Tuesday 14 May 2024

Jataka Tales - Simrat Kaur

Jataka tales are a treasure trove of wisdom, comprising a vast collection of folklore and moral anecdotes originating from the Buddhist tradition. These tales are not only entertaining but also profoundly insightful, offering readers valuable lessons about life, morality, and human nature.

One of the reasons people are drawn to Jataka tales is their timeless relevance. Despite originating over two millennia ago, these stories touch upon universal themes that resonate with people of all cultures and backgrounds. Whether it's tales of kindness, compassion, greed, or folly, the characters and situations depicted in Jataka tales are relatable and offer valuable insights into the human condition.

Another aspect that makes Jataka tales compelling is their use of animal characters. By anthropomorphizing animals, these stories make complex moral concepts accessible to readers of all ages. Animals such as monkeys, elephants, and birds serve as allegorical figures, embodying virtues and vices that mirror human behaviour. Through their adventures and struggles, readers are encouraged to reflect on their own actions and choices, fostering empathy and self-awareness.

Furthermore, Jataka tales provide cultural and historical context for understanding Buddhist teachings and principles. Many of these stories are believed to have been told by the Buddha himself as part of his teachings on morality and compassion. As such, they offer valuable insights into Buddhist philosophy and ethics, illustrating concepts such as karma, rebirth, and the path to enlightenment.

Beyond their moral and philosophical significance, Jataka tales also serve as a form of entertainment. The vivid storytelling, colourful characters, and imaginative plots captivate readers, transporting them to a world filled with adventure, intrigue, and wonder. Whether it's the cunning antics of the Monkey King, the loyalty of the Bodhisattva's animal companions, or the wisdom of the talking parrot, Jataka tales never fail to engage and delight audiences.

In conclusion, people read Jataka tales for their timeless wisdom, universal appeal, cultural significance, and sheer entertainment value. These stories continue to inspire and enlighten readers of all ages, reminding us of the enduring power of storytelling to impart moral lessons and foster understanding across generations and cultures.
Simrat Kaur
Grade- 9
Sunbeam School, Bhagwanpur

Sunbeam bhagwanpur

Woody Climate Control - Prapti Rai

In a chapter titled "Woody Climate Control," you could learn about various mechanisms trees use to regulate their internal temperature and moisture levels. This might include how trees adjust their transpiration rates, control water loss through their leaves, and modulate their canopy architecture to optimize sunlight exposure and minimize overheating.

Understanding these mechanisms can provide insights into how trees adapt to different environmental conditions and how they might respond to climate change.

Adapting to a changing climate 

Plants have developed sophisticated strategic adaptations to improve their productivity and survival during climate variations.

One of these adaptations is their impressive, yet largely underappreciated ability to regulate their body temperature, a process known as thermoregulation, achieved through anatomical and physiological mechanisms in their leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits.

Thermoregulation is crucial for plants’ survival as it plays a fundamental role in their general growth and the development of embryos, floral scent, and seed viability, amongst other known and still unknown factors.

However, their ability to successfully survive in the face of climate change is a matter of growing concern since any alteration to the complex processes of growth, maturation, reproduction and survival could result in the unfortunate decline of plant populations.

Prapti Rai
Sunbeam Bhagwanpur

Education Vs Skills - Animesh Kashyap

Skills encompass practical abilities acquired through training and practice, enabling individuals to perform specific tasks efficiently. Education, on the other hand, typically refers to the formal learning process within academic institutions. Both have unique roles to play in personal and professional development.

The Traditional Education Pattern
Historically, formal education was admired as the primary gateway to success. A college degree stands for knowledge and qualification, opening doors to desired careers. However, the landscape is shifting.

The Value of Acquiring Skills
Skills are the building blocks of innovation and productivity. The ability to code, design, write, or communicate effectively holds huge value in today's workforce. They are often the differentiators that set individuals apart.

The Role of Formal Education in Skill Development
Education doesn't necessarily exclude skill development. Many educational programs now include practical skill-building components, creating a bridge between theory and application.

In the skill vs. education debate, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The right path depends on individual goals, industries, and circumstances. However, it is clear that in today's dynamic world, a willingness to learn, adapt, and acquire relevant skills is essential for long-term success.
By Animesh Kashyap
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

The Strength In Scars - Tejas Kumar

Humans never escape from their wounds. Their wounds can later be a thing with immense potential. Scars can make us stronger than ever. The world is going to give you beauty but pain as well. It is difficult to move on, it breaks you down in ways you never expected to be broken. 

