Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Reflection Sunday 22nd December 2024

Sunday School no: 168

Meet and Greet with Anika Singh, a social artist and the founder of VOYCE, as well as the director of DhunAnand. Anika is passionate about using art and creativity to drive social change. With over 15 years of experience, including six years with the World Health Organization (WHO) at both the Regional Office for South-East Asia and the WHO Country Office for India, as well as over four years in Australia, she has a wealth of expertise. At WHO, Anika developed and implemented engaging health promotion campaigns aimed at encouraging positive behavior change. She has also directed more than 30 advocacy productions, including animation videos, musicals, and documentaries. Before WHO, she worked in Australia mainly in the skills development and disability employment services network, assisting disadvantaged communities through employment, support services, community engagement and customised training programmes.

  • What does VOYCE do?

  • Content for public health and social change to create impact.
  • Work with the arts to create positive behaviour change campaigns.
  • Films, advocacy videos, animation videos, musicals and ad films.
  • Production of publications – including conceptualising, researching, writing, editing, designing, and printing.
  • Primary and secondary level research.
  • Events and festivals give an extra edge by leveraging the performing and visual arts to create impact. The company specialises in developing both online and offline events.
  • Facilitating training on values in action, authentic leadership, 1-Ness consciousness, and behaviour change communication for health promotion, gender equality, and social change messaging.
  • Organising staff engagement and team-building activities.
  • Conceptualising and implementing campaigns to promote the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically for positive behaviour change related to health

With guest speaker Anika Singh, discuss oneness, love, and art for social change and reflect on gratitude and human connections.

Key Takeaways

  • Oneness involves feeling connected to all living beings and the environment, transcending separateness.
  • Art can be a powerful medium for social change, public health messaging, and expressing complex ideas.
  • Gratitude emerges from recognising positive experiences caused by others; animals may exhibit gratitude-like behaviour.
  • My Good School will evolve to focus on the "Joy Of Giving" in 2025, with upcoming events celebrating poetry, art, and music.


Anika Singh's Background and Work

Started social work at age 14 and represented India at international conferences.

Worked with WHO and UN agencies for 10+ years on public health campaigns

Founded organisation VOYCE (Vision and Opportunities for Youth and Community Empowerment)

Uses art for public health messaging and social change

Oneness and Love - 1Ness (the way VOYCE says it)

Oneness is feeling connected to all beings and nature, with no separation.

Love emerges naturally from oneness and creates a sense of belonging everywhere.

Contrasted with artificial intelligence - oneness intelligence about higher purpose and connection

Art for Social Change

An art competition was used to explain depression through various mediums (dance, sand art, music videos, etc.).

More impactful than traditional messaging for sensitive topics

Upcoming "Returning to Love" event on Jan 12, 2025, to showcase art on oneness, love, UN SDGs

Inviting submissions of visual art with 300-350 word impact stories

Behaviour Change Approaches

Changing the environment is more effective than targeting individuals

Using "nudges" - subtle environmental cues to inspire positive habits

Consistency in messaging is key

Leveraging platforms like social media, games bookmarks to reach youth

Gratitude in Animals

Difficult to definitively prove, but anecdotes suggest the possibility

Examples: Rescued whale's acrobatic display, crows bringing gifts to girl who fed them

Gratitude is defined as positive emotion from an enjoyable experience caused by others

My Good School Updates

Website upgraded for 2025 at

Four focus areas: the joy of learning, happy teachers, the joy of giving, youth engaging society

Upcoming New Year's Eve reflection session

Three retreats planned for 2025 (April, November, December)

Next Steps

Submit art entries for the "Returning to Love" event by Dec 30, 2024

Prepare reflections on 2024 My Good School experiences for next Sunday's session

Consider participating in upcoming My Good School retreats and community learning initiatives

Teachers invited to volunteer for the monthly professional learning program at Arthur Foot Academy

1. What insights did you gain about the power of art and music as tools for social change? 
2. How can you use creativity to contribute to your community or address social

 Inner Life of Animals and the Theme  of Gratitude as presented by Peter Wohlleben:

Reflective Questions

  1. Understanding Gratitude:

    • How does Peter Wohlleben describe gratitude in animals? Do you think animals experience gratitude in the same way humans do? Why or why not?
  2. Examples of Animal Behavior:

    • Can you recall an example from the chapter where an animal showed gratitude? How did this behaviour reflect the concept of gratitude?
  3. Human vs. Animal Emotions:

    • Do you think human emotions, such as gratitude, fundamentally differ from animals? What examples support your view?
  4. Personal Reflection:

    • Have you ever experienced a moment when an animal seemed grateful to you? How did that make you feel?

