Showing posts with label meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meeting. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Monthly Meeting - 25th January 2025

Meeting Purpose

Monthly review and planning meeting for the GSA Impact Team to discuss the calendar, new initiatives, and an upcoming quarter.

The minutes will help the Interns and Fellows stay informed and contribute meaningfully.

Key Takeaways

February calendar finalised with structured weekly events (Meet & Greet, documentary, workshop, book reading)

New customised learning programs launched for schools (e.g. Arthur Foot Academy, JDS)

Focus on teacher development and engagement through reading, reflection, and technology integration

Retreat sign-ups close January 31; limited to 50 participants (20 supported schools, 30 GSA members)


February Calendar Overview

1st Sunday: Meet & Greet with K.C. Jain on health, yoga, meditation

2nd Sunday: Documentary series + book reading

3rd Sunday: YES workshop (45 min) by Lina Ashar on passion, purpose, play

4th Sunday: Extended book reading session

Weekly: JDS reading sessions (Fridays 2pm, 45 min) for 40 weeks

Monthly: Arthur Foot Academy offline session

New Initiatives

Customised learning programs for schools (e.g. Arthur Foot Academy, JDS)

Transition to Google Meet for My Good School sessions

Interns focusing on the joy of learning rather than social media posts

Happiness survey implementation at Arthur Foot Academy (every 6 months)

Digital Platforms & Resources

WhatsApp communities/groups for different programs

Blogs: Joy of Learning Diaries

Website: with program info, book lists

YouTube channel & podcast (Learning Forward) with 6000+ subscribers

Teacher Development Focus

Reading and reflection emphasised over direct "values" lessons

Arthur Foot Academy: Teachers creating visual representations of reflections

Technology integration: Basic computer skills, plans for AI introduction

Student Engagement

Positive feedback on English-speaking initiatives

Increased lab access for students (e.g. Sunbeam School: 15 workstations/school)

Young students (8-10 years old) participating in sessions, sharing experiences

Next Steps

Close retreat sign-ups by January 31

Implement a happiness survey at Arthur Foot Academy

Create a list of teacher volunteers for the Sunday School reading

Establish minimum post requirements for intern certification (1 post/month)

Share the happiness survey format with Minakshi for implementation

Continue encouraging teacher reflections and original content creation

GSA Impact Team Monthly Meeting
January 25, 2025

AI supported the draft; please forgive any errors and oversight.

Monday, 11 November 2024

JDS School Reflections Sunday 11th November 2024

Life from the eyes of trees
Through the eyes of trees, life is slow and timeless. They witness seasons, creatures, and changes in the world around them, feeling each sunrise and sunset. Rooted in place, they grow steadily, adapting quietly, watching humans rush by. Trees endure, connected to the earth, resilient, and part of a story far beyond a single lifetime.

Name- Anjali Bishnoi
Grade- 9th Rose
Jhamkudevi Sen Sec School

How would Cinnamon feel if he meet his birth parents?
At the time of meeting his birth parents, Cinnamon would have been filled with a lot of emotions and at the same time having a lot of questions about their identities. This would have been a very emotional meeting. Also Cinnamon will start feeling a sense of completion after meeting his birth parents as he will get the answers to all the questions he has had within him for a long time and the feeling of loneliness and depression he was tolerating may also diminished by meeting his birth parents and may start feeling soothing.
Name - Nancy 
Grade- 9th Rose
Jhamkudevi Sen Sec School

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Reflection Sunday 10th November 2024

Reflection of the week 

-From My Name Is Cinnamon- 

1. What was your takeaway from the session today?  

2. What were the key points in the chapter? 

3. Journey of self-discovery

4. Being honest with ourselves

5. Importance of reflection and clear thought 

6. When you write a poem how do you feel? 

7. How do you think Cinnamon would feel if he met his birth parents

8. Between the head and the heart

- From The Hidden Life Of Trees –  

1. Why is the chapter named "Not just a commodity?"

2. What is your takeaway from today’s session? 

3. What did you learn from this book?

4. Do trees have a life of their own? How can humans learn to respect that? 

5. Life from the eyes of trees

6. Taking care of trees and nature with dignity

7. We aren't a part of nature, we are nature

8. Lessons from this book

"I think writing a poem is oddly fulfilling and a unique art itself. Its unique how we're able to express our thoughts about something in a set of lines. I think it brings us to think deeper about what we're writing because we aren't just writing a paragraph but writing about our feelings and ideas about something in a few lines, choosing the right words at every step. And when you're done writing that poem, there's a sense of fulfillment when you read it again because it just opens a new perspective about it. 

