Showing posts with label guru nanak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guru nanak. Show all posts

Thursday 25 July 2024

My Good School - Pragyan Prashast

My experience at My Good School was wonderful this Sunday. In our session, we had the opportunity to read and discuss two stories.

Kabir and Guru Nanak

The first story we read was about Kabir and Guru Nanak, written by Sanvi Rai. The story provided us with insightful lessons and a deeper understanding of their teachings and journey.

The Brahmin's Spell

The second story was "The Brahmin's Spell." Through this story, I learnt several new and interesting words. Here are some of the words I came across:

  • Confederates
  • Identical
  • Dwelling
  • Marvellous
  • Peerless
  • Ignorant 
  • Asseveration
Pragyan Prashast
Sunbeam School, Lahartara 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Where Passion Meets Education - Amardeep Singh

Amardeep Singh by Sandeep Dutt

Where Passion Meets Education

Read on Substack

Passion, purpose, and what is work?
Work, eat, sleep, recharge, and get to work again! The world is all about consumption; for Amardeep, Passion must work like the sea waves—ebb and tide. He shares what Passion means for him, his life, and his work, leaving a poignant message for young people. Amardeep is a harbinger of ‘Oneness’ and shares Guru Nanak’s life and work. He moved from being a banker to an avid traveller, tracing the footsteps of Guru Nanak.

We must go beyond the life of building bank balances to find fulfilment in life, what Passion means to us, and any activity that resonates within oneself and acts as a catalyst for developing one’s mind to achieve what your heart wishes. We pursue things close to us, do not mindlessly follow emotions, take activities, and yes, you are uncontrollable beyond reasoning. Overcome barriers, and when you pursue a passion, you will unfurl your life's purpose.

Where Passion Meets Education (WPME), the host, Sandeep Dutt, converses with passionate educators only once a month.

GSI Journal is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Reflection of the week - Sunday 14th July 2024

Agochar (Seeing the Unseen): At the confluence of the seen and unseen waters, Guru Nanak, the discerning motivator, inspires to connect with the invisible flow within. "Allegory - A Tapestry of Guru Nanak's Travels", a 24-episode docuseries, sequentially explores Guru Nanak's life events to unfurl the deep imports of his messages. This docuseries is filmed at over 150 multifaith sites in 9 countries. 

Notes courtesy Otter AI:
The conversation delved into Guru Nanak's life, teachings, and impact, exploring his philosophy and how it has been interpreted and accepted by different faith groups. Speakers also discussed Guru Nanak's spiritual journey, including his visit to Nizamabad and Allahabad and the significance of the Gagra River. Additionally, they shared insights on the path to spiritual growth and self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of being a learner at every moment.

Bhagat Kabir's philosophy of questioning societal norms can be applied to modern issues in several ways:

1. Challenge rigid thinking: Like Kabir challenged superstitions, we can question outdated beliefs and practices that no longer serve society.

2. Promote inclusivity: Kabir's message transcended caste and religious boundaries. We can apply this to fight discrimination and promote equality.

3. Simplify life: Kabir advocated for simple living. In modern society, we can question consumerism and materialism.

4. Seek inner wisdom: Kabir emphasized looking within for truth. We can encourage critical thinking and self-reflection instead of blindly following societal expectations.

5. Use creative expression: Kabir's poetic style made complex ideas accessible. We can creatively use art, music, and literature to address social issues.

6. Embrace diversity: Kabir's teachings were adopted by various communities. We can celebrate diversity and promote cultural understanding.

7. Question authority: Kabir challenged religious orthodoxy. We can encourage questioning of power structures and promote accountability.

8. Focus on essence over form: Kabir emphasized spirituality over rituals. We can prioritize core values and principles over superficial practices in various aspects of life.

By applying these principles, we can address modern issues like social inequality, environmental concerns, and political polarization with a fresh, critical perspective.