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Interpreting Animal Actions:

    • Some scientists argue that behaviours we interpret as gratitude are simply survival instincts. What is your opinion on this perspective?
  2. Role of Environment:

    • How might the environment or upbringing of an animal affect its ability to express emotions like gratitude?
  3. Ethics and Empathy:

    • If animals can feel gratitude, what implications does this have for how humans treat them?

Creative Thinking Questions

  1. Imagining a Conversation:

    • Imagine you could talk to an animal. What questions would you ask to understand how they perceive emotions like gratitude?
  2. Animal Perspective:

    • Write a short story or poem from the perspective of an animal experiencing gratitude. What event triggered this feeling? How do they express it?
  3. Cross-Species Relationships:

    • Design a fictional scenario where an animal and a human share a moment of gratitude. How does this moment bridge the gap between species? 

These questions will encourage you to connect the scientific observations in the chapter with your own experiences, fostering critical and empathetic understanding.

Next week -
Chapter 13: The Bathroom Outside from My Name is Cinnamon
Chapter   7:  Lies and Deception from The Inner Life of Animals

These are some suggestions you can choose from. I'm looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! 

You can email your reflections to or post them as comments below!

Thursday, 21 November 2024

The Doon School Visit - Arthur Foot Academy

मेरा नाम नाहिद है मुझे  सब से अच्छा लगा वहा का संदेश और हेडमास्टर जगप्रीत सिंह सर के साथ खाना खाने का सौ भाग्य लगा |

मेरा नाम साना है। The Doon School  की ख़ूबसूरती और अनुशासन देख कर मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा |

मेरा नाम आयुष है | मेरे को सबसे अच्छा लगा खेलने का मैदान और संगीत की क्लास|  Thank you The Doon School.

मेरा नाम दीपिका है | मुझे सबसे अच्छी वहा की लाइब्रेरी  और पढ़ाई करने का तरीका लगा | दून स्कूल को धन्यवाद |

 मेरा नाम रितिक है | मुझे  सबसे अच्छा लगा वहा की पढ़ाई , खेल के मैदान और वर्कशॉप, आदि | धन्यवाद दून स्कूल |

मेरा नाम अनित है | मुझे सबसे अच्छा लगा क्लबर कार और मिट्टी से बने बर्तन जो  दून स्कूल के बच्चों ने बना रखे थेदून स्कूल को धन्यवाद |

मेरे नाम विधि है | मुझे  वहां घुमने और हरे भरे पेड़ पोधे  बहुत अच्छे लगें| धन्यवाद दून स्कूल|

मेरा नाम अक्षी कौर है | मेरे को सबसे अच्छा लगा लकड़ी और मिट्टी से बनी वस्तुए और   हमे  सब बच्चों को  और अध्यापको के  साथ  घुमने का अवसर प्राप्त  हुआ | दून स्कूल को धन्यवाद |

मैं समद मुझें द दून स्कूल के अध्यापक अच्छे लगे और वहाँ के बच्चों की बनाई हुई कला आकृतियों पेंटिंग अच्छी लगी, तथा मुझे वहाँ पर संगीत नाच कक्षाएँ भी काफी अच्छी लगी, खेलने का मैदान साफ सुंदर लग रहा था | खेलने के मैदान को देखकर मैं ये सोच रहा था कि हमारे स्कूल में भी एक ऐसा ही मैदान होता तो हम भी अच्छे से अलग अलग प्रकार के खेल खेला करते । अभी तक मैंने अपने जीवन में द दून स्कूल जैसा विद्यायल नहीं देखा ।

मैं प्रिंशी कौर मुझे द दून स्कूल में पेड़ पौधे मिटटी से बनाई हुई आकृतियों और लकडी से वस्तुएँ तथा खेलने का मैदान काफी अच्छा लगा।

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Happy Teacher's Day 2024

On Teacher's Day, Tanmay Gupta, a seventh-grader from Sunbeam Suncity School, and Naitik, a seventh-grade student at the same school, both express their gratitude to their teachers. They believe that teachers play a crucial role in shaping their lives and want to genuinely thank them for their patience and the knowledge they have shared. They also acknowledge their teachers' countless hours in helping them grow. They urge everyone to take a moment to remember their teachers' impact and express gratitude by genuinely thanking them. 