I don't write blogs that often now but when I'm bored at home, I take out a paper and pen and write poems because it truly is something that's so unique." - Rishona Chopra

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!      


You can email your reflections at -

My Good School 10th Nov 2024

Reading My Name Is Cinnamon - complete the chapter 8; and complete reading the book "The Hidden Life of Trees" by Peter Wohlleben, as well as plan for an upcoming retreat and initiate an "Impact Study" project.

Key Takeaways

Trees are highly interconnected through underground fungal networks, forming a "Wood-Wide Web" that allows them to communicate and support each other. 

Helping children like Cinnamon from the book deal with difficult emotions requires providing a supportive environment, encouraging reflection, and engaging them in enjoyable activities. 

The upcoming retreat will involve spending time in a forest, connecting with underprivileged children, and continuing the group reading experience. 

The "Impact Study" project aims to assess how the Teacher's Academy program is developing students' 21st century skills like critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. 

Practices like writing poems, maintaining reading logs, and reflecting on readings can enhance personal growth and reading comprehension. 


Reading and Discussing "The Hidden Life of Trees"

The group continued reading and discussing chapters from the book, exploring how trees communicate and support each other through underground fungal networks. 

The discussion focused on understanding Cinnamon's emotional journey and ways to help him deal with his feelings in a healthy manner. 

Upcoming Retreat

The group discussed the plans for an upcoming retreat, where participants will spend time in a forest, connect with underprivileged children, and continue their group reading experience. 

The retreat will also involve a visit to the "My Good School" studio and a city tour. 

"Impact Study" Project

The group initiated an "Impact Study" project to assess the impact of the Teacher's Academy program on the development of students' 21st century skills. 

The project will involve gathering feedback from teachers and students, and analyzing data to understand the program's effectiveness.


Next Steps

Gurdeep will connect with Kunal to obtain the data from the previous impact study and use it as a starting point for the new project. 

The group will work together to develop a set of questions to gather feedback from teachers and students on a monthly basis. 

The findings from the impact study will be shared and discussed in future meetings, and the next meeting will be on the 24th of November 2024.

Saturday, 28 September 2024

GSA Calendar October 2024

My Good School on Sundays

6th October 2024
Christa Campsall 
My Guide Inside
My Name Is Cinnamon

13th October 2024
Amardeep Singh 
Screening of Episode 10 
Allegory: A Tapestry of Guru Nanak's Travels 
The Hidden Life Of Trees

20th October 2024

My Name Is Cinnamon
The Hidden Life Of Trees
The Impact Team Meeting

27th October 2024
My Name Is Cinnamon
The Hidden Life Of Trees
The Impact Team Meeting

Good Schools India Journal

15th October 2024

2 Girls 1 Mic - Oshi and Simar

25th October 2024

Where Passion Meets Education with Amit Sachdeva - Sandeep Dutt

Masterclass - The Teacher's Academy
5th, 12th and 26th 

Chapter 10 Wanted Back-bencher Last-ranker Teacher

GSA Monthly Meeting 

26th October 2024 at 4 pm

Monday, 22 July 2024

Importance of Reflection - Sunbeam Suncity

Mr Paul PV, our Director (QCR&D), recently met with the My Good School reading club members at the Suncity Hostel and had an insightful session with them. He emphasised the importance of 'reflection' and spoke with the Interns separately, explaining the various roles and functions they can volunteer for.

