Showing posts with label smile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smile. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Happiness From Within - Rishona Chopra

Happiness is one of the most critical and defining qualities of life. Everyone wants to be very happy all the time, and no one wants to lose their happiness at any moment. There is nothing more important than being happy in human life. 

It's the top priority of all humans. But at the same time, everyone feels that happiness is not permanent and comes and goes away very quickly. 

This is because the source of happiness for most people today is external and external sources in our present lives keep changing and going through ups and downs. Some people in the world also feel that this is how happiness has been eternal - unstable and temporary in nature, and there has never been any time in the world when happiness was permanent. All of us want happiness in our lives, but so many bad things are happening in the world; how can we be happy on earth? Here's the answer, we don't get happiness from things and situations. Even the worst thing in the world can have a positive side!! So if we look at each case positively, we can easily be happy. We do not get happiness from the environment but from within.

According to the world happiness index, the World Happiness Report is an indicator of global happiness. The rankings are based on reports of respondents' assessments of their own lives, and articles on national happiness are included. The report also compares other elements that influence (quality of) life. The rankings of national happiness are based on a Cantril ladder survey. Nationally representative samples of respondents are asked to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10 and the worst possible life being a 0. They are then asked to rate their current lives on a 0 to 10 scale. There is a tale about Birbal in a similar context. Once a man came up to Birbal and said that his home did not have space, so Birbal advised him to bring goats to his house and take them out after a day. When the goats were there, the house was so whole and small, but when they went out, it felt so much bigger! So happiness is just a perspective of looking at things!

There is this quote by Lewis B. Smedes - To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. This means that when we have a conflict with someone, they are also bound by negative feelings, and so are we. We both are sad and want to solve the fight, but our ego does not allow us to do that. So if we once set the prisoner as the person who we fought with, not only will he be free from the negative feelings, but so will we.

I feel happy today,
An aim to smile every day.
It's a unique ray of hope,
That gives me a new scope.
To do something good,
I misunderstood,
The word happiness.
I thought there was a reason for this smile.
But all this while.
I was wrong to think,
That happiness could shrink.
It was something even more unique,
That came from within and was sentimental.
I couldn't possibly want something more,
 But to be happier than before.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 6 November 2022

To smile every day - Rishona Chopra

I feel happy today,
An aim to smile every day.
It's a unique ray of hope,
That gives me a new scope.
To do something good,
I misunderstood,
The word happiness.
I thought there was a reason for this smile.
But all this while.
I was wrong to think,
That happiness could shrink.
It was something even more special,
That came from within and was sentimental.
I couldn't possibly want something more,
 But to be happier than before.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 30 October 2022

The Art of Giving - Rishona Chopra


When God blesses you financially, don't raise your standard of living. Raise your standard of giving. - Mark Batterson 

It is true what Mark Batterson has said, we should give not only when we are rich in our everyday lives, we should raise our standard of giving, it may not be just giving money, even giving a toy to a person who needs it or a book is an act of giving too! 

A small act of giving could mean everything to a person. Giving not only makes the other person happy but also makes us happy. As said,' make others happy, and you will be satisfied in the same way give and give, and you will feel better.

Bill Gates, one of the wealthiest people in the world, still has a kind, generous heart. When we are super rich or famous, we tend to become more competitive, and while doing that, we sometimes forget about the value of giving. Giving did no harm to Bill Gates; he has succeeded as a better human being. This doesn't mean we only offer when we are super-rich; we can provide as we wish.

We can give hope, love and happiness, and that is, in fact, faithful giving. When we give, we shouldn't expect the same from a person. We should give from our hearts.

At Christmas, we receive gifts but have we ever thought that instead of receiving, we should give more and buy things, not for us but others in need. If we can not afford it, it makes no sense to buy things for us until we need them. There is a tremendous difference between want and need. When we want something, we don't really need them; when we need them, we want to use them properly. So on Christmas, we should give and not take, and we should give it in such a way that we do not mind if the other offers a return gift. 