But when you are broken, don't feel left over instead recall your memories, look at the sacrifice, and create yourself again but this time more stronger and more compassionate.
Find more scars that life has left for you to be stronger and stronger.

Be THANKFUL for everything you get in your life.

Inspired from:-Wikipedia and The book 'THE STRENGTH IN OUR SCARS' by Bianca Sparacino

Tejas Kumar
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

Significance of trees in our life - Prashant Singh Kushwaha

We can see trees everywhere on this earth in our surroundings. Trees are the beauty of nature. In my opinion, Without trees life is not possible on this earth. Trees fulfil our basic needs.

In ancient times trees were everything for humans. Trees provide us with oxygen which we inhale to survive. We can say that trees are responsible for our beautiful nature.

Today our environment is highly polluted because humans get greedy and cut trees for their requirements. It may cause global warming and then it will become more dangerous to live in such a polluted environment. 

Trees maintain the temperature of our environment for example- if you are in the city you can feel that the environment is too hot because there are only a few trees left in the city. It is because humans cut all the trees to make buildings and roads; On the other hand, if you are in a forest or a rural area, you can feel that the environment is too cold because of trees. If you live in a village or near the forest you can observe that the air is too cold compared to the city. 

Do you know that it is a fact that A quarter of ingredients in modern medicines come from rainforest plants?
Prashant Singh Kushwaha
Grade IX
Sunbeam School Lahartara 

Monday 13 May 2024

Trees as Best Friends - Anmol Kashyap

Trees as Best Friends

We cannot survive in this world without our friends. Similarly, it is impossible to survive on this land without trees.

Trees give us everything for the survival of living beings. Still, we humans, who are considered the most intelligent beings on this earth, give several threats (such as deforestation) to the base of our life (trees) only.

So, we humans should be grateful for being the friends of the trees, and practice things (such as afforestation and reforestation) to increase their population and equally respect and consider them also as citizens of our country.

Grade IX
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

Success - Tejash Kumar

Success is the state or condition of meeting a defined range of expectations. It may be viewed as the opposite of failure.

1. Build a growth mindset- That means we have to focus on the goals that we have to achieve or we can make a "TO DO LIST" for the day or a week and achieve the goals that are set.

2. Strengthen your willpower- Things you can do to boost your willpower by
rewarding the effort that is done by you, believing in yourself, making a routine for the day, clarify your goals.

3. Set achievable goals-You can break your goals down, and always connect your goals to a 'why and what' by asking questions. Don't think about past failures.

4. Cultivate strong social support- Be a good listener and allow your friends to confide freely and without being judged. Accept their help. Some people find it hard to accept support, preferring to be the one always offering it instead.

Tejash Kumar
Grade IX
Sunbeam School

The Beauty Of Nature- Divyanshu Singh

We often neglect nature because we are so glued to the screens we have on our phones. We always take pictures of beautiful terrain thinking it will always be with us, but we ignore reality and stick to materialistic things. 

In actuality, nature is so beautiful that you may never want to see anything else other than nature. The earth is filled with glorious and magnificent wonders made by humans but there are also wonders of nature like the Great Barrier Reef having up to 2,900 reefs and is the largest coral reef system in the world, We also have the Aurora Borealis which is commonly known as the northern lights have captivated the society with its admirable dancing ribbons, and there are many more glorious wonders of nature hidden within the world but we being so addicted to our materialistic things fail to look after the nature and we just forget there is such a thing called nature.

So please I request to everyone that don't miss out on such beautiful sceneries. We all are living to enjoy nature not to destroy it. Everyone has the right to enjoy it if you don't want to enjoy the beauty of nature then let others enjoy it with peace. Finally, I would like to say "A walk in nature can give you way more than what you desire".
Divyanshu Singh
Grade- IX
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

Behaving Good All The Time - Ankit Raj

Why do we not behave "good" all the time?

Human behaviour isn't always consistently good due to various factors. Firstly, humans are complex, with emotions and experiences that can influence behaviour. 

Mistakes and imperfections are natural to being humans, leading to occasional lapses in good behaviour. External influences, like societal pressures or self-interest, can also sway behaviour away from what is considered good. 

Additionally, a lack of awareness or understanding of consequences may lead to unintentional harm. Despite these challenges, individuals can strive to improve through empathy, self-awareness, and understanding.

Ankit Raj 
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

Being Humble - Shaurya Chaturvedi

Being Humble

Are we humble? That's the first question I want to ask today and the second is does being humble cost something? 

