Monday 18 March 2024

Tribute to Parents- Shambhavi Nautiyal

How can you give tribute to your parents?

I tell my mother that I love her at least eight times a day and try to act as infantile as I try not to hurt her feelings and, in its truest sense, make her feel happy. Ever since my infancy, the dynamic has been like that, and I can never ignore how her face brightens. That’s maybe the reason I am not able to implement my emotional maturity with her because I still feel like I’m five and, so I’m not able to act my actual age until we have some ‘grown-up talk’ because I don’t feel like a thing has changed between me and her and, I hope that she can constructively share her experiences in the future so that I can view her as a rational adult willing enough to understand me and forgive me in the best way that she can.

To pay tribute to your parents, you can write letters of admiration for them, maybe like a ‘Thank You Letter’.  I'm going to be doing this for this 'Mother’s Day'.  It is on occasions like this when I feel like I can be inherently open about my feelings without the fear of getting roasted or hit by the reality of the nature of my conduct towards my mother. I don't feel shy about speaking sweetly to my parents, and I feel like that as that’s how I have been wired by the media I consume.

I am pretty bad at the respect part, I believe, because my parents keep telling me that and this is probably the first time I am mentioning my ‘darker side’ or mistakes in one of these blogs. What I have focused till now is more on the flaws of my parent’s parenting skills, and I have also recently discovered that I have had the ‘perfectionist syndrome’ in some way because I used to think of things as black and white, so I couldn’t bring myself to love and forgive both mine and others’ mistakes.

So now I just want to say to my parents, “I am so proud to be your daughter, both of you, equally and  I think I realise your true value and role in my life journey and mindset” because I don’t know when or if I would ever be able to say this to their face, because you know it’s easier with friends because they only show their best side to you but with family, it’s different. You know each other inside-out and if you’re able to love each other unconditionally despite that, then you are gold and the luckiest person on earth with one of the best subconscious minds and emotional patterns.

There is conflict in families only when, one of the members isn’t able to accept, forgive and love the other member’s mistakes and starts shaming them for being an irresponsible human, which sometimes may also be unfeasible which is why you should always do the inner work and healing so that you don’t create an unhealthy environment for others.

According to me, if the toxic member happens to be you, then question yourself, if their mistake is something changeable. If yes, immediately call out your toxic behaviour and remind yourself that it’s okay to be human and commit mistakes. Never make someone hate themselves to the degree that they can’t ignore it anymore. Also, if you want to get tribute then you need to make yourself worthy of it first, whether child or parent, don’t make your behaviours nullify all the formal work that you do, especially, to the point, that your child or parent, isn’t able to remember all your good efforts.

First, learn to love yourself and then propagate it to others because it all starts from the self if you ever want to become a parent, keep questioning yourself- Would you want your child to go through something you're going through at the moment? And to the person who observes this kind of ‘behaviour’, first, acknowledge what’s happening to you and then slowly start empathizing with the other member, be the bigger person and forgive them. Kill them with kindness and it shall all come back to you. Just try maintaining that abundance mindset and pay your tribute.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Ahlcon Public School
Grade- IX

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Injustice according to Guru Nanak - Sakshi Singh

In Guru Nanak's view, injustice isn't just a problem in society; it's like a sickness in our souls. When we mistreat others, we're straying from what's right and ignoring the fact that we all have a special spark inside us. 

Thinking about this, I realize how important it is for us to look out for each other, speak up against unfairness, and ensure everyone is treated equally and kindly. 

It's like a reminder that we must live in a way that respects others, following the wise teachings of Guru Nanak.

Sakshi Singh
Grade X
Gyanshree school

Monday 11 March 2024

Seize the moment - Saikiran Sahu

Seize the moment 

The memories once that were present-

The present we didn't value.

The only times when we keep pondering,  

On our sad past and tense future.

Forgetting those precious pearls-  

That is in our hands now and will not be forever. 

For now, we all beg for our past -

And some reminisce about it and some cry over it,

As if it could have been changed just by blaming. 

Then comes our future as if there is a portal to it,

You overthink and spend that time-

that's continuously moving out of your hand.

So why not do something more useful,

Build memories that are as sweet as honey,

To be worth cherished and to be looked back.

The precious souvenir of every perfect time with your- 

Loved one or the deeds that make people happy,

And most of all that makes you, yourself merry.

It is better than living a life where people are always-

Remising about decisions that they were influenced about. 

Live the present as if it is the last day to be spent  

Because life is all about having no repent!

Saikiran Sahu


Gyanshree School

Image Courtesy-Verywell Mind

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Navigating Grief - Sakshi Singh


Dealing with someone you love

Losing someone you love is tough. It hurts, and you feel sad, confused, and lost. Whether it's a family member, friend, or even a pet, the pain is real. Let's talk about how people feel and cope when someone they love dies.

At first, it's a big shock. You might feel like everything is falling apart, and it's hard to believe it's real. You might feel numb or not really there.

Then, anger can kick in. You might feel mad at the world, yourself, or even the person who died. You might wonder why it happened and wish things were different. It's confusing because there are lots of mixed-up feelings.

Next, there's bargaining. You might try to make deals with yourself or with a higher power to change what happened. You might feel guilty or wish you could turn back time. But deep down, you know things can't go back to how they were.

Depression can hit hard. You realize the person you love is really gone, and life feels empty. Things that used to make you happy don't anymore. It's okay to feel sad and ask for help during this time.

Finally, there's acceptance. It's when you start to find peace with what happened. You know the pain won't go away completely, but you can still live your life. You find ways to remember and honor the person you lost.

Everyone copes with loss differently. But talking to friends, family, or a therapist can help you feel less alone. Doing things that make you feel good, like exercising or being creative, can also help. And finding ways to remember the person you love, like through rituals or acts of kindness, can bring comfort.

Losing someone you love is really tough, but with support and self-care, you can get through it. It's okay to feel sad, and healing takes time. Remember, you're not alone, and there's hope for brighter days ahead.

Sakshi Singh
Grade X
Gyanshree School

Monday 4 March 2024

The Growth Of Social Networking - Etash Deb

Image courtesy, used by Etash Deb for representation only. 


Social media has come a long way since its early days as a place to chat with friends and to promote small-scale businesses. Now, it's evolved into a major marketing tool for businesses all around the world.

Back when social media started, sites like MySpace and Friendster were where you'd go to connect with friends and share updates about your life. But then, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter came along and changed everything.

Nowadays, these platforms aren't just for chatting with friends; they're where businesses go to connect with customers. Take Instagram, for instance. It used to be all about sharing cool photos with your followers. But now, businesses use it to showcase their products and connect with potential buyers. Influencers, who have lots of followers, play a big role too. When they endorse a product, it reaches a huge audience.

Twitter is another example. It started as a place to post short messages, but now businesses use it to interact with customers, share news, and even provide customer service.

The key to social media marketing is engagement. Businesses need to create content that people want to like, share, and comment on. That's how they build a following and reach new customers.

But it's not just about posting ads. Businesses also need to engage with their followers. That means responding to comments, answering questions, and being a part of the conversation.

Overall, like all things in life, change is inevitable. Social media has evolved from something insignificant for mankind to a vital development tool. It has evolved from simple networking platforms into powerful marketing tools. It's changed how businesses connect with customers and has been going strong for a while. Thus with the growing development of the world, the ever-growing expansion of social media is also inevitable.

Etash Deb


Gyanshree School

Image Reference-

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Language - Saikiran Sahu

  Language means to communicate, Not a means to divide and separate. A medium of joy, sadness, Not a way to spread distress. Use it freely, ...

Reflections Since 2021