recount the various past lives of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as the Buddha, before his enlightenment. Each tale illustrates moral lessons and ethical principles through the experiences and actions of the Buddha in his previous incarnations.

The Jataka Tales often feature a wide array of characters, including humans, animals, and mythical beings, engaging in diverse scenarios and settings. These stories are not only entertaining but also serve as powerful vehicles for conveying Buddhist teachings on virtues such as kindness, compassion, generosity, selflessness, and wisdom.

Throughout the tales, the Buddha-to-be demonstrates exemplary behavior, facing challenges, making sacrifices, and ultimately embodying the virtues central to Buddhist practice. By reflecting on these stories, practitioners seek to cultivate these virtues in their own lives, thereby progressing on the path toward enlightenment.

The Jataka Tales have been passed down through oral tradition and later written down in various versions, becoming an integral part of Buddhist literature and culture. They continue to be studied, recited, and interpreted by Buddhists worldwide as a source of inspiration and guidance on the journey to spiritual awakening.

Shaurya Chaturvedi 
Class - IX D
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara 

A Metaphor for Life: The Climb to Success - Animesh Kashyap

The best view comes after the hardest climb.

The adage "The best view comes after the hardest climb" encapsulates a profound truth about life's challenges and accomplishments. This saying extends beyond the literal act of climbing a physical mountain; it is a metaphor for the journey one undertakes to achieve success or overcome obstacles.

Some challenges and hurdles in every individual's life demand perseverance, dedication, and resilience. These challenges are akin to ascending a steep and arduous mountain. The climb may be exhausting, testing one's physical and mental limits, but it is during this struggle that character is shaped and strengths are revealed.

The metaphorical mountain represents goals, dreams, or aspirations. It symbolizes the path to personal and professional success. As individuals encounter obstacles, setbacks, and difficulties, they embark on a metaphorical ascent, facing the uphill battle of life's complexities. The journey is often filled with uncertainties, requiring determination and the willingness to endure hardships.

Animesh Kashyap
Class-IX D
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Passion, Commitment, and the Journey to Success - Shambhavi Nautiyal

"Fuel your journey with passion, but anchor it with commitment. Success awaits those who walk the path with dedication."

Passion is a barely controllable emotion, and that’s wholly true if you ask me: Anyone can strongly hate or love a subject or job inexplicably, but this is where ‘commitments’ enter the chat. Whether we like something or not, if we want to enhance our skills and achieve a specific goal, we have to work towards our goal consistently. 

If we aim to succeed, we have to set aside all our distractions and “passions,” other than the passion for working hard and becoming successful. To remind ourselves of the spark and determination we had while setting our goals, we should remind ourselves of our purpose through vision-boarding and reading the transcript written at the time of goal-setting. 

Because our results seem unknown, we feel demotivated to work (which is pleasant in a way as it indicates our self-awareness), which is why we should romanticize the process of working and make that our goal. Consistency and discipline make up our commitments and should be our only goal.

Leave the rest to God.

Shambhavi Nautiyal

Hope: The Eternal Guiding Light - Reveda Bhatt

"Hope is the anchor that keeps the soul afloat in the stormy seas of life."

Hope keeps us alive - it's the driving force that propels us forward, yearning for a better life, an enduring existence, or simply happiness in any form. Hope is the guiding light along life's journey, essential for reaching our destination. Without hope, life would be impossible.

Consider the marginalized communities within our society; despite facing adversity, they persist, fueled by hope. It's their belief that life will improve somewhere along the way that sustains their efforts.

Hope is akin to sight for the blind - an intangible force that guides us through darkness. It's like a beacon for sailors navigating treacherous waters, illuminating their path amidst the vast expanse of the night sky. Just as a star dims without hope, so too would our spirit’s falter.

Hope transcends barriers and fuels our aspirations. It's a vital force that sustains us, even in our darkest hours.

‘Hope’ you understand what I mean!

Reveda Bhatt

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Is it what we do that matters or the attitude behind it? - Rishona Chopra

PC- Medium
"Hard work"-  the term says a lot in itself. It talks about "working hard". It's doing the things you do with full dedication and perseverance. It is about exploring and going out of your comfort zone and doing those things with full dedication. Hard work isn't limited to being industrious but also to branching out and challenging yourself to do something new and "hard " for you. 

A very common situation is related to our studies. I personally have my own likes and dislikes for school subjects but then you can't leave a subject you don't like. Even if it's something that you absolutely dislike, one has to do it. Now, even if one works hard and studies that one subject diligently, a very important thing is the attitude we do it with. Do we do it for the sake of marks or do we do it because we know it's vital and because we are eager to learn?