The answer from my perspective is that we are not humble. In this modern world, we have forgotten the norms of humanity. We are just frustrated with our problems because that humbleness is miles away from us. 

Just recap your memory, someday you have also done it when you were coming back home after a hectic day and your sibling or your mother asked you something and you got furious and then gave a very rude answer, now switch the characters- you are the sibling and you got a rude answer. just imagine how bad you will feel. So in conclusion, I want to say that being humble costs nothing, but eventually, it makes people feel good and more emotionally connected to you.

Shaurya Chaturvedi
Grade IX
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

People Should Value A Good Life - Shubhangi Kashyap

What is a good life?

It is more than just the accumulation of possessions or the attainment of fleeting pleasures, the good life is a tapestry woven from the threads of happiness, fulfilment and purpose. It’s about cherishing the simple joys that enrich our days and nourish our souls. 

The good life is not a destination, but a journey ...

A journey of discovery and growth…

“In life’s sweet dance, we find our song,

Each moment fleeting, yet ever strong,

Cherish the joy, embrace the strife,

For in the good life, we find true life…” 


Shubhangi Kashyap 
Grade- 9
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

Friday 10 May 2024

Jataka Tales 📹 - Adwik Gupta

What Are Jataka Tales?

Sunday School Reflections From Jataka Tales- 

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why? 

3. What learnings can we take from the story "The Guilty Dogs"?

4. Thinking calmly and not hastily

5. Being Humble


Jataka Tales 📹 - Parth Tulsyan

What are Jataka Tales?

Sunday School Reflections From Jataka Tales- 

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why? 

3. What learnings can we take from the story "The Guilty Dogs"?

4. Thinking calmly and not hastily

5. Being Humble


Wednesday 8 May 2024

Significance and Contribution of Trees in Life - Anmol Kashyap

Significance and Contribution of Trees in Life

Trees are like the unsung heroes of our planet, quietly contributing to our lives in countless ways. From providing oxygen to clean the air we breathe, trees play a vital role in maintaining a healthy environment. One of their most significant contributions is combating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. 

But trees do more than just regulate the climate. They provide habitat and food for countless species of animals and insects, supporting biodiversity. They also help prevent soil erosion, reduce noise pollution, and offer shade and cooling in urban areas.

In our daily lives, trees offer us a sense of tranquillity and connection to nature. They beautify our surroundings, whether in a bustling city park or a serene forest. Moreover, trees provide us with valuable resources like timber, fruits, and medicinal plants, supporting livelihoods and economies around the world. In essence, trees are essential for our well-being and the health of our planet.

Anmol Kashyap
Grade IX 
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

Shinirin Yoku- Shaurya Chaturvedi

Shinirin Yoku

Whether you call it a fitness trend or a mindfulness practice (or a bit of both), what exactly is Forest bathing? The term emerged in Japan in the 1980s as a physiological and psychological exercise called Shinrin-yoku ("forest bathing" or "taking in the forest atmosphere"). The purpose was twofold: to offer an eco-antidote to tech-boom burnout and to inspire residents to reconnect with and protect the country's forests.

The Japanese quickly embraced this form of ecotherapy. In the 1990s, researchers began studying the physiological benefits of forest bathing, providing the science to support what we innately know. While Japan is credited with the term Shinrin-yoku, the concept at the heart of the practice is not new. Many cultures have long recognized the importance of the natural world to human health.

Forest bathing is not just for the wilderness-lover; the practice can be as simple as walking in any natural environment and consciously connecting with what's around you. For a more structured experience, you can join trained guides for a meditative two- to three-hour ecotherapy excursion. 

Shaurya Chaturvedi  
Grade - IX
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

Tuesday 7 May 2024

What Are Jataka Tales? - Tejas Kumar

Jataka tales are ancient Buddhist stories recounting the previous lives of Gautama Buddha. These tales, numbering over 500, depict moral dilemmas and lessons through various characters, often animals or humans. 

Each story revolves around virtues like compassion, generosity, and wisdom, reflecting Buddhist teachings. Jataka tales serve as both entertainment and moral instruction, conveying ethical principles and spiritual wisdom to audiences across cultures.

Tejas Kumar
Grade- IX
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

The Power of Student Observation- Tejas Kumar

The Power of Student Observation

Student observation is an often overlooked but potent force in education. Beyond textbooks, observation offers real-world relevance, fostering curiosity, inquiry, and empathy. By engaging with their surroundings, students deepen their understanding and develop essential skills for navigating the complexities of the modern world.                                                                 

Strengthening Analytical Skills

Observation sharpens students' analytical abilities as they dissect and interpret the information gleaned from their surroundings. This analytical prowess serves them not only in academic pursuits but also in problem-solving scenarios encountered throughout life.

