Saturday 27 July 2024

Reflections Vs Note-taking - Podcast by Ayush and Ahad

Ayush and Ahad thought they needed to explain the power of reflection and how making notes or sharing content is not reflection. You can listen to them on your preferred podcast app or on My Good School's YouTube channel (@MyGoodSchool).

Thursday 25 July 2024

Guru - Shubhangi Kashyap


The beacons of light illuminate our path. Guru Purnima offers us a chance to express our gratitude and reflect on the significant impact our Guru's guidance has had on our lives. 

A guru is more than just a teacher; they are a wellspring of inspiration and wisdom. They expand our horizons, shape our thoughts, and encourage us to chase our dreams. Their influence extends far beyond the classroom, enriching our lives in profound ways.

As we celebrate Guru Purnima, let us take a moment to appreciate their dedication and commitment. Let us also renew our commitment to applying the knowledge they’ve imparted to us and continue our journey of learning and growth.

Shubhangi Kashyap
Sunbeam Lahartara

My Good School - Pragyan Prashast

My experience at My Good School was wonderful this Sunday. In our session, we had the opportunity to read and discuss two stories.

Kabir and Guru Nanak

The first story we read was about Kabir and Guru Nanak, written by Sanvi Rai. The story provided us with insightful lessons and a deeper understanding of their teachings and journey.

The Brahmin's Spell

The second story was "The Brahmin's Spell." Through this story, I learnt several new and interesting words. Here are some of the words I came across:

  • Confederates
  • Identical
  • Dwelling
  • Marvellous
  • Peerless
  • Ignorant 
  • Asseveration
Pragyan Prashast
Sunbeam School, Lahartara 

Gautam Buddha’s Journey - Aradhy Mohan Jalan

Gautama Buddha's journey from prince to spiritual teacher is a profound tale of enlightenment and compassion. Born as Siddhartha Gautama around 563 BCE in Lumbini (present-day Nepal), he was destined for greatness. Despite his privileged upbringing, Siddhartha became aware of human suffering and sought a path to alleviate it.

At the age of 29, he renounced his royal comforts, leaving behind his palace and family, including his wife and newborn son. He embarked on a quest for truth, guided by a deep inner calling to understand the nature of existence, suffering, and the way to liberation.

For six years, Siddhartha wandered through forests and engaged in rigorous ascetic practices with various teachers. Despite his severe discipline, he did not find the answers he sought. Realizing the futility of extreme austerity, he decided to meditate under a bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, Bihar.

On the full moon night of Vesakha, at the age of 35, Siddhartha attained enlightenment. Sitting in deep meditation, he achieved profound insights into the nature of suffering (dukkha), its causes (craving and ignorance), and the path to its cessation (the Eightfold Path). Thus, he became the Buddha, the "Awakened One."

For the next 45 years, Buddha travelled across northern India, teaching the Dharma (the path to liberation) to all who would listen—kings, nobles, merchants, and the marginalized. He founded the Sangha, a community of monks and nuns who dedicated themselves to the practice and dissemination of his teachings.

Buddha's teachings emphasized the Four Noble Truths—suffering exists, suffering arises from attachment to desires, suffering ceases when attachment to desires ceases, and the Eightfold Path leads to the cessation of suffering.

Gautama Buddha's journey from prince to enlightened teacher continues to inspire millions worldwide, transcending time and culture with its message of compassion, mindfulness, and the pursuit of inner peace.

Aradhya Mohan Jalan 
Sunbeam School, Lahartara 

Heaven - Shambhavi Nautiyal

What does "Heaven" mean to me!

Place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.

I feel that being able to create and live freely is a piece of heaven on earth. If the gods reside in our heads in the form of good and pious thoughts, then, it would first be heaven in our heads and then outside of it. Being able to lead a life of balance and peace, sing loudly in the car, eat my favourite treats, learn new things, and accept my life all mean heaven to me. 