Our attitude towards something changes our perception towards it and improves the quality of our work. Not just now, in our school years but also in our future endeavours. It's not just what we do, it's the intention behind it. One can work in a profession of service and help several others but is that person in that profession for the money and fame behind it or because they really care? The intentions not only show in our quality of work but also affect our state of well-being. 

While studying something that differs from one's interest, if we find little joy in doing it, then it may become easy for us! 

In life, things can never always go the way we want them to go. People are different, their thoughts are different and so are their actions. The only thing in our control is our actions, thoughts and feelings. The feeling of co-operation and an optimistic learning attitude is what creates the difference. 

It's the difference in our attitude that makes "hard work" not so hard after all!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VIII 
Gyanshree School

The Seer and the Seen - Rishona Chopra

Photo by
The question about who we really are often bugs me. Who are we? Are we the mind? The body? Or are we the soul? 

There is a simple philosophy to finding this out. "The Seer Is Not The Seen". If I am seeing a plant, that means I am not the plant. So I, the seer, am not the plant (the seen). Now, I can see my body, that also means that we are NOT our body. We know our feelings and thoughts so in a way we can see our thoughts. But if we can see our thoughts that means we are not our thoughts so if we are not the body and not the mind, who are we? 

We are the conscious; our soul. But is my soul different from yours? No, we are all the same conscious and have the same guiding lights within us. We are only so different in our thoughts and body but we are all the same. 

The "God" we look for in temples and photos is within us. Our conscious and guiding light is God. Going by the definition, God is the creator and the light within us, in fact, the creator is the very reason for our existence. God is not living on Jupiter and noting our deeds in his long register. It's a power within us and that's what makes humans so special. We have the power to choose and to create. 

Let us take the example of two pots kept in a room. In that room air flows. Both pots also enclose air in them. But can we see that the air in one pot is different from the other? No, not at all. The air in both of them is just the same. Can we also say that the air enclosed within the pot is the "pot's air" alone? The same air is enclosed in the room too. 

Similarly, consciousness is one, but we assume each has a different soul by looking at different thoughts and looks. But the soul in each is the same and one. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII 
Gyanshree School

Questions I ask - Rishona Chopra

Photo from
ature is so perfect,
But why are we so wrecked? Why are we with flaws? Why do humans have the habit of going against the laws? Why aren’t all of us patient and kind? Pure and with a clean mind.

Why do people steal?
Why do people not feel?
Why do we lie and cheat?
Why are people poor and on the street?

When I ask these questions, I realize,
I don't have to look for the answer up in the skies.
The answer is within me,
I am the holder of the key.

God is the fuel of the car,
Helps the car move like a bright star.
But it's the driver’s fault that the car has met an accident,
The fuel isn’t responsible for the mistakes and accidents.

God has given us this body and mind,
Given endless freedom to humankind.
Gave us materials so we have enough food,
But we’re the ones who wrongly viewed.
We made alcohol and tobacco,
We blamed god for our troubles although,
We were the ones to blame,
We were lost in making money and fame.

God gave us the mind,
We had an option to be kind.
But we’re the ones who made the other choice.
And lost the pureness in our voice.

Rishona Chopra
Gyanshree School
Grade VIII

Monday 18 March 2024

International Mother Language Day- Shambhavi Nautiyal

International Mother Language Day

The indispensableness of knowing our mother language is understood by all of us. It connects us with indigenous culture, people, traditions, and history. It helps us learn where we come from and who our ancestors were, as they are who we are since we are compact from our ancestors. They reside in our bodies, shower us with blessings, and guide us from the subtle realms.

A testament to this is in the fact that we can find fragments of our ancestors in our countenance, devolved virtues and values, how our ancestors can find semblances of them in us and how they can tell with a single glance that we belong to their lineage just by the aura and mien we have may they be dead or alive. To me, connection with my mother language means connection with my ancestors, who may be from a millennium ago or just a generation ago.

The expressions, slang, speech, and literature in their era let me know what kind of people they were, how the times gone were and how it would feel getting to know them. By learning about our mother tongue, we get to know them through word of mouth or writing, which may divulge the allegory of their life, how they reacted to their plight and what I can learn from that.

Even though in the present times we have several translations of our scriptures, and I own to have read them too yet, there is an implicitly distinct sentiment of being connected to your roots, almost like watering the roots of a tree and maybe even discerning how our past life had been like because there is a reason for everything, including why we were born on this part of the universe, belonging to our peculiar ethnicity, may we be aware of it or not.