Some key takeaways from Guru Nanak's teachings about achieving spiritual growth include:

  • Focus on inner transformation: Guru Nanak emphasised orienting oneself internally rather than relying on external rituals or formalities.
  • Practice equipoise: Tranquility can be achieved by maintaining a balanced mind in all situations.
  • Overcome inner obstacles: Guru Nanak taught that shackles of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego are barriers to attaining peace of mind and experiencing bliss.
  • Live simply: Guru Nanak emphasized the importance of simple living and evolving through proper actions.
  • Cultivate noble intentions: Our intentions shape our destiny, with noble intentions leading to peace and lowly intentions to distress.
  • Seek experiential wisdom: Guru Nanak valued direct spiritual experience over blind adherence to religious customs or self-affliction.
  • Recognize the divine within: He taught that God is within us, and we should look inward to connect with the divine.
  • Embrace oneness: Guru Nanak promoted the unity and oneness of all creation, transcending religious and social boundaries.
  • Be a lifelong learner: He encouraged maintaining a mindset of continuous learning and growth throughout life.
  • Practice remembrance: Regular meditation and remembrance of the divine facilitates the union of the mind with consciousness.
  • In the second part of the session, we touched upon trees' remarkable intelligence and adaptability, highlighting their unique sensory perception and ability to respond to changing seasons.

- From Guru Nanak Docuseries- 

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. What did you learn from the episode, and does it relate to you in any way?

3. Rules and norms

4. Kabir and Guru Nanak. Are there any dohas that are close to your heart?

5. Rationality and common sense in the society

6. Where is this oneness lost today? 

-From Hidden Life Of Trees-     

1. Why do we read about trees in the first place?   

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?     

3. What learnings can we take away from the story today?   

4. Which part is known as the brain of the tree?

5. How do forests grow and connect with external factors?

 These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! You can email your reflections to - For any assistance, please feel to WhatsApp or Telegram us at +919811133900 (no phone calls)

Action Item

  1. Schedule the next screening date in August. Rishona will follow up with Amardeep.
  2. Participants should research Kabir's teachings, especially his Dohas.
  3. Read the assigned chapter from "The Hidden Life of Trees" and discuss.
  4. Publish a blog post reflecting on the discussion points from the episode.
  5. Share the reflection blog post on various online platforms once published.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Oneness to Me - Shambhavi Nautiyal

What does oneness mean to you? What is its true meaning and why is it relevant in today's times?

Oneness means being there for each other, being each other’s guardian angel and to me, it means seeing yourself in other people and deciding your consequent course of action. Oneness is the opposite of jealousy because you can feel happy for people, which truly marks self-love. If you feel happy for others, then you will be able to feel happy for yourself. 

I’ve been tested as to whether I believe in oneness by god and now I don’t feel bad for anything that happens to me anymore because if I don’t feel bad for deprivation, discrimination and other things happening to other people, then I don’t have the right to feel bad for myself either. All I can and should do is ‘embrace’ it all. Since the past can’t be changed but can be, I choose to let go of it. 

If you want to become like Lord Buddha, you have to have a sense of oneness. Oneness is feeling others’ pain and knowing that their win is your ‘win’ too. Brotherhood and sisterhood are the actual true essence of our being. Oneness is not denying or neglecting the Truth in you, but rather unleashing it. Comparison is not the key, acceptance is. 

It’s relevant in today’s times because it helps us find our set of people, who care about us and are ready to understand us. Oneness is a motivation to uplift each other and try to do what’s meant for each other’s good on an emotional level since we come from one Source and then merge into it.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Ahlcon Public School

Friday 24 May 2024

The Gurunanak Docuseries - Simar Kaur

The concept of oneness, often symbolized by "Ik Onkar" in Sikhism, is a profound idea that teaches us about the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. It's like recognizing that each piece of a puzzle is important because it contributes to the bigger picture. In Sikhism, this principle promotes harmony, equality, and compassion among people, regardless of their differences in religion, culture, or background. It encourages us to see beyond these surface-level distinctions and recognize the deeper unity that binds us all together.

When we watch the Guru Nanak docuseries, we can see how this principle plays out in real life. It likely shows us stories of people from different walks of life coming together, respecting each other's differences, and working towards common goals. This could be anything from helping those in need to protecting the environment. By embracing diversity and recognizing our shared humanity, we can create a world where everyone feels valued and respected.

