Sunday 5 February 2023

Oh, teacher, I salute Thee - Shambhavi Nautiyal

I salute all the teachers, whether or not they have taught me, as every teacher deserves recognition and honour. I salute you because you struggle, hustle and take action just for the betterment of me, a student. I come to you to earn and attain the knowledge you have, and in this cultivated relationship of a teacher and a student, we start to play a significant role in each other’s lives. You find ways to make me understand the lessons better and be more engaged in class, so I don’t feel estranged and stuck out like a sore thumb. You are the one who decides my favourite subject, and all these efforts of yours make me admire you and look up to you after seeing your concern for me. Oh, teacher, I express my utter gratitude to you and hope that I come out as gratifying student. Your words of wisdom and encouragement make me push ahead against all odds and work harder than I did before to become worthy of a teacher like you. Please remember that we, your students, will be there for you in times of need. Oh, teacher, you make our childhood, and I promise to continue to trust what you have told me.

A teacher sheds blood, sweat and tears to ensure that her students are confident in their knowledge and are confident enough to present it. The teacher works hard only to improve the student and not to profit herself in any way. She dedicates her entire life to spreading her knowledge amongst a different set of students every year. She looks out for her students and corrects them when they are wrong. Education is what distinguishes humans from animals, and teachers are the ones who educate us, so we should respect teachers above all. Outside of the classroom, no one knows a teacher or her worth. It is the students only who genuinely know her, in light of the fact we as students should carry our teacher’s legacy because we are who we are today because of the teachers who taught us in whatever category or time.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Ahlcon Public School

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