The reason for that is to learn something new and succeed in our spiritual advancement by picking up something from this realm, the people surrounding us, and the language of our ancestors bequeathed to us. And that's why try at least learning to be fluent in speaking our mother language.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Ahlcon Public School
Grade- IX

Tribute to Parents- Shambhavi Nautiyal

How can you give tribute to your parents?

I tell my mother that I love her at least eight times a day and try to act as infantile as I try not to hurt her feelings and, in its truest sense, make her feel happy. Ever since my infancy, the dynamic has been like that, and I can never ignore how her face brightens. That’s maybe the reason I am not able to implement my emotional maturity with her because I still feel like I’m five and, so I’m not able to act my actual age until we have some ‘grown-up talk’ because I don’t feel like a thing has changed between me and her and, I hope that she can constructively share her experiences in the future so that I can view her as a rational adult willing enough to understand me and forgive me in the best way that she can.

To pay tribute to your parents, you can write letters of admiration for them, maybe like a ‘Thank You Letter’.  I'm going to be doing this for this 'Mother’s Day'.  It is on occasions like this when I feel like I can be inherently open about my feelings without the fear of getting roasted or hit by the reality of the nature of my conduct towards my mother. I don't feel shy about speaking sweetly to my parents, and I feel like that as that’s how I have been wired by the media I consume.

I am pretty bad at the respect part, I believe, because my parents keep telling me that and this is probably the first time I am mentioning my ‘darker side’ or mistakes in one of these blogs. What I have focused till now is more on the flaws of my parent’s parenting skills, and I have also recently discovered that I have had the ‘perfectionist syndrome’ in some way because I used to think of things as black and white, so I couldn’t bring myself to love and forgive both mine and others’ mistakes.

So now I just want to say to my parents, “I am so proud to be your daughter, both of you, equally and  I think I realise your true value and role in my life journey and mindset” because I don’t know when or if I would ever be able to say this to their face, because you know it’s easier with friends because they only show their best side to you but with family, it’s different. You know each other inside-out and if you’re able to love each other unconditionally despite that, then you are gold and the luckiest person on earth with one of the best subconscious minds and emotional patterns.

There is conflict in families only when, one of the members isn’t able to accept, forgive and love the other member’s mistakes and starts shaming them for being an irresponsible human, which sometimes may also be unfeasible which is why you should always do the inner work and healing so that you don’t create an unhealthy environment for others.

According to me, if the toxic member happens to be you, then question yourself, if their mistake is something changeable. If yes, immediately call out your toxic behaviour and remind yourself that it’s okay to be human and commit mistakes. Never make someone hate themselves to the degree that they can’t ignore it anymore. Also, if you want to get tribute then you need to make yourself worthy of it first, whether child or parent, don’t make your behaviours nullify all the formal work that you do, especially, to the point, that your child or parent, isn’t able to remember all your good efforts.

First, learn to love yourself and then propagate it to others because it all starts from the self if you ever want to become a parent, keep questioning yourself- Would you want your child to go through something you're going through at the moment? And to the person who observes this kind of ‘behaviour’, first, acknowledge what’s happening to you and then slowly start empathizing with the other member, be the bigger person and forgive them. Kill them with kindness and it shall all come back to you. Just try maintaining that abundance mindset and pay your tribute.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Ahlcon Public School
Grade- IX

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Injustice according to Guru Nanak - Sakshi Singh

In Guru Nanak's view, injustice isn't just a problem in society; it's like a sickness in our souls. When we mistreat others, we're straying from what's right and ignoring the fact that we all have a special spark inside us. 

Thinking about this, I realize how important it is for us to look out for each other, speak up against unfairness, and ensure everyone is treated equally and kindly. 

It's like a reminder that we must live in a way that respects others, following the wise teachings of Guru Nanak.

Sakshi Singh
Grade X
Gyanshree school

Monday 11 March 2024

Seize the moment - Saikiran Sahu

Seize the moment 

The memories once that were present-

The present we didn't value.

The only times when we keep pondering,  

On our sad past and tense future.

Forgetting those precious pearls-  

That is in our hands now and will not be forever. 

For now, we all beg for our past -

And some reminisce about it and some cry over it,

As if it could have been changed just by blaming. 

Then comes our future as if there is a portal to it,

You overthink and spend that time-

that's continuously moving out of your hand.

So why not do something more useful,

Build memories that are as sweet as honey,

To be worth cherished and to be looked back.