Giving is a sense of happiness and pleasure. Making someone smile makes your day smile.

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 25 September 2022

Peace - What it means for us?

Thank you to all who joined us today; we are over 100, and you will see up to 75 names; there were many sharing devices, for which we are most grateful.

We look forward to more quotes. Our value of the month is PEACE. Is it different from the piece?

Avni Kochhar
"Peace means everyone being treated equally. Peace means harmony."

Shambhavi Nautiyal
A piece can be a piece of mind, but peace is much more than that. It's trust between two individuals; it's having self-belief and perception of yourself. If you have made peace with yourself and your mind, you can have a whole new vision of the world, and simply nothing can go wrong.

Rishona Chopra,
12:03 PM
Peace is one virtue we must maintain in the smallest of things. Even sharing a piece of cake will have to be shared with peace as we tend to fight over the smallest of things, neglecting that this small piece of cake can ruin our relationships.

Peace, for me, is when you gain complete self-confidence without worry or fear. It is mental strength and brings happiness to me.
Kanika Dogra and Tenzin paldon

"Peace is mental freedom. Free yourself to achieve it."

Nidhi Chauhan
Peace allows us to overcome our problems. It will help us to live the best of all possible lives, and "Never let anyone destroy your inner peace".

Tenzin Lhadon
Peace begins with a smile.
When a person has patience and is happy and grateful for all the things

Best post as a Comment as mentioned at The Sunday School. 

Monday, 5 September 2022

Happy Teachers’ Day - Arav Agarwal

Dear Teachers thank you for all the things you do,
Overcoming challenges and making our dreams come true!

You give us the support we need, 
And with a smile do whatever we plead!

Because of you we experience the real joy of learning,
 We become a better person under your mentoring!

You are the best teachers,
Who work tirelessly to make our future!

Thank you Dear Teachers!

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Sunday, 14 August 2022

The Art Of Focus - Rishona Chopra

A book with stories that will take you miles,
It will bring you a smile,
With stories that display values and fun,
To them, I would say thanks a ton!
A piece of advice,
That will make you think twice,
Trust me, it is truly so nice!
With values like compassion,
I could never forget my passion,
Stories filled with love and care,
Stories to be shared.
Teaching us about the meaning of spirituality,
Bringing us to reality.
The Art Of Focus is worth a read,
These stories will fulfil your need.
Come here at the Sunday Session,
This book will calm your aggression!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

A sprinkle of HHL - Rishona Chopra

All you need is a sprinkle of HHL,
Let me tell you more about it, yes I will speak,
HHL is Hope, Humility and Love,
That will make you shine like a dove,
Hope will make your heart smile,
Humility will take you a mile,
And love will make you feel in heaven, right above!
Make someone else smile,
And your heart will shine,
Some positivity,
Some freedom from pride and negativity,
It will make your day for sure,
And then you'll score life's big goal!
All you need is Hope, Humility and Love!
I am sure it will make your life full of happiness and love.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Monday, 11 April 2022

'If I'd Known It Then' poem by Malvika Mishra

'If I'd Known It Then.'

When midnight dawns and I lie in my bed,

When all is quiet, safe yet dark,

I travel to places near and far

But perhaps my favourite is a land called 'The Past',

Where there are no deer, no ponds, no trees,

Many and much has been lost here, for here it floods memories.

And as I swim my way through the past, I wish I'd known it Then

That a merry day too shall face an end,

For Fate and Time will take it away

That later, I'll wish but every day

'If I'd known it Then ….'

And I think how selfish of Time it is,

For it keeps what is gone, all to itself

And what is to come, it refuses to tell

And yet how generous of Time it is,

To give us what we have Now, to provide us with what we have in hand,

We can choose to make it a mere 'now' or decide to make it grand.

