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Thursday 24 March 2022

The Annual Day at School - Anvesha Rana

The Annual Day at School is an occasion where we ignite the concealed explorer inside each child. Be it the sports day, the investiture ceremony or the theatrical performances. All these functions at school initiate children to think beyond the blue. Studies are not the only thing we go to school for; school is about friends, teachers, skills, sports, services and most importantly, Fun! 

If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life. If we all love to go to school, then we will indulge in all the activities there, and by doing that only, we will be able to experience The School of Life. 

Annual Days have always been special to me. The teamwork by everyone to put up the show is evident in the performances, the zeal with which everyone performs is irreplaceable, and the sense of belonging to the school lasts forever. Annual Days are an excellent way to create mutual trust between the students. All the kids strengthen their bond and spark respect for their school by performing together. Annual Days should celebrate the community and promote the diverse cultures in the particular region.

The Annual Day should be one such day when the entire school comes together for a single cause. It should celebrate each student's creativity, uniqueness, interest, skills, and values as part of this colossal organization. A school without students is like memory without a picture. Students make up the school. Thus, it is vital that the students are happy. 

Anvesha Rana.
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School.

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Starting a new session at school - Rishona Chopra

Last year, I was in fifth grade and had made beautiful memories. The best moments were when we did the Math Week Quiz. Our class didn't win but what mattered was that we did our best. The Science Week where we did projects and then the last day of fifth grade when I went to school and met some of my classmates and teachers physically for the first time!

Another moment was when Sandeep Dutt visited our school! I was really nervous but overcame it, and it turned out to be the best day ever.

Now I am starting a new session, I got my books, and I am excited. I'll be in the Senior Wing! I can't wait to see the extensive library on the third floor. When we were in primary, we used to go to the smaller library on the ground floor, but now I'll go to the big one and read every single book there. I will also be learning French! Bonjour

Rishona Chopra Grade V Gyanshree School

Importance of Happiness Story - Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane

Once upon a time…

There were two kids. Rahul and Reeta. They were both brothers and sisters. 

One day, while playing with their ball, they broke their mother’s favourite jar! They were blaming each other. Their mother heard their angry, irritating voices. When she came into the lobby, she was surprised by seeing her jar was broken.

“Rahul did it, mother!” said Reeta.

“No, mama! She’s lying!” said Rahul.

“None of you will go outside until you tell the truth”, said the mother irritatingly.

Rahul and Reeta felt terrible for what they had done. They went to their mother, who was in the kitchen.

“Mother, Rahul and I broke the jar while playing with the ball”, said Reeta.

Instead of an angry face, “Kids! You told me the truth, I am thrilled”, exclaimed their mother.
A confused look rose up. The next day, the kids counted their piggy bank’s money and brought a new jar for their mother. They felt happy for they told the truth.

Name: Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane
Grade: 5A
Billabong High International School, Thane

If Earth went to School - Aanya Kumar

Hello everyone! My name is Earth; I am a planet. One of the eight in the Solar System. I have so many friends.

Let's see Mercury, Mars, Sir Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Ceres, Orcus, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Eris and Sedna. You might be wondering why I did not take Venus' name. Well, because she is my sister. She literally has the spotlight. I mean, she is so bright. Meanwhile, I am caring towards those who live on me.

Papa Sun gives them punishments in May and June by giving the angry solar blares. Humans invented ' ice cream' to counter this concern and have some relief. I have to go to school. I'll take you with me!

Every day we need to cross the asteroid belt to Mr Jupiter's "School of Planets". Our teacher teaches us how to rotate and correctly revolve around Papa Sun in this school. I am the smartest in school. Though every great brain does not have spectacles. In the spinning class, Saturn never fails to stun us. She is the fastest in class (of course after Sir Jupiter!) You might wonder what happens at lunchtime.

We eat Papa Sun's blares. We let them cool down a bit. After lunch, we have a show and tell activity, where we are required to talk about our specialities. Like Mars is full of iron, and I am the only planet fit for life. After the educational session, we play with the asteroids and head back to class after our thirty minutes of playtime. Next, Sir Jupiter teaches us some life skill values.

Finally, Papa Sun tightens up his gravitational pull, and we are held back to our places. What a tiring day!

Aanya Kumar
Podar International School
Grade 6B

Love and Attachment- Rishona Chopra

Love is not staying with people forever, not giving them freedom saying that you love them. It is to care, not caring for the other person to know you love them. 

Like when our mother told us to sleep alone, I used to feel that she did not love me, but the truth is that she wanted us to be more independent and mature. She cares for us. When she tells us to do our work ourselves, I think we feel more comfortable when we have that space. On the other hand, if our mother stays with us all the time watching every move of ours, I think that's very uncomfortable. 

Staying with someone is attachment, caring for someone in love. When we say ' I love you, therefore, I want you to love me,' it is an attachment, but when we say ' I love you, therefore, I want you to be happy is love. We love them; it doesn't matter if they don't love us back. That is unconditional love. 

Even if we have no one who loves us, there will always be one who does, which is God. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

The Annual Day At School - Simar Kaur

What was a time when I felt good about myself?