The precious souvenir of every perfect time with your- 

Loved one or the deeds that make people happy,

And most of all that makes you, yourself merry.

It is better than living a life where people are always-

Remising about decisions that they were influenced about. 

Live the present as if it is the last day to be spent  

Because life is all about having no repent!

Saikiran Sahu


Gyanshree School

Image Courtesy-Verywell Mind

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Navigating Grief - Sakshi Singh


Dealing with someone you love

Losing someone you love is tough. It hurts, and you feel sad, confused, and lost. Whether it's a family member, friend, or even a pet, the pain is real. Let's talk about how people feel and cope when someone they love dies.

At first, it's a big shock. You might feel like everything is falling apart, and it's hard to believe it's real. You might feel numb or not really there.

Then, anger can kick in. You might feel mad at the world, yourself, or even the person who died. You might wonder why it happened and wish things were different. It's confusing because there are lots of mixed-up feelings.

Next, there's bargaining. You might try to make deals with yourself or with a higher power to change what happened. You might feel guilty or wish you could turn back time. But deep down, you know things can't go back to how they were.

Depression can hit hard. You realize the person you love is really gone, and life feels empty. Things that used to make you happy don't anymore. It's okay to feel sad and ask for help during this time.

Finally, there's acceptance. It's when you start to find peace with what happened. You know the pain won't go away completely, but you can still live your life. You find ways to remember and honor the person you lost.

Everyone copes with loss differently. But talking to friends, family, or a therapist can help you feel less alone. Doing things that make you feel good, like exercising or being creative, can also help. And finding ways to remember the person you love, like through rituals or acts of kindness, can bring comfort.

Losing someone you love is really tough, but with support and self-care, you can get through it. It's okay to feel sad, and healing takes time. Remember, you're not alone, and there's hope for brighter days ahead.

Sakshi Singh
Grade X
Gyanshree School

Monday 4 March 2024

The Growth Of Social Networking - Etash Deb

Image courtesy, used by Etash Deb for representation only. 


Social media has come a long way since its early days as a place to chat with friends and to promote small-scale businesses. Now, it's evolved into a major marketing tool for businesses all around the world.

Back when social media started, sites like MySpace and Friendster were where you'd go to connect with friends and share updates about your life. But then, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter came along and changed everything.

Nowadays, these platforms aren't just for chatting with friends; they're where businesses go to connect with customers. Take Instagram, for instance. It used to be all about sharing cool photos with your followers. But now, businesses use it to showcase their products and connect with potential buyers. Influencers, who have lots of followers, play a big role too. When they endorse a product, it reaches a huge audience.

Twitter is another example. It started as a place to post short messages, but now businesses use it to interact with customers, share news, and even provide customer service.

The key to social media marketing is engagement. Businesses need to create content that people want to like, share, and comment on. That's how they build a following and reach new customers.

But it's not just about posting ads. Businesses also need to engage with their followers. That means responding to comments, answering questions, and being a part of the conversation.

Overall, like all things in life, change is inevitable. Social media has evolved from something insignificant for mankind to a vital development tool. It has evolved from simple networking platforms into powerful marketing tools. It's changed how businesses connect with customers and has been going strong for a while. Thus with the growing development of the world, the ever-growing expansion of social media is also inevitable.

Etash Deb


Gyanshree School

Image Reference-

Insights from "What Did You Ask At School Today" - Ritu Jain

 Unlocking the Keys to Motivation in Education

"Action isn’t just the effect of motivation, but also the cause of it".

We tend to think that we have to wait for inspiration or energy to hit us, and we get deflated when it doesn't come. We might think that we're doing something motivating or proactive when, in fact, we're not.

Motivation – a word that holds the power to drive us towards our goals, to fuel our aspirations, and to propel us through the challenges we face. Yet, despite its significance, understanding motivation, especially in the context of education, remains a complex endeavor. In the thought-provoking book "What Did You Ask At School Today: A Handbook Of Child Learning Book 1" by Kamala V. Mukunda," the essence of motivation is explored, shedding light on its intricacies and its pivotal role in the learning process.

The book begins with a chapter on how the human brain develops and learns from infancy. It 'peers into the brain', using insights from great scientific studies of the past as well as from modern technology, to explain neurogenesis and learning. 

"What makes us do the things we do? What motivates us to begin an activity, and keep it up until some goal is achieved, sometimes even in the face of great difficulty?" This fundamental question sets the stage for a deeper exploration into the dynamics of motivation. While the answer may vary from person to person and situation to situation, there exists a universal aspect to motivation – the inherent capacity within all human beings to be motivated.