They are my energy givers and I designate them as my ‘heavenliness’ by enforcing gratitude. Romanticising every bit of my life and thinking that I am the main character as well as the people in my life, means heaven to me. My life means heaven to me. Being in my own company and being able to navigate life myself, means heaven to me. The helpers are the angels and my karma is my god.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Ahlcon Public School

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Where Passion Meets Education - Amardeep Singh

Amardeep Singh by Sandeep Dutt

Where Passion Meets Education

Read on Substack

Passion, purpose, and what is work?
Work, eat, sleep, recharge, and get to work again! The world is all about consumption; for Amardeep, Passion must work like the sea waves—ebb and tide. He shares what Passion means for him, his life, and his work, leaving a poignant message for young people. Amardeep is a harbinger of ‘Oneness’ and shares Guru Nanak’s life and work. He moved from being a banker to an avid traveller, tracing the footsteps of Guru Nanak.

We must go beyond the life of building bank balances to find fulfilment in life, what Passion means to us, and any activity that resonates within oneself and acts as a catalyst for developing one’s mind to achieve what your heart wishes. We pursue things close to us, do not mindlessly follow emotions, take activities, and yes, you are uncontrollable beyond reasoning. Overcome barriers, and when you pursue a passion, you will unfurl your life's purpose.

Where Passion Meets Education (WPME), the host, Sandeep Dutt, converses with passionate educators only once a month.

GSI Journal is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Why are we here?

Transforming Education  Discover our cutting-edge Curriculum and join our online school community. Open to everyone from 9 to 90+ #JoyOfLearning. 

  • Curriculum
  • Pedagogy 
  • The Impact - Assessment

We are the Good Schools Alliance (GSA)

  1. The 6 C's Curriculum
  2. Pedagogy - the method of teaching - My Good School (includes Internship), The Teacher's Academy (includes Fellowship), YouTube Channel (learning resources), and Book Cafe - champions our core message #ReadToLead
  3. Our focus is on promoting GSA and working with 25 Schools year-on-year. With limited schools, we will be able to ensure the personal and social development of every individual.
  4. Partners are not our Pedagogy or part of our Curriculum. They work with us on pilot programs—their own—and if the schools wish to connect with them, they are most welcome.

Please ask questions and give your feedback. We want to make GSA a leading school transformation agency in India. If you require assistance, please email Atom at You may message us by SMS, Telegram, or WhatsApp at +91 9811133900.

Sandeep Dutt
Founder Good Schools Alliance

Monday 22 July 2024

Varsha reporting from Sunbeam Lahartara Hostel

Mr. Paul - Director QCR&D, had an interactive session with the bright minds of the My Good School reading club at Sunbeam Lahartara Hostel. He delved into the significance of 'reflection' and had a truly enlightening discussion. Boarders also shared their views and learnings. Additionally, Sir had a stimulating chat with the Interns, guiding them through the many volunteer roles they can take on during the internship.

- Report filed by Varsha Banerjee from Sunbeam School Lahartara: She has signed up for the Fellowship Program with the GSA (Learning Forward India Foundation).

News from Sunbeam School Bhagwanpur

Mr P.V. Paul, Director of QCR&D, met the My Good School Sunday students and interns of Bhagwanpur. The session's objective was to understand the difference between note-making and reflection. For instance, what makes us happy and what doesn't reflect happiness. Pondering one's own ideas and feelings helps one grow personally and professionally. 

Reflection helps us find answers to questions in our minds and hearts. It also changes our perception of the world around us. 

The Sunday School aims to propagate this habit of writing reflection in the Sunday school attendees post the reading session.

- Apeksha Malviya from Sunbeam English School Bhagwanpur is part of the Good Schools Alliance's Impact Team and is pursuing the Fellowship Program. 

Importance of Reflection - Sunbeam Suncity

Mr Paul PV, our Director (QCR&D), recently met with the My Good School reading club members at the Suncity Hostel and had an insightful session with them. He emphasised the importance of 'reflection' and spoke with the Interns separately, explaining the various roles and functions they can volunteer for.

- Reoported by Debasree Ghosh, a passionate educator at Sunbeam Suncity, pursuing the Fellowship Program.

Autobiography of an Ant - Aadya Sharma

Image courtesy Canva Magic

Hello, dear readers! Today, I am here to tell you about my life as a creature around a million times smaller than an average human. I am Antie the ant; you must have seen me or one of my friends often. Truth be told, I am sincerely sorry for the times I bit you. I am a part of the super cool ‘Food Squad’ we have here on planet Ant. Our role is to collect food for the rainiest days and get all the food for us before the grasshoppers get their hands on it.