And this I shall not forget,

So, for now, I'll be happy, I'll smile,

I'll take a step down a road that is long a hundred miles,

For I know, I'll wish I'd been happier Now,

When I'm on my last step and in pain,

But, alas, I can not do that now; for now, I wish I'd known it then.

To whosoever is reading this,

This poem is incomplete; I did all that I could do,

But although I poured my heart out, there's not much a poem can hold true…

Malvika Mishra, 9F,  Ahlcon Public School

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Someone to share - Shaurya Buchade

I came to this world alone
I will go to my destiny alone
But in the long run of life, sure, I need someone to share.
Someone who may decorate my life
Someone who may console my emotions
Someone whom I can trust upon
Someone who will be just mine.
I wish of having a friend
Whose friendship may sparkle and shine
Who will be in thoughts all-day
And fill the dreams worthwhile.
Whose silent thought may bring great joy 
Whose cheerful smile may give deep pleasure
Whose every moment may make my life fragment and calm like the evening breeze.
I need someone to share
And not to make me despair 
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Name: Shaurya Buchade
Grade: 2A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

A day at school - Shlok Rastogi


It was my first day at formal school; I was nervous because I didn’t have any old friends. As I entered my school, it was quite nice. After that, I sat at my desk. When I opened my bag, I noticed that I had left my pencil box at home. I felt like crying. Suddenly I heard a whispering sound from somewhere. I looked back and saw a boy who smiled and offered me a pencil. I was thrilled and thankful.

The next day in the dance class I learnt that he didn’t know the dance, so I explained to him some dance steps. 
That smiling and caring boy, Vihaan, gradually became my best friend. It has been three years now, and we are still perfect friends; we support and encourage each other. I love to be with him. It is rightly said that a friend is one with whom “We laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more”.

Shlok Rastogi
Grade III
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Never Give Up Hope - Anvesha Rana


"Hope is the last thing ever lost."

Life is a unique journey filled with twists and turns, preaching and learning, hardships and mirth but the thing that remains constant in life is that we keep moving forward. In order to remain balanced on a cycle it is essential to continue pedaling, but how do we move on if all our energy has been already drained ? How do we overcome problems and welcome a new phase ? Sometimes in life we may feel dejected, we may feel as if we have lost a battle but it is in these dark moments that the mind unravels, turns the pages and creates a new future all because of hope. There is no medicine or tonic as powerful as hope. Hope is trust mixed with love and faith, along with belief. Hope can make someone live again, it can teach someone to smile again and it can inspire someone to be good again. 

Our history is a witness of people who demonstrated extraordinary hope. Professor Stephen Hawking is a name that demands not only appreciation but immense respect for achieving the impossible when all the odds were not in favor. Other people who taught us to be the same whether God is with us or not are Lorenzo, Augusto and Michaela Odone. They sent the message out loud that parents of children with ALD should not give up hope and expect their child to die, instead they should find ways to stop the spread of this fatal disease. Another girl Jody Miller suffered from RE, her only treatment was a radical surgery that involved removing half the brain. Her parents understood the need but they thrusted in all their efforts to make the surgery as safe as possible, today Jody is a school teacher and lives a wonderful life. 

When we look at children suffering from rare diseases, we see that each day is a torture, each injection is pain and every hospital looks no different than death yet these young kids put on a brave face and smile, yet they seek the day when they will recover and yet they wait for the moment when they will also be able to do things normally. When such kids can understand the meaning of life, when they can keep hope and anticipate a fun day, why can't we ? 

Anvesha Rana, 
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 23 January 2022

Making others Happy - Shirin Kaw

Shirin Kaw, 8E, Ahlcon Public School

I am very passionate about writing stories and poems of what I imagine. Writing various stories and poems helps me express my thoughts on a piece of paper. It gives me a sense of calmness to my body and allows me to spend my free time productively. I also read many stories; I mainly enjoy fictional stories as I love imagination and creativity.