Moreover, the practice of yoga is another way to connect with this sense of oneness. Yoga is more than just stretching and breathing exercises; it's a way to tune into our inner selves and feel connected to the world around us. When we practice yoga, we're not just doing physical movements – we're also tapping into a deeper sense of peace and harmony within ourselves. It's like a reminder that we're all part of something bigger than ourselves.

So, by embracing the concept of oneness and practising yoga, we can cultivate a greater sense of compassion, empathy, and unity in our lives. We can learn to see the beauty in our differences and work together to create a more inclusive and harmonious world for everyone.

By -Simrat Kaur
Sunbeam Bhagwanpur

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Reflection of the Week - Sunday 19th May 2024

-From Jataka Tales- 

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why? 

3. What learnings can we take away from the story "The Fowler and the Quail"?

4. Co-operation and teamwork

5. Thinking hastily and thinking wisely 

6. How do the 6 's at My Good School connect with the story? 

  Hint: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Character and Citizenship

- From The Guru Nanak docuseries- 

1. What is the need for oneness in our life?

2. The true meaning behind religion. Is philosophy religion? 

3. God and symbolism

4. The true sense of Yoga

5. What does spirituality mean to you? 

6. What did you learn from the episode today? 

7. The two perspectives of life

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! 

You can email your reflections to -

Watch the video of Episode 5: 

Episode 5: Tatvagyan (Essence of Knowledge): Insightful dialogues of Guru Nanak with the ‘Kanphata Jogis’, the split-eared ascetics at ‘Gorakhmatta’.

“Allegory—A Tapestry of Guru Nanak’s Travels” is a 24-episode docuseries that sequentially explores Guru Nanak’s life events to unfurl the deep imports of his messages.

Monday 20 May 2024

Guru Nanak - Tejash

First Udasi (1499-1506)

Regions covered by the guru were Northern India and Tibet and Some of the stops he took in his journey were Haridwar, Varanasi, and Mecca. The message conveyed by him to the people was challenging ritualistic practices, emphasizing God's widespread.

Second Udasi (1506-1513)

From 1506 to 1513 he covered the whole of South India and Sri Lanka. Engaged with various religious leaders and the message given by him there advocated a balanced life of worldly engagement and spiritual devotion.

Third Udasi (1514-1518)

After that, he went to Western India, Arabia, and Persia from 1514 to 1518. He also went to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Baghdad and his message outlined Stressed inner devotion over external rituals.

Fourth Udasi (1519-1521)

He also went to North India, Tibet, Himalayan regions and engaged with local spiritual leaders. And also gave a message to promote unity and devotion to one God.

Fifth Udasi (1523-1524)

His fifth udasi was from 1523 to 1524 in  Punjab and surrounding areas. Emphasizing social equality, honest living, and daily devotion to God were his teachings there.

Establishment of Kartarpur and Final Years

At last, he settled in Kartarpur (now in Pakistan). The Community life Regular hymns (kirtan), community meals (langar), and collective worship.


Died on September 22, 1539. Teachings enshrined in the Guru Granth Sahib, promote equality, service, and devotion. Guru Nanak's journeys, known as Udasis, were instrumental in spreading his message of love, equality, and devotion, laying the foundation of Sikhism.

Sunbeam School

Sunday 14 April 2024

Reflection of the week - 14th April 2024

Jataka Tales

1. What are Jataka Tales? What do you know about them?

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why? 

3. What learnings can we take away from the story "The King and the Stick Gatherer "?

4. What is a faggot bearer?

The Guru Nanak docuseries

1. Difference between knowledge and learning - Does having only knowledge make you educated?

2. Importance of leadership? How can leaders change the nation?

3. What does it mean to be living mindfully?

4. Live a conscious living

5. What did you learn from the episode today?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! 

You can email your reflections to -

Post courtesy Rishona Chopra.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Injustice according to Guru Nanak - Sakshi Singh

In Guru Nanak's view, injustice isn't just a problem in society; it's like a sickness in our souls. When we mistreat others, we're straying from what's right and ignoring the fact that we all have a special spark inside us. 

Thinking about this, I realize how important it is for us to look out for each other, speak up against unfairness, and ensure everyone is treated equally and kindly. 

It's like a reminder that we must live in a way that respects others, following the wise teachings of Guru Nanak.