Encouraging Active Participation

Through observation, students become active participants in their own learning journey. Rather than passively receiving information, they engage with their environment, taking ownership of their education and fostering a sense of empowerment.

Inspiring Creativity

Observation fuels creativity by exposing students to new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities. Whether it's through studying the natural world, analyzing works of art, or observing human behaviour, students draw inspiration from their observations to fuel their own creative endeavours.

Building Communication Skills

Effective observation lays the groundwork for strong communication skills. By articulating their observations and insights, students learn to convey information clearly and persuasively—a skill set invaluable in both academic and professional settings.

Promoting Lifelong Learning

The habit of observation transcends the classroom, instilling in students a lifelong thirst for knowledge. By continuously observing and learning from their surroundings, students cultivate a mindset of curiosity and adaptability, essential traits for success in an ever-evolving world.

Tejas Kumar
Sunbeam School Lahartara 

The Guilty Dogs -Saksham Agrawal

The Guilty Dogs' story reflects that you should not follow four evil practices-  Partiality, Ignorance, Anger, and Disliking others. You should stand for injustice, not easily pass judgment, and think you are always right. You should listen to everyone.

Dogs were far better than humans in the story we can reflect that dogs were behaving very rationally and did not react very easily and fast. They did not bite the king even after the king behaved very bad.

-Saksham Agrawal IX 
Sunbeam Hostel, Lahartara

The Guilty Dog - The Doon Girls School Reflections

The Guilty Dog (Jataka Tales)- Reflection

"Be humble, don't turn your feelings into emotions". by (Stuti - IX)

"Jataka Tales is about Buddhism and Buddha's life incidence. In this chapter, the dog mainly toured the king's favourite dress. And the rest of the story is the punishment given by the king to the dog and then the Buddha came or taught them the life lesson." (Aadya - VI)

"This lesson taught us that we had to be polite with everyone and we should always smile." (Ibadat - VI)

"In this chapter, the dog acted much better in a much more rational than the king." by (Riddhi -VI)

"In this chapter, the author tries to say that there is a king who doesn't think anything and gives the order to anyone whom he wants. Then the Lord Buddha was born as a dog who gives us a teaching of humanity and love. In the end, we reach the conclusion that- the poor will get blamed and the rich always escape, If you want to give judgment to anyone make sure you have a calm mind, we need to stand up for ourselves first and then stand for others, We need to think first before doing anything." by (Saumya Jha - VIII)

"This story was mainly based on ignorance, fear, truthfulness, kindness and honesty. We also get a lesson about being humble with everyone." by (Tamreen -IX)

The Hidden Life of Trees - The Doon Girls School Reflections

Carbon Dioxide Vacuums

"This chapter is taken from The Hidden Life of Trees. It's based on the pollution of the area because of the trees being deforested. And this chapter also teaches us how carbon dioxide  is valuable for trees and plants." (Tamreen - IX)

Plant Based Facts

  • Most trees grow in swamps.
  • The coal is hardly being formed because forests are constantly being cleared.
  • Carbon dioxide is the favourite food of plants.
  • There are 700,000 trees on every continent in the world. (Sumya Jha - VIII)

Monday 6 May 2024

How Can We Save Trees? - Prashant Kushwaha

Saving trees is crucial for maintaining ecological balance, combating climate change, and preserving biodiversity. Here are several ways to contribute to tree conservation efforts:

Plant Trees: Participate in tree-planting initiatives in your community or support organizations involved in reforestation projects. Planting native tree species helps restore ecosystems and provides habitats for wildlife.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Minimize paper usage by opting for digital documents whenever possible. Reuse paper when appropriate and recycle it when you're finished. Choose products made from recycled materials to reduce the demand for virgin paper.

Conserve Energy: Use energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs to reduce the electricity demand, which often comes from the burning of fossil fuels. By lowering your energy consumption, you indirectly help reduce deforestation, as less land is needed for energy production infrastructure.

Support Sustainable Products: Purchase wood and paper products certified by organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which ensures that forests are managed responsibly. Look for labels indicating sustainable sourcing practices when buying furniture, paper, and other wood-based products.

Prashant Kushwaha 
Sunbeam Lahartara Hostel

Dogs and their emotional connection with humans - Sambhav Kumar

Dogs often form strong emotional bonds with humans due to their social nature and evolutionary history.