Making Others Happy -
Feeling good after doing a good deed,
Making one smile, the beatitude I perceive
Sunshine thrives over all the obstacles I face 

A second doesn't go by without thinking that face. 
It must have been a rough day, dealing with the strain 
A soul comes and hugs you, 
Makes your day an enchanting bouquet. 

Take a minute of your life,
There is something to redo, 
Make someone blush, and don't forget yourself too.

Monday, 17 January 2022

Making Others Happy - Simar Kaur

The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are but how happy others can be because of you. Every time we make someone happy, an indescribable feeling enters our body. It makes your day better, and at night you can go to sleep feeling better about yourself. Life is meaningless without compassion, love, empathy, and sympathy. It seems to be even more pointless if one is not happy. It is human nature to discover more and more ways to be more comfortable and more content with life. Many people find contentment and satisfaction by making others happy, and it works like a charm. The quest for happiness is not proportional to the pursuit of money, fame, or success. It's a quest present in the heart. If we follow our hearts, we will be happy with ourselves at the end of the day.

How can we be happy? There isn't one definite answer to that question. But there is a way, that is to make others happy. In his book 'Is your child ready to face the world', Dr Anupam Sibal names two famous personalities who followed their heart and made the world happier. Walt Disney made beautifully animated stories. His legacy continues till now. Many people find happiness in watching his stories and visiting 'Disneyland' each year. His creation Mickey Mouse makes millions of children laugh and smile. The second person Dr Sibal named was Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin made millions of people happy without even uttering a single word. The way he mended pain to be humour made him distinct from many others. His creativity is genuinely commendable.

One more person who made millions happy was a man named 'Jaspal Bhatti'. He continues to bring a smile to people's faces even today, after almost 9 years of his passing away. He is known for his satirical take on the common man's problems. Watching his episodes has been a bonding activity for my father and me. His humorous shows and witty acting have never failed to make us happy.

Making others happy is what can help us attain joy and happiness. It makes us more comfortable than anything else. If we even make a little effort and make someone happy every day, we will be happier with ourselves. That can make all the difference in the world.

Simar Kaur
Grade IX
Gyanshree school

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Making Others Happy - Yashraj Sharma

  "True happiness comes only by making others happy."

- David O. Mckay

Happiness. What is happiness? How do we get happiness? What do we need to do to obtain happiness? Well, the answer to all these questions is a simple one. By making others happy. The feeling of contentment we get by bringing a smile on anyone's face by our actions is the greatest triumph of our lives.

Let me apprise you about a sweet incident which my father and I experienced.
A few months ago, my father and I went to the grocery store to buy some vegetables when we came across an underprivileged girl about 8 years old walking on a rocky road barefoot. I saw her and sank away in pity, watching her. I pleaded to my father to do something; he had an idea to buy her a pair of slippers. We talked to her and took her to the nearest shop and bought slippers for her. The moment she actually realized what we gave her, a 20,000-watt smile on her face made my day. That day I couldn't resist and took a picture of her with her new pair of slippers.

Whenever I see her walk by us, I get reminded of her broad smile and get quite ecstatic. By this, the thing I learn is that "Happiness is rather contagious."

With this moral, I am reminded of another one of my experiences. A person I want to tell you about is Doctor Nana. I call him Nana because he is my uncle from my maternal side. Well, by now, you already know that he is a doctor. Since my mother's old school days, he has given our whole family very effective cure remedies for many illnesses' cures. But, I admire most about him because he always has a cheery good smile on his face no matter how tense the situation may be. Also, whenever I fall ill, and he comes to give us the remedy, half my illness is already cured, seeing his confident body language and his " no - worries smile."

So, in the end, I would like to give you a message. If you genuinely want to be happy, try doing something that brings an automatic smile on someone's face, which again, after all, means that happiness is instead a chain reaction.