Sakshi Singh
Grade X
Gyanshree school

Wednesday 7 February 2024

God & Belief - Samriddhi Banerjee

Guru Nanak Ji believes in one God but I believe that God provides a framework for understanding the world and our place within it. It provides a sense of purpose and meaning in life. The belief in one God can teach a person to believe in your own self and make a better world for themselves. 

Samridhhi Banerjee
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

Sunday 7 January 2024

Letter to Amardeep Singh co-creator of Allegory - A Tapestry of Guru Nanak’s Travels

Respected Mr. Amardeep,

We at My Good School are forever grateful for the bundle of knowledge that you have given us. The Guru Nanak docuseries carries priceless learnings and intriguing stories to tell that we will carry in our hearts forever.

We now watch one episode of the docuseries in our Sunday sessions monthly. They have indeed made our sessions much more unique and brighter than ever!

We have celebrated the first session of 2024 with the first episode of the Guru Nanak docuseries. Each episode has remarkable stories, and we unfold extraordinary monthly messages for reflection.

Learning about Guru Nanak’s selfless, humble and kind personality has warmed our hearts and, in fact, shows us the aim and purpose of one’s life. To do good.
This docuseries is the perfect start to 2024! With each episode, we carry something with us, and those learnings are the ones that will help us throughout our lives.

I only knew a little about Guru Nanak Ji and his life, and learning more about him has yet to appeal to me. But seeing the episodes you make has not only developed my interest but also made me more eager to learn more about him and his travels.

On behalf of our school, I thank you for creating a meaningful documentary series that makes our day more meaningful and worthwhile.

Without you and your team, we wouldn’t have access to this knowledge in such an easy and straightforward way.

Thank you so much for all you do!

Warm Regards,
Rishona Chopra
School Captain, My Good School
--- ‘Lost Heritage Productions’ is a Singapore-based visual media production house led by a Singapore-based couple, Amardeep Singh and Vininder Kaur. It is focused on research and documentation of forgotten legacies.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

The Lost Heritage - Amardeep Singh

Learning Forward with Amardeep Singh is the co-founder of Lost Heritage Productions and the Oneness In Diversity Research Foundation.

‘Lost Heritage Productions’ is a Singapore-based visual media production house led by a Singapore-based couple, Amardeep Singh and Vininder Kaur. It is focused on research and documentation of forgotten legacies.

Born in Gorakhpur, Amardeep Singh attended The Doon School. He studied Electronics Engineering at the Manipal Institute of Technology and Masters in Business Administration at the University of Chicago, USA. He now lives in Singapore. Having worked in the Financial Services sector for 25 years, he has led the Asia Pacific Region at American Express for Revenue Management of the Credit Card business.
Since 2014, he has dedicated himself to visual ethnographic research. He has authored two books, ‘Lost Heritage, The Sikh Legacy in Pakistan’ and ‘The Quest Continues: Lost Heritage, The Sikh Legacy in Pakistan’. He has also made a few documentary films on the remnants of the Sikh legacy remnants in Pakistan.

Amardeep has led a cross-border team to create a 24-episode docuseries, “Allegory, A Tapestry of Guru Nanak’s Travels, " available on

Guru Nanak glided across distant lands for over two decades on a selfless pursuit. He engaged in philosophical and social dialogue to relate with people of diverse cultures and belief systems. Through words and music, he gracefully imparted experiential insights, fearlessly challenged the binary constructs of society, and relentlessly opposed gender, religious, racial and class inequalities.
The work put forth by Mr Amardeep and his team is truly inspirational. Guided by Guru Nanak’s philosophy and inspired by historical texts, “Allegory, A Tapestry of Guru Nanak’s Travels", a 24-episode docuseries, sequentially presents the life events of Guru Nanak.

Tune into this beautiful conversation where Anvesha is conversing with our guest, Mr. Amardeep Singh. Listen to this meaningful and engaging discussion where Mr Amardeep explains the purpose behind his endeavours, dwells upon the beauty of taking up such journeys and contemplates the effect of this magic upon the followers of Guru Nanak. Trace along with us as we travel the same path, turning the stones unturned.

Thank you, Anvesha and Saikiran from Gyanshree School at Noida, India.

Reflections Since 2021