My life is like an elite hardcore gym workout where I usually train with weights up to three times my size! The only difference between me and you working out is that you get rest days, and I do not. Yesterday, I saw the most prominent and juiciest apple; it almost felt like I had discovered another planet on the ground. I immediately shouted out to the others. My comrades and I carried the apple to the queen, and she shrieked in awe. She is our leader and also the one who lays the eggs for more ants; you know, the more, the merrier!

Life is short, literally we only live upto a lucky number of a few decades. So we eat dessert first. My life is always exciting. I am snug as a bug in a rug, living in our anthill with my friends and family!

Aadya Sharma

Gyanshree School


Impact of the My Good School Program

On 21st July 2024, Mr P. V. Paul, Director of QCR&D, visited Sunbeam Varuna School and Hostel. During his visit, he interacted with the boarders and gathered feedback on the Sunday School reading sessions. The boarders shared that these sessions have significantly enhanced their vocabulary, reading, and writing skills. Some also mentioned that they have learned valuable morals and ethics.

Harsh Tiwari and Divyansh summarised the day's chapter, demonstrating their understanding and engagement with the material evidence.

Mr. Paul also had an exclusive meeting with the interns, where he discussed their roles and responsibilities. By contributing to these sessions, he emphasized how they can refine and apply their skills and potential.

Overall, the visit was highly interactive and fostered a more profound understanding among all participants.

The post is courtesy of Deeba Naqvi, a passionate educator at Sunbeam Varuna School and Hostel pursuing the Fellowship Program with the Learning Forward India Foundation.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Reflection of the week - Sunday 21st July 2024

Session Summary:

We played the 2 Girls 1 Mic Podcast - The conversation revolved around classic literature, reflection, and societal norms. Participants shared their perspectives on the significance and enduring appeal of classic novels like Pride and Prejudice and Little Women. We discussed the importance of reflection in understanding oneself and others. 

Reading Jatakas, which explored the challenges of societal norms, offered fresh perspectives on the role of women in historical contexts. 

Additionally, the speakers discussed the behaviour and adaptation of trees in response to climate change and brainstormed ideas for a newsletter and podcast for their school's JOL Diaries.
Link to the Session Summary

- Tune in to the Podcast 2 Girls and 1 Mic - 

- What does heaven mean to you? 

- Which is your favourite classic?

- From Jataka Tales - 

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?    

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?     

3. What learnings can we take away from the story today?   

4. What does "iniquity" mean?

5. Gender Equality 

6. How have things come along and changed in this world?

7. Change in mindset

- From Hidden Life Of Trees -     

1. Why do we read about trees in the first place?   

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?     

3. What learnings can we take away from the story today?   

4. Take a look at the trees growing around any small clearing

5. Characteristics of fungi. What is their role in the life of a tree?

6. Notice a fungi growing on a tree and mention how it looks. 

7. Why do trees grow downwards? Mention a tree that grows downwards. 

Read My Name is Cinnamon by Vikas Prakash Joshi. We will invite him to a meet and greet soon!

These are some suggestions. We're looking forward to your excellent and thoughtful reflections, which you can email to

Thursday 18 July 2024

2 Girls 1 Mic Episode 14

Listen to the podcast on your app or scan and play.

Join 2 Girls 1 Mic’s latest episode, where they dive into the enduring charm of classic literature. Hosts Simar and Oshi Singh as they unravel the timeless appeal of three beloved novels: Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility," along with Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women." They discuss what makes these classic novels so captivating and relevant. 

Highlighting themes of love, marriage, and societal expectations, they also delve into celebrating their warmth and enduring lessons. Tune in as they uncover the magic and significance of these timeless literary works, which resonate with readers of all ages. Whether you're revisiting these classics or discovering them for the first time, there's something profound and inspiring in their pages that transcends generations. 

Feel free to leave comments as you join us in this hearty and engaging discussion. We would love to read them!

Spotify Player

Monday 15 July 2024

Kabir and Guru Nanak - Sanvi Rai

Kabir and Guru Nanak, two great spiritual leaders and poets, have left behind a legacy of profound wisdom and teachings. 

One of Kabir's dohas that is close to my heart is-

 "ज्ञानी सों जानै जो अपनी ही बुद्धि 
पारस परस समुंद में हो गहरी फूल छाई", 

which translates to "The wise one is one who knows his own mind; just like a flower that shines deep in the water of the ocean." 

