Showing posts with label team. Show all posts
Showing posts with label team. Show all posts

Thursday 14 September 2023

The things that come to my mind while being in class - Tenzin Jambey

A classroom is a room or a sphere where students learn. The one who teaches or gives lessons is called the teacher, and the one who takes the learning is called the student. Different students can have different views on the classroom, and I, too, have my opinions on a classroom.

The school has become an essential place for learning. Without schooling, you won't be able to push yourself further in the field of education. "Education never ends, and the road never ends. It's only the fuel of the car that ends". No one can ever learn everything, even if we start learning after birth until we die. The classroom makes learning more fun, exciting and memorable in the education journey. The word classroom is an extensive term that means that a classroom is much more than a room in the school building. All the sphere and place becomes a classroom when you get lessons out of it. Teamwork is something that we learn when working as a team. Therefore, the football ground, basketball court and your hostel room can become a classroom.

Now, if you guys ask me what we learn from the classroom, I would say we know many things. We understand how to help others, how to co-ordinate, how to care, how we get inspiration, morals, how to get along, how to speak, read and write teamwork, and this goes a long way. The best thing we get from a classroom is the memories of sitting in the school with our best friends and the teaching and scolding of teachers, the room where we had enjoyed and spent our best time by sharing tiffins and knowledge and helping each other. When we become old and our death is close, these memories will allow us to die with happiness and peace because we have lived a life we will remember.

- Tenzin Jambey

Wednesday 23 August 2023

3 R's of Leadership - Nishan Karki

Picture Courtesy:

"A good leader takes little more than his share of the blame, 
a little less than his share of the credit."
-Arnold H. Glasow

Leaders often practice the three R's:- 

● Respect for self 
● Respect for other 
● Responsibility for their actions

To be a true leader, one should have self-respect, respect others, and be responsible for all his actions. 

A leader is a courageous and supportive person who supports and encourages people. A true leader supports his team and helps them to exceed their potential. 

Some leaders may act as bosses and only give commands and would not support, encourage or help their teams. But a true leader works as part of the team, influences, supports, inspires and encourages the team.

Now, let us talk about the three R's:-

Respect for all: First of all, self-respect means a feeling of confidence and pride in yourself. Leaders have and need to keep their self-respect. Respecting themselves helps them view their actions and know their abilities, capabilities, and potential. Knowing themselves assists them to do their work efficiently, effectively and conveniently.

Respect for others: Leaders - not only respect themselves but also other people. Leaders must respect all of their team members so that they all will coordinate and cooperate with them. It helps develop trust and makes a good relationship between the leader and the team. The team will have a positive attitude towards him. Thus, the team will also support, cooperate and coordinate with the leader. 

Responsibility for their actions: Leaders take responsibility for their actions. Taking responsibility will help the leader to improve his leadership. He will be able to do his work more conveniently and will solve problems with ease. Thus, taking responsibility for all their actions is a critical task for the leader. 

At last, I would like to conclude my view with a quote.

"Leaders aren’t born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal or any goal."
~ Vince Lombardi

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Tuesday 23 August 2022

No love like Sibling Love !

Love in a Comic Strip! 

A sibling is a lens through which we see our childhood. They may be close to you or miles apart, but they will always be in your hearts; they are your siblings. So, share about the bond between you and your siblings as My Good School celebrates 'Love', and Sibling Love is the most hilarious kind of Love!  

Comic Strip Team @ My Good School
Please meet the comic strip team for August:  Rishona, Anvesha, Simar, Arav and Gaurangi. Thanks to all the interns, they have worked hard to create comic strips on Love. 
Arushi Goswami, a teacher at Gyanshree School, is our guide for the project.

Saturday 5 February 2022

Unity - Rishona Chopra

Unity is working together as a group. We can understand this by looking at a few puzzle pieces. Imagine those pieces are you and your friends who you are working with. Then you join those pieces together to form something beautiful, and in the same way, you are your friends work together as a team and make something marvellous! 

To be able to work in a team, united is unity. To be united, you first need to learn to cooperate and have a good relationship with them, so you don't get in too many fights. I am not so good at teamwork, but I am trying to improve by being more cooperative.

As you might have heard,' unity is power. When the British attacked India, all Indians came together and fought with them, and because of us being a team, we were able to defeat the British.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Friday 4 February 2022

Determination - Avni Kochhar

Hello everyone, I am Avni Kochhar, and today, I will be sharing my determination experience.

A few people tend to just do their work for the sake of doing it, and then they think they showed a lot of Determination in that work. But when people do their job and put their whole mind and heart into doing it, that is Determination.

I was so excited that I would be playing in my very first basketball tournament! When I got there with my teammates, the match hadn't yet begun. It started almost an hour later, and our chance came three hours later. Now I knew this opportunity to go to a tournament was very rare, so when we went into the court, we found the other team was older than us in experience and age. We started playing, and each and every one of my teammates fell on the court, including me. We lost, But I didn't give up. I kept playing basketball for 2 years and then finally I got the chance! I participated in another tournament and actually won!

Thank you

Avni Kochhar
Grade IV
Gyanshree School

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Cooperation - Bhumika Nimbark

Cooperation means working together to achieve a common goal. It could be of many types like cooperation between groups, pairs, direct, indirect, and even between humans and robots. Cooperation is a kind of social interaction which is an essential factor in teamwork. Without cooperation, a team won't achieve its goal no matter how hard it works. 

There was an incident in my life that made me understand the importance of cooperation. In class 8, I was selected for a drama performance at the Annual Day function. As it was to be staged in front of guests, parents, principal, teachers, and the rest of the school, I was nervous, and so were the rest of the team members. Because I was a new girl and didn't have many friends, I lost my confidence; I was worried that I would spoil the performance because of my nervousness. Still, in that situation, 2 factors made my team successful, authentic leadership of the leader and the cooperation of the team members. I thought in a group, if a leader doesn't work well, the team won't succeed, but before that, cooperation of the team members is much more critical. 

So, if the team members cooperate without any dispute or jealousy, then that team will achieve its goal and succeed in every possible way.

Bhumika Nimbark
Class X B
The Fabindia School

Reflections Since 2021