Here are several reasons why dogs are emotionally connected to humans:

Domestication History: Dogs have been living alongside humans for thousands of years, and they've evolved to understand human behaviour and communicate with us. This long history of coexistence has fostered emotional connections between humans and dogs.

Social Pack Animals: Dogs are pack animals by nature, and they view their human family as part of their pack. This social structure promotes bonding and emotional connections within the pack, including with humans.

Attachment and Dependency: Dogs often become emotionally attached to their human caregivers, relying on them for food, shelter, affection, and companionship. This dependency fosters a strong emotional bond similar to that of a parent-child relationship.

Sambhav Kumar
Grade- IX
Sunbeam Laharatra Hostel

The power of observation in a student's life- Priyanshu Arya

As students practice observing, they see more and can represent more and connect it to what they already know. Observing becomes habitual, not bound to specific times or locations or experiences (e.g. 'school' or 'science class')

The power of observation is the ability to mindfully observe the things surrounding you. And you can develop it by practising certain traits. The key to critical observation is paying attention to every bit of detail.

Observation isn't solely reserved for students; it's equally valuable for educators. By keenly observing students in various contexts—whether in the classroom, during group activities, or on the playground, their interests, who they are, what puts a smile or frown on their faces, and what they know and can do. Using observation in this way makes teaching more rewarding!

Priyanshu Arya
Sunbeam school 

Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Student's Success- Aditya raj

 Emotional Intelligence In Student Success

I am writing to share my reflections on the pivotal role of emotional intelligence (EI) in fostering student success within educational settings. As educators, administrators, and stakeholders invest in the holistic development of young minds, it's imperative that we recognize and prioritize the cultivation of EI alongside academic achievement.

Emotional intelligence encompasses a spectrum of abilities crucial for navigating the complexities of human interaction and self-awareness. From self-regulation to empathy and social skills, these facets of EI are not only integral to personal growth but also profoundly impact academic performance, behaviour, and overall well-being.

Aditya raj
Grade- IX 
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

Why should we save trees? - Ankit Raj

Saving trees is crucial for numerous reasons. Firstly, trees play a vital role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, which is essential for all life forms. 

Additionally, trees provide habitat for countless species of plants and animals, contributing to biodiversity. Moreover, they help regulate climate, prevent soil erosion, and provide numerous resources such as wood, fruits, and medicines, making them indispensable for human survival and well-being. 

Preserving trees is not just an environmental concern but a necessity for the health of the planet and future generations.

Ankit Raj
   Sunbeam School, Lahartara 

The World Of Today - Divyanshu Singh

The world of today includes various ways to discriminate against society. One of them includes being biased. Bias refers to a predisposition or inclination toward a particular perspective, idea, or outcome, often resulting in unfair treatment or judgment. It can manifest in various forms and contexts, influencing decision-making processes, attitudes, and behaviours.

Bias can result in unfair treatment or discrimination against individuals or groups based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. This can lead to unequal access to opportunities, resources, and services. 

Bias requires concerted efforts at individual, institutional, and societal levels, including raising awareness, promoting empathy and understanding, implementing policies and practices that promote equity and inclusion, and challenging discriminatory attitudes and behaviours. 

Societies can work toward greater justice, equality, and harmony by confronting bias and fostering a culture of fairness and respect.

"Bias and prejudice are attitudes to be kept in hand, not attitudes to be avoided".


Divyanshu Singh
Grade- XI-D
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

The Learning of Jataka Tales - Animesh Kashyap

The Learning of Jataka Tales

Jataka tales are ancient stories from the Buddhist tradition that illustrate moral lessons through the adventures of both human and animal characters. 

Originating from India, these tales are believed to have been narrated by the Buddha himself as he recalled his past lives. Each story serves as a parable, offering insights into virtues such as compassion, wisdom, and kindness. 

Through encounters with greed, jealousy, and other human flaws, the characters in Jataka tales navigate moral dilemmas, ultimately leading to enlightenment and spiritual growth. These timeless narratives continue to captivate audiences worldwide, not only for their cultural and historical significance but also for the universal wisdom they impart.

-By Animesh Kashyap
-Class: IX-D
-Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

Work Smarter, Not Harder - Prince Raj

"Work smarter, not harder" is a popular adage that emphasizes the importance of efficiency and effectiveness in accomplishing tasks and goals. Instead of relying solely on sheer effort and labour, the phrase encourages individuals to employ strategies, tools, and approaches that maximize productivity and minimize wasted time and resources.

