Tuesday 31 May 2022

Hope - Gaurangi Rastogi

Please read The Little Book of Values:
Educating Children to become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens.

People talk about hope whenever you are stuck in a difficult situation.

But what is hope? Sometimes this question clicks my mind. It is a step that motivates you to reach your destination or aim to be achieved. 

Recently, I travelled to 'Char Dham Yatra'. Which is enjoyable. When I saw the track, I felt disappointed. It was a tiring journey, but something inside kept my excitement alive.

I think that's hope!

Hope never lets your aspirations or dreams die. It keeps it alive in your heart. Some examples of maintaining hope in my daily life:

Hope of mummy making something good in Lunch.

Hope that my family to bring surprises on my birthday 

Hope of going to park and cycle 3 rounds without stopping.

Gaurangi Rastogi 
The Doon Girls' School 

On Hope - Afifa Fatima

Please listen to my first podcast, and share your comments below.

"I love my school; we learn from friends, teachers and family".

Afifa Fatima
Grade VI
The Doon Girls & Boys School

Sunday 29 May 2022

Report Card - Sunita Mehta

Hoping for the best, fearing the worst,
Report card day brought jitters to even the best!
Oh! for the Gods to show mercy, I was not all that pricey,
While fate couldn't be challenged, it could be shared, 
Distributed evenly among friends and siblings,
A red line on every report card was not a bad ask! 
Eternity was walking up to the teacher, 
hoping for the best, fearing the worst.

Sunita Mehta
Joy Of Learning mentor and headmistress at Gyanshree School Noida.

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I'M A Night Owl - Gia Gupta

I love My Good School!

Gia Gupta, Class 5F, Gyanshree school, Noida. 
#reading #nightowl #Passion #MyGoodSchool 

Where Passion Meets Education
Reading, Writing and Speaking that is all we do!

My Good School Song - Anvesha Rana

My Good School,
where passion meets education.

My Good School is our school, 

Where passion meets education

And we reach our destination. 

We can read or write, 

Speak or create, 

Just find your calling, 

And carry it forward. 

Create a podcast, 

Or write a blog. 

Whatever you do, 

The Joy of Learning will be sure. 

My Good School where,

Learning is Fun, and Fun is learning, 

Where we are not mere students,

But all of us are lifelong learners at this school of life. 

Anvesha Rana,
Grade 10-B,
Gyanshree School

The Report Card - Rishona Chopra

Viewing the Report Card is a typical day full of emotions. Some feel happy, while others feel anxious. 
For me, it is an exciting day! I actually don't care what I get as long as I try my best. Once my report card came, my mother wasn't at home, so I quickly opened the report card and read it. Even though my mother didn't like seeing the report card all by myself, I still did it as I was extremely excited.

After all those months of fun and learning, the report card shows what you dill all year round and a reward that showcases your effort. Often we say that if we did well, we get a bar of chocolate and other gifts, but we don't realize the report card is the most significant gift!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Monday 23 May 2022

Lunch Time - Gaurangi Rastogi

In a boarding school, we have no lunchbox, but we have canteens there. That place was a place for showing affection, having fun, and interacting with teachers.

As the head chair of my table, I must make my juniors eat the food properly, ensuring discipline and no wastage of food. When I became the head chair for the first time, it was a tough job to make my juniors eat properly, Sometimes, they did not like the dish, or the taste was too bad.

Once I broke down, I was tired of the tantrums, but a senior made me realize that I was like them; when I was a junior. Today, I share and tell them that they eat little but everything! This lesson would be remembered all the time. 

Gaurangi Rastogi 

Grade-VII A 
The Doon Girls' School

My Good School Song - Rishona Chopra

We are here at My Good School,
Here things are so cool! Together we learn, Here no teacher is stern!

We learn all the values needed,
After going to My Good School, we all succeeded!
There are several things you can do,
Each thing is new!

We can read and write,
We are bright!
We can design and create,
After all, My Good School is great!

Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School

Empathy - Ushita Saxena

Empathy is when you connect with someone. When you understand someone's feelings and know what to tell them. When you observe someone suffering, you may be able to imagine yourself in their shoes and sympathise with them. 

Have you ever heard of the term "sympathy"? Sympathy and Empathy may sound like synonyms, but actually, they aren't! Sympathy is when you feel sorry for someone from your own perspective. Empathy is when you put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand why they feel that way. This is a significant difference to understand. Let's take an example. Your friend's sibling died, and they are feeling super sad. What would you do? If you were to sympathise, you would say things like 'I'm sorry you're feeling that way or 'It's okay. Don't worry about something like that. But if you were to empathise, you would say things like, 'I have been there and be sad too.  

Empathy is essential as it helps build connections with people and bond with them. Social relationships are necessary for your body and your mental state. Empathising with people makes them empathise with you and spreads it.  

To practice Empathy and influence it, you can do a ton of stuff, such as: i. Work on listening to people without interrupting 

ii. Pay attention to body language and other types of nonverbal  communication 

iii. Try to understand people, even when you disagree with them iv. Ask people questions to learn more about them and their lives 

To conclude, Empathy is when you understand that person and know what they are feeling, which can prepare you for telling them about it. It helps in socialising and creating bonds. Sympathy and Empathy are very different; sympathy is when you feel sorry for them passively, and Empathy Is when you are sorry for them in a more active way and feel what they are feeling. 

"If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."  


Grade: 6A

Gyanshree School

Reflections Since 2021