
2 Girls 1 Mic Episode 12 by Sandeep Dutt

The Labyrinth Of Life

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Showing posts with label people. Show all posts

Saturday 5 February 2022

Unity - Rishona Chopra

Unity is working together as a group. We can understand this by looking at a few puzzle pieces. Imagine those pieces are you and your friends who you are working with. Then you join those pieces together to form something beautiful, and in the same way, you are your friends work together as a team and make something marvellous! 

To be able to work in a team, united is unity. To be united, you first need to learn to cooperate and have a good relationship with them, so you don't get in too many fights. I am not so good at teamwork, but I am trying to improve by being more cooperative.

As you might have heard,' unity is power. When the British attacked India, all Indians came together and fought with them, and because of us being a team, we were able to defeat the British.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Caring - Rishona Chopra

We all must have heard about Caring. 

Caring is helping someone, right?

Yes, but we can do much more if we have a wide heart. We could heal emotions too. We should always do it with an open mind, dedication, and love when we do something. Similarly, when we care for someone, we should always do it with a kind heart because if we aren’t, then we aren’t caring, and maybe we are hurting them too.

Now I’d like to present a story on Caring.

Care but to make people strong

Once there used to live a boy who was always told the caring is sharing and one must care for others. He wondered why to care for others when we don’t want to? Why don’t we build them strong instead? If we keep helping them with every bit of thing, then they will be weak! This seemed like a silly idea to others, and it might seem to you too, but it’s actually right!!

Of course, we must help and care for people, especially friends but if we help them in every small thing things which they are capable of doing we are actually making them weak because, today we are helping them but not everybody will right and that way your friends might feel too tired to do a very simple work!!

The boy thought this, but others didn’t like his ideas. Some even started making fun of him! This made him really sad, and he stopped helping people. His mother seeing this, told him that it’s essential to help people. He told his mother his idea of caring. His mother said to him that it’s a good idea, but he should help people who need help and help them be emotionally intense.

He did as his mother said and helped himself be a stronger person and care for others!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Friday 3 December 2021

It's Never Too Late - Rishona Chopra

Based on the chapter It’s never too late, from Is Your Child Ready to face the world by
Dr Anupam Sibal.

We often come in situations where we tend to make a wrong decision or even have the right intentions for something, but we use it in the wrong way. Sometimes we come across situations where we do the right thing, but others seem to get it in the wrong way or assume us wrong when what we do is the right thing.

Take the example of Alfred Nobel, a famous scientist. Alfred Nobel made many inventions, one of them being dynamite. He made it for people’s safety and mining purposes of mining but little did he know that people were going to use it for wars. People saw him as an enemy and a person who would kill people for money. This had an effect on Nobel. Despite being disheartened, he brought courage in himself and thought that it was never too late to set things right. He made the invention of Nobel Prizes, which helped people see him for his good acts.  

Rishona Chopra
Grade V -A 
Gyanshree School

Thursday 18 November 2021

Appreciation - Khush Rajpurohit

How often have you stopped to smell the roses? The saying refers to living in the present and is not all about smelling the roses next to you on the table?

It is essential that we each appreciate the current moment and even list things we are thankful for. Of course, you could question why but the fact remains that most of us have this tendency to take our loved ones, including our current circumstances, for granted. The one lesson that none of us ever seem to learn until too late is that nothing is permanent in life. Our loved ones, from our parents, grandparents, teachers, and siblings, will not always be around to help us out in our time of need.

This is why it is essential to appreciate all the big and small things in our lives; after all, showing our appreciation to the ones we love only validates that emotion and should help strengthen it further. It is the little things that matter a lot, so you just need to take a moment to sit down, do some introspection, write a list of all the things you are thankful for and start showing your appreciation for the same. Moreover, appreciating the finer things in your life should serve to highlight the fact that you are indeed lucky in more ways than one. You could tell your mother how lucky you are that she is still around and tell her that you love her. That should definitely make her day. 

Appreciation is all about appreciating the people around you, and your very act of expressing affection should serve to validate your relationship and take it to a whole new level.

Doing so should start a cascading motion as you become more of an optimist. When expressing your appreciation to your loved one, keep it short and natural; all that your loved one wants to hear is what you feel deep in your heart. The value of direct appreciative action can go a long way in cementing any relationship, even one that is fraught with all the usual fights and hostilities. Just remember to keep the message direct, to the point; no one wants to hear a long-winded appreciation message so keep it short. And even get them a few things just to show your appreciation, and remember that all they want to know is what is deep inside your heart.

Khush Rajpurohit 
Class XII
The Fabindia School

Appreciation - Himanshi Rajpurohit

Appreciation means recognizing someone's good qualities. If you can acknowledge someone's good qualities, then you should appreciate them for that. Now you would think about it that appreciating anyone does not matter that much. But it's totally wrong because all those trying new things need your admiration the most. If we give value to their thoughts, then more desire will increase in their mind towards that work. For example, as I am making sketches, painting, portraits, etc. I am getting so much praise and appreciation from people, and that's why it encourages me to perform much better. I would like to share a poem composed by me to thank all those who appreciated me.

Thanks to those who hated me, 
You made me stronger.
Thanks to those who loved me,
You made me go further.
Thanks to those who stayed with me,
You showed me true friendship.
Thanks to those who encouraged me,
You made me feel like I was worth it.

Himanshi Rajpurohit
Class IX A
The Fabindia School
Illustration - The Little Book Of Values, our much-loved book.

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Happiness - Harshit Rao

Everyone wants to be happy; none of us wants to be sad or be alone. Happiness is the state of mind when we feel joyful and feel happy.

People when meeting after a long time, the feeling which comes at that time is happiness. When we lose something and find it suddenly, that is happiness. Every small thing gives happiness. Happiness is something we can't express in words, but it is something we can give to someone. If everyone gives happiness to each other, then the world would be heaven. Friends are the real source of happiness.

Happiness is the medicine for problems like depression, sadness, anxiety, etc. It's something that can save a person's life. So stay happy and make others happy.

Harshit Rao
Class X
The Fabindia School

Friday 12 March 2021

Tolerance - Khush Suthar

Tolerance refers to tolerate the issues which are not acceptable, or a person finds it rigid to agree with faith. Tolerance is also considered as the open-mindedness of people towards different beliefs and ideas.

We live in a society where people with different mindsets finds things pole apart. Some people find late-night parties and consuming alcohol bad, and the person attending these activities leads to be bad, whereas some people find it chill.

Tolerance cannot be measured because it varies from person to person. When electing a political body, some mindsets don't match, some are in favour, and some are against them. People tolerate things not happening in their favour, whereas some people protest for their demands.

Thank you.

Khush Suthar
Class XI Science
The Fabindia School

Thursday 11 March 2021

Happiness - Akshita Rathore

Happiness is the most expensive thing in the world. If we are happy, then we can make others happy. Happiness is a medicine that makes people physically fit and strong. I get happiness by talking to my father and taking care of him. A happy person does his work happily and enjoyment, but if the person is sad, he can’t focus on work. People get happiness from various things: By making others happy, talking with friends, listening to music, I experience happiness when my dream comes true. In the world, no one is happy. Everybody is busy with their work, and everyone has tension. In every situation, just be happy, and your problem will be solved.

So be happy always.

Akshita Rathore
Class X A
The Fabindia School

Reflections Since 2021