Here are some principles underlying the concept of working smarter:

Prioritize tasks: Focus on tasks that are high-impact and align with your goals, rather than getting bogged down by busy work or less critical activities.

Use technology and tools: Leverage technology, automation, and specialized tools to streamline processes and reduce manual effort. This could include project management software, communication tools, or task automation platforms.

Continuous improvement: Regularly evaluate your workflows and processes to identify areas for optimization and refinement. Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and improvement.

Delegate and collaborate: Delegate tasks when appropriate and collaborate with others to leverage their expertise and resources. Delegation allows you to focus on higher-level responsibilities while empowering others to contribute.

Time management: Practice effective time management techniques, such as setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and minimizing distractions, to make the most of your available time.

Work-life balance: Recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout and maintain long-term productivity and well-being.

By adopting these principles and strategies, individuals and organizations can achieve better results with less effort, ultimately leading to greater success and fulfilment.

By Prince Raj 
Grade: IX-D
Sunbeam Hostel Lhartara

What Are Jataka Tales? - Harsha Solanki

Jataka Tales

The jataka (meaning "Birth Story," "related to a birth") is a voluminous body of literature native to the Indian subcontinent which mainly concerns the previous births of Gautama Buddha in both human and animal form. Jataka stories were depicted on the railings and torans of the stupas.  According to Peter Skilling, this genre is "one of the oldest classes of Buddhist literature." Some of these texts are also considered great works of literature in their own right.

Jataka tales include an extensive cast of characters who interact and get into various kinds of trouble - whereupon the Buddha character intervenes to resolve all the problems and bring about a happy ending. The Jātaka genre is based on the idea that the Buddha could recollect all his past lives and t
hus could use these memories to tell a story and illustrate his teachings.

For the Buddhist traditions, the jātakas illustrate the many lives, acts and spiritual practices which are required on the long path to Buddhahood. They also illustrate the great qualities or perfection of the Buddha (such as generosity) and teach Buddhist moral lessons, particularly within the framework of karma and rebirth. Jātaka stories have also been illustrated in Buddhist architecture throughout the Buddhist world and they continue to be an important element in popular Buddhist art Some of the earliest such illustrations can be found at Sanchi and Bharhut.

Harsha Solanki
Grade 8
Sunbeam School & Hostel, Lahartara

Sunday 5 May 2024

Reflection of the week - Sunday 5th May 2024

-From Jataka Tales- 

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why? 

3. What learnings can we take from the story "The Guilty Dogs"?

4. Thinking calmly and not hastily

5. Being Humble

- From The Hidden Life Of Trees- 

1. What are Vaccums?

2. What can we learn from the "Carbon Dioxide Vaccums" chapter?

3. What do you think we can learn from Nature?

4. What is shared between the two stories today?

5. Find out what is peat

`These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! 

You can email your reflections to - 


Thanks to Rishona for this post.

My Good School – Summary

 Sunday - 5th May 2024

• 1 hour 42 minutes • 

0:00 Using Telegram for communication at a school.

8:59 Using Telegram for secure communication.

16:01 Joining a telegram group for a school.

25:58 Jatakas and their moral lessons.

31:22 King's order to kill dogs, Bodhisattva reveals the truth.

39:33 Justice, bias, and self-reflection.

46:26 Cultivating virtues for enlightenment and avoiding emotional decision-making.

52:41 Learning from pets and AI assistants.

1:02:10 Self-love and inner peace through acknowledging and addressing negative self-talk.

1:08:36 Self-love, healing, and understanding of human nature.

1:13:44 Forest carbon cycles and climate change.

1:20:53 Forest ecosystems, carbon sequestration, and climate change.

1:27:47 Rejuvenating and revitalising forests.

1:34:04 Trees, their growth, and impact on climate change.

The audio recording hosted on TELEGRAM #SundaySchool

Thursday 2 May 2024

Jataka Tales - Pranjal Yadav

Jatakas were the tales that were probably composed by ordinary people, and then written down and preserved by Buddhist monks. Jataka stories are mostly related to previous births of Gautama Buddha in both human and animal form.

Jataka tales are extremely popular stories of the former lives of the Buddha, which are preserved in all branches of Buddhism. Some Jataka tales are scattered in various sections of the Pali canon of Buddhist writings

-Pranjal Yadav 
 -Vlll 'A'
Sunbeam Hostels Lahartara


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The Labyrinth Of Life

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