The passage underscores an essential insight: the perception of someone as 'unmotivated' often stems from their deviation from the expectations of others. As educators, understanding this distinction is crucial, as it allows us to navigate the complexities of motivation in the classroom effectively. When students exhibit enthusiasm for learning, teaching transcends mere instruction; it becomes an enriching experience, characterized by mutual growth and fulfilment. Conversely, in the absence of motivation, even the most meticulously crafted lessons can seem futile, dissipating into a void of disinterest and frustration.

In essence, the heart of effective teaching lies in answering the pivotal question: "How do I motivate my students to learn?" This question encapsulates the essence of the educator's journey – a quest to unlock the keys to student engagement, curiosity, and intrinsic drive. It beckons us to delve into the myriad factors that influence motivation, from the allure of discovery to the impact of environment and personal agency.

At its core, motivation in education is not merely about coaxing compliance or incentivizing performance; it is about nurturing a genuine passion for learning, a thirst for knowledge that transcends the confines of the classroom. It requires fostering a supportive and empowering educational ecosystem where students feel valued, challenged, and inspired to embark on intellectual adventures.

In conclusion, "What Did You Ask At School Today: A Handbook Of Child Learning Book 1" by Kamala V. Mukunda" serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact of motivation on the educational experience. It beckons educators to embrace the challenge of nurturing motivation in their students, recognizing it as a cornerstone of meaningful learning and personal development. 

So let us embark on this transformative journey together, fueled by the belief in the boundless potential of motivated minds.

Ritu Jain
General Manager @My Good School 

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Small Acts of Service - Divyanshu Agarwal

image courtesy -, used by Divyanshu Agarwal only

Small Acts of Service Help Change Lives

The small act of kindness reforms the lives of others who are not that capable of handling their daily needs. We are very much thankful to God that our parents are capable enough to provide us a happy life. Small acts of service can put a smile on the faces of underprivileged people. 

Acts of kindness make the earth a better place to live. We can donate money to charity. We can have scholarship schemes for children. We can donate our old books to the government schools Which don't have a good schooling facility. donate blood, so that those who don't have money can healthily live their lives. 

We should not discriminate or judge anyone based on their money or education status. Always try to bring a smile to the faces of others. Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness is a way to honour those needy individuals.
"There is no higher religion than human service to work for the common good is the greatest creed."      - Woodrow Wilson


Divyanshu Agarwal (XD)
Sunbeam Schools And Hostel Laharatra 

Pamela Atkinson - Mridul Maheshwari

image courtesy -, used by Mridul Maheshwari for representation only

Pamela Atkinson

Today we saw a video about Pamela Atkinson related to her social work - serving others or helping the poor. Pamela believes that 'even small acts of service help change lives. Small things make a difference". 

Over the years, working with the poor, Pamela has learned that service doesn't always need to be huge, it can even be small.

Pamela said, "We should look for opportunities to make a difference in other people's lives-which in turn, make a difference in our own."

  -Mridul Maheshwari (IX)
                                                      Sunbeam School Lahartara

Saturday 24 February 2024

Treasured Moments - Arfa Khan

Grandparents- The gems of life

Grandparents are gems. They become our advocates whenever our parents are mad at us. They are our endless support system and advice centre, and we know how to deal with our challenges. They have been through life with a lot of obstacles and challenging situations. 

Their experience shows them the importance of understanding and empathy in a relationship, so we share our secrets with them, and they understand. They even share their wise side - their core values and stories of the world with us. Even if they were strict with their own children, grandparents always showered us with all their love. 

They enjoy being grandparents, too; they love our company. In their autumn days, we bring joy and drive into them - a change from their daily habits of sitting idle. Sadly, they don’t have forever to live; as the years pass, they will soon leave us. All good things don’t last forever, but we can make the best of them. Spending more time with them would be lovely; that would cheer them up, and we would also make memories. 

Let's utilize the time with our grandparents while we still have it and create meaningful and lasting memories to remember!

Arfa Khan
Grade 8
Ahlcon Public School

Tuesday 20 February 2024

The True Success - Tenzin Nyesel

For me, Success means achieving a goal that you have set in your life. Even if it is just getting better marks in any subject.

Success is a feeling when you are well satisfied with what you have or got. Achieving success does not always mean becoming a topper in class or becoming a rich person. 

Sometimes it's just us who feel we have done better work that we couldn't do or attempt before.

Tenzin Nyesel
Class 10th,
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Reflections Since 2021