Yashraj, the Head Boy of the High School at Gyanshree Noida, is an intern at My Good School.


Friday, 2 February 2024

Being Grateful - Tenzin Nyingsel

If you talk about being grateful, there will be a whole book written about it and still, the list will not be finished. Being grateful for any small things shows our values and importance towards it. It can be felt or expressed by any person to a person or any animal to a person. Sometimes it happens that we are not able to show our gratitude towards one thing that means a lot to us. Still, it always remains in our hearts that we will always try to fulfil it. Whether by our affection towards it or by proving our hard work for it. Let me take an example of a situation that happened a few days back.

It was 8 in the morning when I was dressed in my school uniform, standing in the school assembly hall with the history book in my hand. It was the exam day and just a few minutes were left for the exam to begin. It was cold in the morning due to which the roof above my head was covered with dew. Suddenly a drop fell on the book. To my surprise, it fell exactly on the topic that said, 'JUDICIAL REVIEW'.

For me, I really believe in fate, destiny and luck. At that moment, I felt it might be a sign for me. So I revised it very well. It was not long before the bell rang for the exam. After some minutes, the question papers were laid on my desk. I checked the paper slowly, turning the pages. In the middle of the crowd of questions, I saw a familiar question that asked about the 'judicial review'. For that very moment, I felt really grateful towards that one drop of water that fell. Since that question carried four marks, I wrote the answer in a very happy mood.

That is why, being grateful can be felt at any particular time and for any particular thing because sometimes it is not always a 'person' towards which we feel grateful. 

In the end, I would conclude by saying that ' I am grateful for everything I have. The highs. The lows. The blessings. The lessons. The setbacks. The comebacks. The love. The hate. Everything.' 

Tenzin Nyingsel
Class 10
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Being Grateful- Tenzin Dakar

For me being grateful means not just saying thank you to a person but it is a feeling from inside which shows gratitude, and respect towards the person, organization or any other entity. We should not take it for granted and should not disregard the effort or the hard work which is done by somebody for us to make our life and living a better one.

You should always be grateful for what you are getting whether it is education, food, knowledge, morals or even the place where you stay as there might be many people in this world who might not be getting the basic necessities which are food, shelter, clothes, etc.

I am grateful for the environment where  I live and study, the place which provides me good education, delicious food, teachers, morals and the opportunity to study in the best schools which may not be possible without the helping hands of others.

It makes me feel scared when I think of whether I will be able to meet the expectations of people and the thoughts which tell me, I won't be able to utilize the hardships and efforts done for me by others, or if I don't score good marks but, these thoughts help me to push myself become better and work harder.

Some people take the hard work done for them for granted and do not care much about it and forget about it. They are not satisfied with what they are getting and always want more, whereas some people wish for life like them. 

Tenzin Dakar
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Spirituality is spark of unique life - Tenzin Chonzom

It can mean searching for personal growth, religion, belief after death or making sense of one's inner dimensions... (Purpose in life / Holiness)
* How do I get a touch of spirituality..?
• Get out in nature
• Gratitude
• Serving others
• See good qualities in others..etc

What connects us at last after all the session is spirituality

Through the short videos...

About adopted child Avnish, the 9-year-old child who sealed Everest base camp and got prepared mentally and physically for the trek to change the mindset of a unique, abled child.

The lady with humble circumstances, known as Pemila Atkinson, devoted herself to serving the poor and learned how crucial volunteering is to the program. Her quote motivates me: "We should look for opportunities to make a difference in other people's lives, which makes a difference in our own because we all are connected to these lives." She didn't show any signs of slowness even in her retirement year.