From the teachings of Guru Nanak, a verse that resonates with me is- 
"ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕੀ ਬਾਣੀ, ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਤੇ ਜਾਤਿਜਾਤਿ ",

which means "The Guru's Bani (teachings) transcends all social and cultural boundaries." These dohas are not only close to my heart but also reflect timeless wisdom and insights that are relevant to all aspects of life.
Sanvi Rai 
Sunbeam School, Bhagwanpur 

Righteousness - Sanvi Rai

Righteousness, in its deepest meaning, refers to a moral and ethical principle where an individual or entity acts in accordance with what is morally right and just. It involves upholding virtues such as honesty, integrity, fairness, and adherence to principles of justice and equity.

This concept often extends beyond mere legal compliance to encompass a sense of moral duty and responsibility towards others. Righteousness is rooted in a commitment to doing what is right, even in the face of adversity or temptation, and seeking justice and goodness for oneself and others.

"Righteousness in a deep sense refers to a strong moral or ethical quality that influences one's actions, decisions, and relationships with others. It involves a profound commitment to justice, honesty, integrity, and fairness, often rooted in personal values and beliefs."

Sanvi Rai
Sunbeam School, Bhagwanpur

Sunday 14 July 2024

Newsletter July 2024

Newsletter July 2024 by Rishona Chopra

Reflection of the week - Sunday 14th July 2024

Agochar (Seeing the Unseen): At the confluence of the seen and unseen waters, Guru Nanak, the discerning motivator, inspires to connect with the invisible flow within. "Allegory - A Tapestry of Guru Nanak's Travels", a 24-episode docuseries, sequentially explores Guru Nanak's life events to unfurl the deep imports of his messages. This docuseries is filmed at over 150 multifaith sites in 9 countries. 

Notes courtesy Otter AI:
The conversation delved into Guru Nanak's life, teachings, and impact, exploring his philosophy and how it has been interpreted and accepted by different faith groups. Speakers also discussed Guru Nanak's spiritual journey, including his visit to Nizamabad and Allahabad and the significance of the Gagra River. Additionally, they shared insights on the path to spiritual growth and self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of being a learner at every moment.

Bhagat Kabir's philosophy of questioning societal norms can be applied to modern issues in several ways:

1. Challenge rigid thinking: Like Kabir challenged superstitions, we can question outdated beliefs and practices that no longer serve society.

2. Promote inclusivity: Kabir's message transcended caste and religious boundaries. We can apply this to fight discrimination and promote equality.

3. Simplify life: Kabir advocated for simple living. In modern society, we can question consumerism and materialism.

4. Seek inner wisdom: Kabir emphasized looking within for truth. We can encourage critical thinking and self-reflection instead of blindly following societal expectations.

5. Use creative expression: Kabir's poetic style made complex ideas accessible. We can creatively use art, music, and literature to address social issues.

6. Embrace diversity: Kabir's teachings were adopted by various communities. We can celebrate diversity and promote cultural understanding.

7. Question authority: Kabir challenged religious orthodoxy. We can encourage questioning of power structures and promote accountability.

8. Focus on essence over form: Kabir emphasized spirituality over rituals. We can prioritize core values and principles over superficial practices in various aspects of life.

By applying these principles, we can address modern issues like social inequality, environmental concerns, and political polarization with a fresh, critical perspective.

Some key takeaways from Guru Nanak's teachings about achieving spiritual growth include:

  • Focus on inner transformation: Guru Nanak emphasised orienting oneself internally rather than relying on external rituals or formalities.
  • Practice equipoise: Tranquility can be achieved by maintaining a balanced mind in all situations.
  • Overcome inner obstacles: Guru Nanak taught that shackles of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego are barriers to attaining peace of mind and experiencing bliss.
  • Live simply: Guru Nanak emphasized the importance of simple living and evolving through proper actions.
  • Cultivate noble intentions: Our intentions shape our destiny, with noble intentions leading to peace and lowly intentions to distress.
  • Seek experiential wisdom: Guru Nanak valued direct spiritual experience over blind adherence to religious customs or self-affliction.
  • Recognize the divine within: He taught that God is within us, and we should look inward to connect with the divine.
  • Embrace oneness: Guru Nanak promoted the unity and oneness of all creation, transcending religious and social boundaries.
  • Be a lifelong learner: He encouraged maintaining a mindset of continuous learning and growth throughout life.
  • Practice remembrance: Regular meditation and remembrance of the divine facilitates the union of the mind with consciousness.
  • In the second part of the session, we touched upon trees' remarkable intelligence and adaptability, highlighting their unique sensory perception and ability to respond to changing seasons.