Yashraj Sharma
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Making Others Happy - Avni Kochhar

 Hi, My name is Avni Kochhar, and I will share my personal experience of "Making Others Happy" From the beautiful book 'Is your child ready to face the world?" by Dr Anupam Sibal

You see, Making people happy might seem difficult unless you have already done it before. My friends, Enemies, Best friends, Bff's and probably everyone has been sad at some point. So there must have been somebody that has cheered you up from those sorrowful few minutes of your life. May it be family, friends, or even anybody. 

In this story, I learned how Disney created his very own Disneyland empire and Made thousands and thousands of smiles upon Kids and even Adults! See, Disney's goal was to make smiles and not money. This should be the goal of every human in the world - To make smiles!

Avni Kochhar
Grade IV
Gyanshree School

Monday, 10 January 2022

Courage - Aishwarya Kalia Ahuja

Ms Aishwarya Kalia Ahuja
TGT English
Ahlcon Public School
I am an experienced English teacher. Alongside teaching, I enjoy writing. I've also authored research papers and published poems. I've a keen interest in research which is always leveraged in analyzing learners' language needs.


My stories were dealt with mock and fun
Sneers, taunts, sarcasm were all I won.
All smiles I was in
To not let anyone hear my lyrics.
I showed Courage every time
No matter what the atmosphere is!

I needn't put on my armour and show my strength
A clear conscience doesn't exhibit its defence.
My silence would yell my feats
They'd soon regret their mistreat.
I'll smile in my lyrics
No matter what the atmosphere is!

Wheel of time would turn soon.
They will dance to my tunes
What if I ace up my sleeve
In how much time they'd retrieve?

All smiles I was in
To not let anyone hear my lyrics
I showed Courage every time
No matter what the atmosphere is!

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Hobby - Devanshi Ojha

My name is Devanshi Ojha. I study in Second Class. I have made happy and sad faces using colourful clay. I have many colours of clay. 

First, I made a circle and then used a bowl to cut it into the proper shape. I used black clay to make eyes and hair. Then I used red clay to make a smile and a sad face. 

I can make many other toys like cars, dolls, huts, apples, or other fruits and vegetables. 

I enjoyed doing this activity, and by this, I have learnt that all the colours are so beautiful and we can use them to make different things. 

Devanshi Ojha
Class II
The Fabindia School

Friday, 30 July 2021

True Happiness - Ronak Devda

On the occasion of Guru Purnima, there was a worship in Lord Hanuman Temple. On this occasion, kheer, puri, and a vegetable were made as prasad and offered to everyone who visited the temple. A group of people performed bhajans, and little children enjoyed listening to them. It was like a small treat for the poor children who lived nearby. The children who usually expect sweet dishes at some festival in their homes enjoyed them there. This was arranged by my family. Many times to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or other occasions, we spend a lot of money on parties and hotels. I feel great happiness giving small treats to the needy ones and seeing big smiles on their faces. Further in the future, we will try to arrange these types of treats to have smiles on their faces. 

Ronak Devda
Class XII
The Fabindia School 

Monday, 21 June 2021

Happiness and Me - Saisha Jain

In today’s blog, I will talk about happiness, what does happiness mean to me, and how do I pass on this happiness. There are so many things that make me happy. I am painting, being creative, listening to music when I am praised for my good deeds, and doing what l love.

I am a foodie, so yes, having good food makes me happy too.
Now, what happiness means to me?
For me, happiness is when I feel content. Happiness is a heart filled to the brim, celebrating little victories. Happiness is when I do something good when I create an aura of goodness in which every creature is satisfied.
How do I make others happy?
First, I will ask them to smile and give them reasons to smile. This is the easiest way to pass on happiness. Next, I will give them a compliment, making them happy and making me happy. Everyone loves to be complimented, and so they would love to hear these compliments. Now comes the sense of gratitude. I will teach this to everyone, which will help create an incredibly positive vibe in our environment. 
I could also arrange a big surprise get-together for family and friends to make them happy.
So, that’s my big splurge about my view of happiness. And writing about it makes me happy once again!

Saisha Jain 
Class VII
The Doon Girls' School