From these videos, we could see their purpose in life and also their self-esteem, which is positive for our mental health and growth.

Tenzin Chonzom
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Sunday, 7 January 2024

Letter to Amardeep Singh co-creator of Allegory - A Tapestry of Guru Nanak’s Travels

Respected Mr. Amardeep,

We at My Good School are forever grateful for the bundle of knowledge that you have given us. The Guru Nanak docuseries carries priceless learnings and intriguing stories to tell that we will carry in our hearts forever.

We now watch one episode of the docuseries in our Sunday sessions monthly. They have indeed made our sessions much more unique and brighter than ever!

We have celebrated the first session of 2024 with the first episode of the Guru Nanak docuseries. Each episode has remarkable stories, and we unfold extraordinary monthly messages for reflection.

Learning about Guru Nanak’s selfless, humble and kind personality has warmed our hearts and, in fact, shows us the aim and purpose of one’s life. To do good.
This docuseries is the perfect start to 2024! With each episode, we carry something with us, and those learnings are the ones that will help us throughout our lives.

I only knew a little about Guru Nanak Ji and his life, and learning more about him has yet to appeal to me. But seeing the episodes you make has not only developed my interest but also made me more eager to learn more about him and his travels.

On behalf of our school, I thank you for creating a meaningful documentary series that makes our day more meaningful and worthwhile.

Without you and your team, we wouldn’t have access to this knowledge in such an easy and straightforward way.

Thank you so much for all you do!

Warm Regards,
Rishona Chopra
School Captain, My Good School
--- ‘Lost Heritage Productions’ is a Singapore-based visual media production house led by a Singapore-based couple, Amardeep Singh and Vininder Kaur. It is focused on research and documentation of forgotten legacies.

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

My Takeaway from the session with Amardeep Singh at Sunday School - Arfa Khan

Photo from Lost Heritage Productions website

We had a lovely meet and greet with Mr Amardeep Singh in the session on December 24. It was very informative, and we learned a lot from him. Following are my takeaways:

  • Listen to articulate; listening first lets you organise your thoughts and speak fluently.
  • If your dreams will be easy, walk away from them. Dreams are meant to have challenges, and we must endeavour to achieve them.
  • Prepare yourself before chasing your dream; take the first step, and the energy will automatically shape the next ten.
  • Ensure you are so good at your work that you’re too hard to ignore.
  • Don’t follow your passion; create it.
  • Don’t chase recognition; if you pursue recognition, you exercise self-gratification. If your work is good, recognition will automatically follow.
  • There’s no true friendship other than you and yourself; you will accompany yourself through your most challenging times.

It was an extraordinary session with so much to take back. Thank you, Sir, for giving us your time!

Arfa Khan 8-A
Ahlcon Public school

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Gratitude - Mridul Maheshwari

Gratitude has always helped everyone to keep a healthy perspective.

Today, we interacted with Mr Vineet KKN "Panchhi", who told us to do whatever our heart says and never leave our childhood.

Ratan Tata once said, " If you want to walk fast, then walk alone and if you're going to walk far, then walk together.

Mridul Maheshwari(IX-D)
Sunbeam hostel Lahartara

Monday, 27 November 2023

Being always grateful is what Gratitude means - Tenzin Jambey

Gautam Buddha was born into a royal family, but unlike other princes, he didn't like being a prince or wanting to become a king or rule a kingdom. He was greatly affected and unfortunate after finding out that human life is a misery; therefore, he attained "Nirvana" after meditating for years to free himself from the world of sorrow and sadness. Sometimes, religious texts and stories make me wonder whether they occurred in reality.

The flying chariot of Ravana, the superpower monkey God like Hanumanji, etc., are all myths that few people in the world don't believe, and some people like me are in a dilemma. Some people believe that praying to God and offering sacrifices brings peace into one's life, but we must understand that we bring happiness and sadness to ourselves.

Now, the question arises: What does gratitude do with all this?