- From Guru Nanak Docuseries- 

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. What did you learn from the episode, and does it relate to you in any way?

3. Rules and norms

4. Kabir and Guru Nanak. Are there any dohas that are close to your heart?

5. Rationality and common sense in the society

6. Where is this oneness lost today? 

-From Hidden Life Of Trees-     

1. Why do we read about trees in the first place?   

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?     

3. What learnings can we take away from the story today?   

4. Which part is known as the brain of the tree?

5. How do forests grow and connect with external factors?

 These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! You can email your reflections to - For any assistance, please feel to WhatsApp or Telegram us at +919811133900 (no phone calls)

Action Item

  1. Schedule the next screening date in August. Rishona will follow up with Amardeep.
  2. Participants should research Kabir's teachings, especially his Dohas.
  3. Read the assigned chapter from "The Hidden Life of Trees" and discuss.
  4. Publish a blog post reflecting on the discussion points from the episode.
  5. Share the reflection blog post on various online platforms once published.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

My Guide Inside - Arfa Khan

MGI Reflection at My Good School 

What I took away from this session-
My Guide Inside is like a little voice, an inner wisdom that tells us what is good and wrong and how we feel. It is always in us; we must calm our brains and thoughts to know precisely what we want.

We don’t have to feel guilty for having a comfortable life—we should be happy to have the opportunity to help others with that! I felt the same guilt for quite a while. I thought that there were so many people dying and starving, and I was not able to help. 

Many people want to be like us, but we don’t reflect on it. But now I realise that maybe I will not be able to help everyone, and that’s okay because I can start from my community; that counts as help, too!

Our inner sunshine still exists, even if we have a terrible thought. Just because the sun has been covered by clouds doesn’t mean it has disappeared! The clouds will eventually leave, and it will be all sunny again. If we have a terrible thought, we should label it as just a thought and not pay heed to it. We are in control of our thoughts, and we can redirect them when we want.
Arfa Khan
Ahlcon Public School

My Guide Inside (MGI) Author Note:
MGI Online is for Indian school classrooms. MGI has 3 levels for: young kids, kids, and teens. Story-based MGI focuses on 3 Principles, Language Development, and 21 Century Competencies. MGI includes Hindi vocabulary and is ideal for Life Skills courses.

Taxila - Chitranshi Singh

Taxila (also called Takshashila or Takshasila) is an ancient city near Islamabad in present-day Pakistan. It holds significant historical and cultural importance:

Educational Center: Taxila was a renowned learning centre in ancient times, attracting students and scholars from various parts of the world, particularly during India's Maurya and Gupta periods (around the 6th century BCE to the 5th century CE).

Buddhist Center: It was an important Buddhist centre and played a pivotal role in spreading Buddhism across Asia. Many stupas, monasteries, and relics have been excavated from the site.

Crossroads of Civilizations: Taxila was strategically located on the trade routes that connected Central Asia with the Indian subcontinent. This geographical position facilitated cultural exchanges between different civilizations, including Persian, Greek, Central Asian, and Indian.

Archaeological Significance: The archaeological remains at Taxila provide valuable insights into the urban development, art, architecture, and daily life of ancient Indian civilization.

Chitranshi Singh
Sunbeam English School, Bhagwanpur

Sunday 7 July 2024

Reflection of the week - Sunday 7th July 2024

Listen to the Podcast on YouTube

- From My Guide Inside -   

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. What would you call your My Guide Inside? 

3. How does your My Guide Inside help you? 

4. Share your thoughts and feelings. Show insight and connections to this quote from My Guide Inside (Book II) Chapter One:

    My guide inside of wisdom is "powerful knowledge." Wisdom will "grow with you and guide you."

- From Jataka Tales -     

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?    

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?     

3. What learnings can we take away from the story today?   

4. How do parents name their children?

5. Where is Takksila located? What is its significance?

6. What is righteousness?

7. Moral Integrity

8. How would you tackle the problem if you were in the Bodhisattva's place? 

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!     

