Thursday 16 June 2022

The Worm I want to be: Story Reflection - Anusha Jain

My reflection from the story Ignorance, Evolution and Avatar

After reading this beautiful story about enlightenment and awakening, I think most people would want to be like the last group of worms which grow wings and fly away from the canal, those yogis, saints and sages who raise beyond the belt of ignorance to the supreme freedom of spirit.

It is wiser to first be the initial group of worms who represent the first stage of ignorance, those who cross the physical and vital evolution phase and rise to the higher mental being and live content and satisfied. It is because we live in a world where we run an endless rat race and chase after money.

We are told to make a promising career and think about our aspirations. So, practically, if we can become like the first group of worms, we would be able to decide about our future in a better way whilst living up to society's expectations. By doing so, we would be able to help other people attain enlightenment and make a difference.

Anusha Jain, X-D
Ahlcon Public School
I am very fond of reading; Harry Potter is my favourite series.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

The worm I want to be - Rishona Chopra

 I want to be a worm who grew wings and flew away from the canal.

They didn't think they were more extraordinary because of little light but tried to attain peace and freedom and did not let pride and ignorance touch them.

The first group of worms represents the first stage of evolution in ignorance. They are those human beings who have crossed the physical and most crucial phase of evolution and risen to the consciousness of the higher mental being. The second group of worms represents the next stage of evolution in which human consciousness or the mind opens itself to a higher light beyond the rational mind and receives intuitions and inspirations from it but still lives within the world of ignorance. 

The last group of worms which grow wings and fly away from the canal are those human souls who proceed further and rise beyond the belt of human mental ignorance to the supreme freedom of the spirit. 

I want to be like the last group. That person who would raise beyond the belt of human ignorance and go beyond the sky. In the wheel of life, I want to be free from suffering and desire like Buddha. All stages represent the worms, and in the end, the first two stages still desire more and live in human and mental ignorance.

I want to be like the last group who open their wings and fly in the spiritual world with a smile.

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School

A sprinkle of HHL - Rishona Chopra

All you need is a sprinkle of HHL,
Let me tell you more about it, yes I will speak,
HHL is Hope, Humility and Love,
That will make you shine like a dove,
Hope will make your heart smile,
Humility will take you a mile,
And love will make you feel in heaven, right above!
Make someone else smile,
And your heart will shine,
Some positivity,
Some freedom from pride and negativity,
It will make your day for sure,
And then you'll score life's big goal!
All you need is Hope, Humility and Love!
I am sure it will make your life full of happiness and love.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Tuesday 14 June 2022

A Trip To a Hot Spring - Amaira Bhati

It was getting dark when all the children of Tomoe Gakuen were ready for a three-day trip. It was almost time for dinner when all fifty students had finally arrived. The Headmaster hadn't brought along any food supplies with him, and he had an amusing thing for the students to do. 

The Headmaster sent all the kids to buy the veggies and fish. He knew that some kids would be afraid of this, but he wanted to make them experience the essential things in life. This simple action of buying vegetables could make them more open and make them learn more about doing calculations.

People at the market were eating their food and asking the students about them, and the students were supposed to reply politely. Some students took all the fish and veggies, but others either got lost or didn't get it. Some children went missing and had even cut their feet in the sand since it was filled with glass. This might have not been fun for some students, but in the end, it enclosed a lesson for life.  

When it was time to go back, everyone was sad that the trip was over, but they couldn't stay there forever…Half of the students slept on the way around, and the other half could not stop talking about this beautiful memory of the hot spring trip.

Amaira Bhati
Grade 3-F, Gyanshree School. 

Getting To Know You,life - Reveda Bhatt

So, today, I'll tell you a truth that humans need to face boldly.

First of all, let's ask ourselves once what life means? I think life is just a path leading to a very mournful destination- death!

When you realize the meaning of this one statement profoundly, the first question popping into your mind is that 'Then what am I struggling for!?' If this is it, then you are back on the right path - I mean working really hard to earn money, not being a spendthrift, saving it for your future generations and then, after getting old, waiting for 'the payback' from your children for what all you've done for them but when you get what you expected or have more than you expected, it is too late.

At that particular point in time, all the places in the world long for your presence to be there, but your life doesn't allow you to, and by the time the reality hits you, you get a callback from where it all began. So, see, where you are, at this moment, this place is unique, so why not live life to your best right now, and not think about what's ahead or what's the end, cherish every moment so, at last, you do not blame anyone or anything for not being able to, and that's just life, the sooner you understand it, the better it'll be!

Reveda Bhatt 
Class 9
The Aryan School

Colors Of Life - Rishona Chopra

Painting by Rishona Chopra

Colour - It is the deep mysterious language of dreams

It is a power which directly influences the soul.

Splash colours on a paper, put a stroke of brush and water, and let them flow like rivers of hope and shine through the form!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School

Monday 13 June 2022

Acoustic Life - Reveda Bhatt

Our fate and will to live,

Opens the lifelong gate.

Our love for others,

Makes us feel as gentle as a dove,

But when it comes to playing the blame game,

We should act like a human,

And not an animal who's not tame!

Being the way you are,

Never makes anyone feel bad.

It makes them feel good,

Even when they are sad!

So, just be kind to everyone, lad,

And, with following that, you'll never go mad!

Never hurt someone,

And, if you do,

You'll never get along with anyone!

And if you say sorry too,

That wound won't fill,

Just give them some time,

And they'll be talking to you of their own will!

- Reveda Bhatt 
Grade IX The Aryan School

Reveda has signed up for the Internship Program at the National Office of the Learning Forward India Foundation; she helps with social media outreach for My Good School.

Reflections Since 2021