Gratitude is an art that can bring about a significant change in our lives. When gratitude becomes part of our lives, we stop blaming gods for our sadness and sorrow. First, we must understand that it is a natural process that, after giving birth, everyone has to die. A flower that is blooming today won't stay blooming forever. At the same time, we have to learn to accept sadness, sorrow, failure, hate, death, and misery. Because of all such emotions, we know what happiness, joy, birth, and pleasure feel like.

"Every action has an opposite reaction and an equal reaction." Newton's law is implied in everything around us, even our emotions. Now that we know that sadness and sorrow will come into our lives, why mourn for a long time? Why do you have to cry and shed tears for the sad moment that happened years ago when you didn't laugh at the joke from last year?

People are like a maze, and it's our nature to look for sadness until we change it ourselves. To overcome this, "gratitude" serves as a hearing medicine. We should always accept that whatever happens, it happens for the best. Always be grateful for everything that happens around you. Even if you fail or someone takes away your privilege, be happy and grateful, as there is always a learning part and learning and lessons are far better than winning. "Be grateful for your house," "Be grateful for the food you eat," and "Be grateful for your body organs," as there are some who don't have a home, have body parts, or get one meal a day. A boy was sitting on the bench, and he was barefoot. We wished for a show and became sad, but his desire for a shoe vanished when he saw another guy with no legs. This is how gratitude works.
Having gratitude will protect you from being affected by others; feelings of jealousy and hate will never arise if you follow the art of gratitude in your daily life. "BEING ALWAYS GRATEFUL IS WHAT GRATITUDE MEANS."

Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Gratitude - Tulsi Karki

We all know that being thankful and being ready to show appreciation and return kindness is known as gratitude. Gratitude is when we feel grateful for the good things in our lives. This could be stuff people often take for granted, like having a place to live, clothes to wear, food to eat, clean water to drink, and friends and family.

Having gratitude can bring change to us. If we express our gratitude towards something, we feel positive. It can broaden our outlook, boost our minds, and help us face negative thoughts and challenges. People who purposely acknowledge and express gratitude feel more positive; their emotions are better able to relish good experiences and build stronger relationships.

Tulsi Karki
Pestallozi Children's Village Society

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Gratitude makes our Attitude - Sunbeam Varuna

Ismat - "If you concentrate on what you have, you'll always have more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never have enough." - Lewis Howes

Astha - Maintaining an attitude of gratitude holds significant importance as it transforms our mindset. By redirecting our attention from ourselves towards appreciating people or things, we open doors to express gratitude for every facet of our lives.

Ismat - Cultivating this attitude involves consciously appreciating both major and minor aspects regularly-be it relationships, health, business, possessions, basic necessities like food and water, or our general sense of wellness.

Astha - Embracing an attitude of gratitude lets us engage from a standpoint of abundance. Nurturing this mindset cultivates greater happiness, positivity, and compassion towards ourselves and those in our circles.

Ismat- Centering on what brings us gratitude helps build stronger habits of appreciating the significant individuals and elements in our lives. Gratitude, fundamentally, involves appreciating what we possess rather than fixating on what we might lack.

This is our maiden effort, we hope you like it.

Brought to you by Sunbeam Varuna School & Hostel Varanasi

You can also listen out our podcast on your favoured app or on

Friday, 15 September 2023

Life At My Pace - Aati Pema

While I procrastinate, I remember some things that make me want to curl up and stop existing and others that make me grateful for them happening.

What you're about to read would be hard to actually sympathise with and enjoy if I do not give you the setup, so I hope you enjoy it.

I was a young boy almost in 5th grade, and being raised in Ladakh, I was like many drawn to the waters not by the thirst to drink but with the desire to immerse myself in the bone-chilling waters; though many could not swim, it did not stop us from enjoying it. For me personally, I remember embracing and enjoying every aspect of it, the bone-chilling river young from the glaciers making our nose redder than Rudolf's, the clear sky with its thin atmosphere letting the scorching sun bath us with its warmth as we lay on the sandy banks. The whole experience was perfected by the breathtaking views of the mighty mountains touching the clouds with their tips where it snowed permanently.

Now that you know how it was to be there, I will tell you a secret: we were not allowed to go near the river. But it only made it more of an adventure, so we used to make these plans to go to which place when, and we were always on the lookout for new spots. One day, one of my friends came excitedly and said that he had found a great place and we had to see it. The problem was that my hand was plastered, but I let it off and went anyway.