I do my best to find faults and flaws in myself, even in situations where people usually flatter themselves. But there were two moments where I felt terrific about myself. There was a costume competition in my old school, Sneh International School, and the theme was freedom fighters. There were a few rounds that had to be passed. Now, I am very confident only in front of the audience I know. I had prepared a few ferocious lines to narrate and establish my hatred when it came to the Britishers. My mom helped me transition into that furious, confident, loud and unknown persona. And there I was in front of my class, shouting my lines. I got selected for the next round, which was to perform in front of the senior students. I was not as nervous as I thought I would be as a third-grader, but I nailed it. Next was to perform in front of the teachers, and I nailed that too. And finally, it was the enormous stage where the audience was the whole school. And for the first time, I was terrified, and I was the first performer to make it worse. I ended up not nailing it and whispering my lines on the stage. But nevertheless, I wasn’t distraught or overcome by embarrassment. I was rather proud of myself for making it this far. 

The second incident was when I had won a Bronze medal in the SOF International English Olympiad. My class rank was third. I had never won a medal before that, only certificates. And when the results were sent to me through Whatsapp, I was on cloud-9. I jumped on the bed while my parents jumped on the ground. It was a moment when I was a fifth-grader felt like I was the happiest person on earth. After a long time, I was given the medal in an assembly. I was very excited and what added to the excitement was that I was sitting right next to my then-best friend. And it felt amazing to have the cold bronze touching my skin. 

Share a good time you had in school. 

School may be where we feel the most pressurized at times, but sometimes it is the best place on earth. Sports Day at school has always been my favourite day. It always happens when the weather is windy and not too hot. Sometimes, the clouds can’t help drizzling sweetly. It is always in the morning and goes on for about two hours at the maximum, but those two hours make the day better. I am not an athletic person, so I have never been selected to any race or sports competition. I’m always on the cheering side, screaming for my house’s victory and jumping on any good news. I’ve upset my throat many times because of the same. Sitting on the cool and tickly grass in our comfortable house uniforms and cheering for our houses makes the day special and fills me with zeal and enthusiasm for the rest of the day. Covid years made me miss these annual days a lot!

When I met someone who became my role model. 

I feel blessed to say that I have many role models in my life. The top of the list has my grandfather on it. My beloved grandfather went through many hardships in life. He stood on his own feet and helped himself rise. He lost his father at a very young age and was a really, very hardworking person. He was always there for all of us and was the most supportive person in my life. A helpful, generous, loyal, affable and devoted person is what people describe him. He had the extraordinary ability to make friends anywhere and everywhere. He was independent, kind-hearted, humorous and always used to play games with me. I’ve only known him for thirteen years, but I am so grateful that I had a chance to know him and that too as my grandfather. He will always remain my first role model. 

~Simar Kaur

Grade X

Gyanshree School

Love - Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane

Two kids were brother and sister. Their names were Pari and Ankush. Ankush did not like Pari. It was the day before Raksha Bandhan. While passing Pari’s bedroom, he saw Pari breaking her piggy bank and counting her money. The next day, it was Raksha Bandhan. Pari tied him a Rakhi and gave him a watch as a gift! “Sorry, Pari! I don’t have any gift for you!” said Ankush. “It’s okay, dada, your love is the greatest gift!” exclaimed Pari. They both hugged tightly. “From now onwards, I will protect you and give you much more love,’’ said Ankush. Their mother was watching this admirably. She explained, “Ankush and Pari, remember, Raksha Bandhan is an ancient festival among Indian festivals. This symbolises affection and sacred relationship between brother and sister, and Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Shravan with joy all over”.

Name: Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

Teamwork - Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane

Once upon a time, three girls lived, named Kareena, Rina and Katrina. Kareena and Katrina would always fight. They would talk to each other only after solving their problems.

One day their sister Rina got kidnapped by a thief! It was upon them to save her; they searched and searched; after 4 to 5 hours, they found her in a dungeon, tied up with a granny knot to a pole, a tape piece on the mouth, hands, and legs tied tightly with rope. They both fought to open the granny knot; each one of them tried to open the knot but could not open it. So, they finally worked together. The knot was opened. They did the same with the other 2 knots. 

That’s how they found out the importance of teamwork. This shows that teamwork leads to better outcomes.

Name: Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane
Grade: 5A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Monday 21 March 2022

Autobiography of an Autobiography - Rishona Chopra

Hello! I am an autobiography. People write in me when they feel like expressing their life to someone else, but I am unique. That is because the most valuable, intelligent, famous, and minor things I write in me. My author is Rishona Chopra, who is very kind for letting several people write in her book. Like my friend, fan, curtain, wardrobe, coin and several other people like that. 

I am the main lead here since I am who you are reading and seeing, and I am talking to you. So that's me, an autobiography and here is an autobiography of an autobiography!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Happiness @ My Good School

Coming soon, our podcast on Happiness, what it means to us, how do we feel happy and finally how to spread Happiness? The future of education will be built on immutable values alone: Appreciation, Caring, Cooperation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity. My Good School Season 2, the 22 episodes will inspire you by using examples of where the values are already being used by children and adults in schools and share practical tools to stimulate discussion and philosophical debate.