Monday 13 May 2024

The Beauty Of Nature- Divyanshu Singh

We often neglect nature because we are so glued to the screens we have on our phones. We always take pictures of beautiful terrain thinking it will always be with us, but we ignore reality and stick to materialistic things. 

In actuality, nature is so beautiful that you may never want to see anything else other than nature. The earth is filled with glorious and magnificent wonders made by humans but there are also wonders of nature like the Great Barrier Reef having up to 2,900 reefs and is the largest coral reef system in the world, We also have the Aurora Borealis which is commonly known as the northern lights have captivated the society with its admirable dancing ribbons, and there are many more glorious wonders of nature hidden within the world but we being so addicted to our materialistic things fail to look after the nature and we just forget there is such a thing called nature.

So please I request to everyone that don't miss out on such beautiful sceneries. We all are living to enjoy nature not to destroy it. Everyone has the right to enjoy it if you don't want to enjoy the beauty of nature then let others enjoy it with peace. Finally, I would like to say "A walk in nature can give you way more than what you desire".
Divyanshu Singh
Grade- IX
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

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