Monday 8 April 2024

A Metaphor for Life: The Climb to Success - Animesh Kashyap

The best view comes after the hardest climb.

The adage "The best view comes after the hardest climb" encapsulates a profound truth about life's challenges and accomplishments. This saying extends beyond the literal act of climbing a physical mountain; it is a metaphor for the journey one undertakes to achieve success or overcome obstacles.

Some challenges and hurdles in every individual's life demand perseverance, dedication, and resilience. These challenges are akin to ascending a steep and arduous mountain. The climb may be exhausting, testing one's physical and mental limits, but it is during this struggle that character is shaped and strengths are revealed.

The metaphorical mountain represents goals, dreams, or aspirations. It symbolizes the path to personal and professional success. As individuals encounter obstacles, setbacks, and difficulties, they embark on a metaphorical ascent, facing the uphill battle of life's complexities. The journey is often filled with uncertainties, requiring determination and the willingness to endure hardships.

Animesh Kashyap
Class-IX D
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Passion, Commitment, and the Journey to Success - Shambhavi Nautiyal

"Fuel your journey with passion, but anchor it with commitment. Success awaits those who walk the path with dedication."

Passion is a barely controllable emotion, and that’s wholly true if you ask me: Anyone can strongly hate or love a subject or job inexplicably, but this is where ‘commitments’ enter the chat. Whether we like something or not, if we want to enhance our skills and achieve a specific goal, we have to work towards our goal consistently. 

If we aim to succeed, we have to set aside all our distractions and “passions,” other than the passion for working hard and becoming successful. To remind ourselves of the spark and determination we had while setting our goals, we should remind ourselves of our purpose through vision-boarding and reading the transcript written at the time of goal-setting. 

Because our results seem unknown, we feel demotivated to work (which is pleasant in a way as it indicates our self-awareness), which is why we should romanticize the process of working and make that our goal. Consistency and discipline make up our commitments and should be our only goal.

Leave the rest to God.

Shambhavi Nautiyal

Hope: The Eternal Guiding Light - Reveda Bhatt

"Hope is the anchor that keeps the soul afloat in the stormy seas of life."

Hope keeps us alive - it's the driving force that propels us forward, yearning for a better life, an enduring existence, or simply happiness in any form. Hope is the guiding light along life's journey, essential for reaching our destination. Without hope, life would be impossible.

Consider the marginalized communities within our society; despite facing adversity, they persist, fueled by hope. It's their belief that life will improve somewhere along the way that sustains their efforts.

Hope is akin to sight for the blind - an intangible force that guides us through darkness. It's like a beacon for sailors navigating treacherous waters, illuminating their path amidst the vast expanse of the night sky. Just as a star dims without hope, so too would our spirit’s falter.

Hope transcends barriers and fuels our aspirations. It's a vital force that sustains us, even in our darkest hours.

‘Hope’ you understand what I mean!

Reveda Bhatt