You can email your reflections to -


The speakers emphasised the significance of education and self-discovery, sharing personal experiences and insights on inner wisdom, thought labelling, and the connection between thoughts and feelings. They discussed the intersection of Yoga and AI, the importance of personal experience and self-denial in storytelling and the path to enlightenment. The speakers highlighted the importance of embracing simplicity, compassion, and wisdom in making good choices and guiding us through life.

12.00 PM
We decided not to read the chapter from The Hidden Life of Trees and instead hosted an Open House to meet Ms Manish Khanna and discuss how we could better engage with Fellows and Interns. Kunal shared an update about the Impact Study, and we discussed how we could improve our program on Sunday and engage with a wider audience.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Reflection for the week - Sunday 30th June 2024

-From Jataka Tales-   
1. What insights do the Jataka Tales offer?
2. How does today's story resonate with your current life experiences?
3. What lessons can be learned from "Great King Goodness"?
4. What are commandments, and what are the 10 of them?
5. Learn more about the 10 commandments and their meaning to you.
6. find about 10 precepts and whom it is connected to?
7. Find out about Kosala and what comes to your mind when you hear it?
8. Why did the King of Benaras keep not fighting against the Kosala Kingdom?
9. Was the decision not to fight right by the king of Benaras?
10. Is doing good never wasted?
11. What moral lessons can we derive from "Great King Goodness"?
12. What are Goblins? Draw a Goblin by imagination.

-  From The Hidden Life Of Trees-   
1. What insights did you gain from today's chapter, Hibernation?
2. How has this book influenced your thoughts or perspective about trees and their life?
3. How a tree is a giving, living Being?
4. How do humans rely on trees and forests for their well-being?
5. Observe a tree nearby and describe its characteristics.
6. How is a forest different in summer from other seasons?
7. Find Out about carotene?
8. How do summers bring change in the forest trees?
9. Why are Celcius and Fahrenheit different?
10. Why do you think Trees Hibernate and slow down?

Check the July calendar, find your interests, and join us.

Link to the My Good School Telegram Workgroup:

These are some suggestions you may choose from; you are most welcome to share and post whatever comes to your mind as your thoughts. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!   
You can email your reflections to Neetu at <> or call her at +91 135 2710958 for assistance Monday through Friday, 10 am to 7 pm.

The conversation revolved around various topics, including improving school management through effective communication, fostering a collaborative learning environment, and discussing religious and cultural stories. Participants discussed the adaptations of trees during winter, highlighting their unique strategies for survival. The conversation covered a wide range of subjects, showcasing the speakers' diverse perspectives and ideas.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

My Good School Calendar - July 2024

My Good School on Sundays - 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th
The Teacher's Academy on Saturdays - 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th.
Good Schools Alliance Monthly Meeting on fourth Saturday - 27 July 2024


Article - How to Conduct Staff Meetings

- Good Schools India Journal www.GSI.IN


• My Guide Inside Book Reading with Christa Campsall

• Meet & Greet with Sunil Malhotra

- Google Meet at My Good School


• Screening of Allegory: A Tapestry of Guru Nanak's Travels Episode 7, with Amardeep Singh

- Google Meet at My Good School

• JOL Diaries Newsletter

- Website


Podcast 3 Girls 1 Mic Episode - 14

- Good Schools India Journal www.GSI.IN


Podcast with Amardeep Singh Where Passion Meets Education

- Good Schools India Journal www.GSI.IN

We are glad to inform our community about our upcoming events in July. Author of YOGAi Sunil Malhotra, Author/Educator of My Guide Inside Christa Campsall, and founder of The Lost Heritage Amardeep Singh will join us in this power-packed month! The esteemed guests will read and share their experiences as passionate educators. We encourage you to join our Sunday School for rich and fruitful interactions. Remember to attend the monthly meetings.

In June, we invited ex-IAS officer Dr Sanjeev Chopra. He touched on life, culture, success, passion, and more. We invite esteemed and inspiring personalities to My Good School. I hope you join us in experiencing the joy of learning. 