When we went there, we reached a gate with spikes, which I barely managed to get over. As we approached the pool, I saw why he was so excited. Usually, the waters would be high and were a continuous river, but from time to time, it lowered and let small ponds reveal themselves. It was one of such ponds, but it was unique because it was steaming, and the water was pleasantly warm a natural hot spring! 

We did not need any invite going bare; we jumped right in. I ensured my left arm was always above water and could enjoy just as much. After we were done it was almost dark we were glad that we had gone on a weekend, but as we reached the road I saw my mother searching for me, and when she saw she was not happy! We were scolded for a while, and my friends were asked whether they needed to be dropped home, but as their houses were just a bit away, they went after apologising. 

As I said bye to my friends, I told them where I had been and was again scolded for my carelessness. But till we reached our home, my mother's anger had subsided after having dinner as I lay in the bed with my mother watching a serial I did not know. I fell asleep while still thinking it was great. I did not know how to describe my feelings then, but I do now. It was a pure, immense sense of happiness and gratitude for everything: my mother, friends, and homeland.

This was one day of my life, but this made a part of me.

- Aati Pema
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Monday, 21 August 2023

Why Does My Voice Matter? - Shambhavi Nautiyal

Picture Courtesy:

My voice matters because 'I matter'. 

I want my voice to matter to all. My voice is purely the interpretation of my thoughts. And it resonates with my soul's reflection on what my body and my mind are going through. It fabricates all of my emotions, opinions, beliefs and desires. It unfolds one by one like the onion peels layer by layer, taking physical form, and I turn my thoughts into reality. 

My voice raises my apprehensions. And sometimes, it unravels my reality. It often unleashes the truth of my core. It lets me stand tall with my head held high.

My voice has been raised on innumerable instances - whenever my existence was questioned; whenever my presence was neglected; whenever my efforts were made meaningless; whenever my credibility was shaken. 

It is not that I raise my voice only if I am overlooked. I am also vocal when it comes to my loved ones' well-being. I also voice it whenever it is a matter of my faith. When it comes to my nation, I never lose the opportunity to take a stand and vote my opinion. That is my karma.

So, it matters how I use my voice.

Do I use my voice to manipulate others?

Or Do I use it to spread negativity and cuss at them, or do I use my voice to show gratitude, express love and use words of kindness and comfort for others?

That is what matters. 

No matter what you say or how you use your voice, it does make a difference. 

If you choose to be flippant and hurtful, it shall harm the people around you for the time being, but ultimately it shall come back to you since then, no one shall want to be friends with you and will start eviting you. Thus, your voice will eventually lose all its meaning, and at last, it will not matter anymore.

However, if you use your voice otherwise, then it shall be reciprocated with pleasure, and you will receive more happiness since now you have learned how to appreciate the things that you have.
When you learn to love yourself, you will start feeling confident. And also deflect people with remorse in their voices. In return for all the good that we do, we receive good, too. 

We should learn to trust that our voices matter because then we can present ourselves and our ideas in the most captivatingly confident manner.

As citizens of this world, we should keep exploring ourselves and honing our skills. We avoid questioning each of our beliefs. We work and focus on embarking on and strengthening the flourishing ones and eliminating the detrimental and deteriorating ones. 

Voicing our thoughts in an upright manner brings a difference in our life. It sharpens the outlook of a wider diaspora commendably. That is how the changes brought in mundane tasks and procedures. That is how the laws are made. That is how the amendments are brought into reality, bringing brimming smiles to the downtrodden section of society. 

Each voice does matter as it facilitates the formation of a powerful road map and vital development of one's nation and ensures accomplishment. Let us have some faith in our worth and keep believing that we all are worthy by simply existing and being ourselves. 

In the end, I would conclude with a famous quote from Steve Jobs that says - 
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
That is all which matters. As human beings, our voices deserve a hearing. Since we are always looking forward to improved facilities and lifestyles for humans living on this planet, and in this process, we can only achieve the best with communication and collaboration whilst having mutual respect.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Class- 9 || Ahlcon Public School

Reflections Since 2021