- Reoported by Debasree Ghosh, a passionate educator at Sunbeam Suncity, pursuing the Fellowship Program.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

A Day In My Life - Reveda Bhatt

24th September this year was exciting.

So, it was Saturday, and my colleague, Kunal (with whom I had been talking for about one year), was in Dehradun (where I live) on his School trip. We had been discussing meeting at the NATIONAL OFFICE*, at The English Book Depot, for days.

We fixed the date to meet as 25th. Talking about something on the 24th, we changed our plan to meet that day as they were here in a group! I requested my Mom to drop me off there.

When I reached with my Mom, they all hadn’t arrived, so we went to the back side of the book-shop and into Sir’s office, spoke to him and just a while later, the whole group arrived. After meeting them, my Mom left.

Seeing them all the first time, I hadn’t spoken to any one of them except Kunal. But, that day, meeting them, we all had fun.

Sir bought us coffee and then went somewhere. Later, to discuss work, we both sat at a table nearby.
Soon, it was time for them to leave. We clicked a photograph to keep as a memoir and drove away.

Learning from each other and experiencing new things under such a group with such influential people is what keeps me going on this path of my life that I have chosen! 

Reveda Bhatt
The Aryan School, Dehradun

*The name might sound dramatic, but it is so called because that place is the root which keeps us all connected on a platform even though we, THE STUDENTS OF MY GOOD SCHOOL, are scattered all across India.

Saturday, 4 December 2021

GSAIP - Good Schools Alliance India Program


Spreading the Joy Of Learning

GSAIP ~ Good Schools Alliance India Program TOGETHER WE MAKE THE GSA COME ALIVE! We have fixed a Zoom Room; the meeting will be once a month for the entire team; we will make the plan, and then the Interns can work in their respective groups with their Teachers. All teachers/coordinators must join us for the monthly meeting, as, like our young people, the teachers are also learning about the GSA and how we operate. 7 PROGRAMS      1. Internship     2. Exchange     3. Slooh     4. Life Skill Series:     * Joy Of Reading     * Joy of Speaking     * Joy Of Writing INTERNSHIP PROGRAM  Interns are an essential part of our successful enterprise. Most of them work directly with our partners and provide support at the local level. We host interns for a few weeks to one year. You could be teaching at the school or assisting the school staff in helping in teaching and learning. Your passion and volunteering are most dear to us!  The three teams and the members  A) Brewing Knowledge Club - Kunal, Moksh  -  Sukhpreet Kaur is the Mentor B) JoyOfLearningDiaries.Com  Arjun Rohilla, Aarav  - Krishan Gopal Dave is the Mentor C) Podcast Team- Jatin, Ishita - Nibbrati is the Mentor SHORT NOTE ABOUT THE THREE PROJECTS: Brewing Knowledge Book Club An online forum established by Learning Forward offers an experience of the joy of reading with family, friends and colleagues. The Members meet for 60 minutes on the last Sunday of the month. ZOOM works like our studio; members meet to read and reflect. The event is broadcast for the public on Clubhouse. Interns will help plan the sessions and post the session create a Blog Post for the Brewing Knowledge Blog. Joy Of Learning Diaries The Joy Of Learning diaries will inspire you by sharing personal examples of where children experience the values. It will also help people take stock of the importance and wish to lead their lives. #JoyOfLearningDiaries - Interns will source posts from schools and help create draft posts for the Blog Editor. Radio Program (Podcast) We invite stakeholders at the show we invite the community from one school:     * Teachers     * Students     * Parents     * Ex-students     * Management For a candid conversation to showcase how they built their My Good School together. The interns will help in production and design. Find out more about the Internship Program. Find out more... My Good School  The Standard Core Curriculum Service | Skill | Sport |Study * Choice of Curriculum * Choose your coach/mentor  * Work with peers at school * Education at your pace  * Parental guidance Learning For Life * My Good School encourages students to become involved in activities beyond just study; this helps develop confidence, knowledge and networks. * The experiential learning curriculum is a critical factor in the student progressing successfully through adolescence. * Education empowers students by creating an environment for their personal and social development.