Please visit our website 

Neetu Koranga
Learning Forward India Foundation

Sunday 23 June 2024

Reflection of the week - Sunday 22nd June 2024


-From Jataka Tales-   

1. What insights do the Jataka Tales offer?

2. How does today's story resonate with your current life experiences?

3. What lessons can be learned from "The Foolish Friend"?

4. What led to the son's drastic action towards his father?

5. Have you ever played darts, or are you familiar with the game?

6. Do you agree that a sensible enemy is preferable to a foolish friend? Why or why not?

7. Do you typically think before you act? Why is this important?

8. In what ways were the GNATs effective, and what roles did they play in wars?

9. What are some of the critical aircraft used by the Indian Air Force?

10. Can you draw an aircraft and describe its features?

11. What moral lessons can we derive from "The Stupid Monkey"?

12. Who is responsible for the destruction in the garden?

13. What key points should be considered when delegating tasks?

14. What are some interesting facts about gardening, and how would you manage a garden to prevent damage by animals like monkeys?

15. What insights can be gained from the story "The Robbers and Treasures"?

16. What is the reason the Despatchers create such a pattern to get money


- From The Hidden Life Of Trees-   

1. What insights did you gain from today's chapter?

2. How has this book influenced your thoughts or perspective?

3. What is a bumblebee and its role in the ecosystem?

4. How do humans rely on trees and forests for their well-being?

5. Observe a tree nearby and describe its characteristics.

6. What is an armada, and how does it contribute to the health of forests?

7. In what ways can a dead tree benefit the ecosystem?

8. Listen to a song by Peter Maffay and reflect on how its themes connect with the chapter. (Peter Maffay - So bist du 1979 - song in German) And when I go, only a part of me is gone.

Do visit Our Youtube Channel 

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!   

You can email your reflections to -

Sunday 16 June 2024

Reflection of the week - Sunday 16th June 2020

-From Jataka Tales-      

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?     

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?      

3. What learnings can we take away from the story "The Pigeon and the Crow"    

4. The POP movement   

5. What does a guildmaster mean?   

6. Greed and its adverse effects   

7. Would you rather be the crow or the pigeon in your life?  

 - From The Guru Nanak Docuseries-      

1. What did you learn from the chapter today?      

2. Time is just a dimension    

3. The Present is what matters   

4. Why do you think the chapter is named "Paheli"?  

5. The blessing of life  

6. Righteousness of the human mind is what really matters and makes the difference. 

7. Wisdom, Ignorance and Devotion   

8. What is religion and its true meaning 

The Good Schools India Journal:   

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!      

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Episode 6 Docuseries from TheGuruNanak.Com, concluded with a beautiful poem:

क्या फ़र्क पड़ता है इससे, अयोध्या में पद की जगह कोई शब्द गाये।

दूर ननकाना साहिब में मतवाला जपुजी छोड़कर कव्वाली ले करके आये।

फ़र्क तो इस बात से भी नहीं पड़ता, हम बाला और मरदाना से पूछ सकते हैं।

नानक के वचनों पर गुल उकेरने वाले, उन दोनों के हाथों में एक तारा था,

अक्सर सुर छेड़ते समय, खुसरो और कबीर के घर क्यों घूम आते हैं?

फ़र्क तो आज यह भी नहीं पड़ता, बात-बात में रदीफ़-काफ़िया मिलाने वाले,

हर चीज़ में फ़र्क को पहचानने वाले, शायद ही कभी झगड़े हो इसके लिये,

राम की पहुँच डागरों की हवेली और ख़ान साहिब की बंदिशों तक क्यों है?

और क्यों बैजू से लेकर, आज तक, बावरी होने वाली कला की नवीनतम पीढ़ी भी,

आगे बढ़कर सबसे पहले, रहीम और रसख़ान से दोस्ती करती है।

English rendition
How does it matter if, in Ayodhya, one sings ‘Padh’ (poetry) or ‘Shabad’ (verse)?
In distant Nankana, an elated being, instead of ‘Japji’ (Guru Nanak’s verse) sings ‘Qawwali’ (Sufi rendition).
It does not matter if we can ask from Bala and Mardana, the ones who pick flowers from the words of Nanak, with a one-stringed instrument in their hands.
Often while striking a note, they even visit the homes of Khusrau and Kabir.
It does not even matter that today, in every conversation, if people add poetry for unity.
Those who find differences in everything maybe they never put an effort to fight for unity. 
Why is it that the reach of Divinity is confined to the mansions and verses of noble beings?
And why, from past to present, the new generation of the elated artistic beings take the first step forward, to make friendship with the compassionate and nectar-filled ones.

Thank you, Amardeep Singh of Lost Heritage Productions, for being our Mentor at My Good School.

Reflections Since 2021