Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts

Friday 6 January 2023

What I fear the most and how can I overcome that fear - Jeni Sherpa

I am afraid of heights, darkness, public speaking and being in front of a huge crowd of people watching I avoid going to high places whenever possible. And also, whenever I try to do something, I always think or fear that other people will judge me and make fun of me, so I rarely speak with other people. I hope to overcome my fear by confronting it.

Jeni Sherpa
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

My greatest fear and how I overcame it - Tenzin Jambey

People have so many fears in life, but we can overcome them by facing them and trying out the challenges that create fear. Like everyone, I have so many fears.

I am afraid of darkness, blood, scary things etc. Out of all these, my greatest fear is my future. I feel terrified when I think of my future and what I will become later. As my friends put it, it's very amusing, and I believe the same. 
This fear dips me into depression when I think of how my future would look and how I would take care of my family.

Specific questions arise in my mind, like 
would I be able to fulfil my family's wants? I fear feeling ashamed if I fail to meet my family's demands and wishes, as they put in a lot of hard work to send me to school. But I also believe where there is dark, there is light, too; where there is sorrow, there is happiness too!

There are plenty of careers and jobs that I can choose from, and this thought gives me relaxation and relief. 
This positive thought keeps my fear away and helps me focus on the better side of life!

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Thursday 5 January 2023

Reflection on what I fear the most... - Shristi Khulal

Someone has rightly said that when fear strikes, there are only two ways to face it or run away from it. The best way is to face it and overcome it.

I fear being in the spotlight or the centre of attraction and public speaking the most. I get very nervous, and I overthink others' opinions about me. My body starts shaking, and my heart starts pounding.

I would like to overcome this fear and speak confidently, as it is essential in our lives. For this, I should be more confident about myself and interact with many people.

Pestalozzi is also helping us to become more optimistic by organising workshops, for which I am very thankful. I should also stop being an overthinker.

Shristi Khulal
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

What I fear the most - Tenzin Nyingsel

Tenzin Nyingsel

Wed, 4 Jan, 09:54

Subject: Reflection on; What I fear the most and how I can overcome that fear...

I hope this email finds you well.

What I fear the most is generally what many people have been through, which is the fear of getting a scolding by their parents, especially my father; even though he is the most friendly person in the family, his anger is the most dangerous from our family.

I still remember the day when he scolded my brother for not picking me up from school and leaving me there till 6 or 7pm, which was very scary since I couldn't walk properly due to the injury on my foot. I can never forget that anger and the fight they both had because of me.
For me, that's my biggest fear and how to overcome that fear is still in process because I try my best not to make him angry and to always listen to his guidance.

Thank you for reading.

Yours faithfully,
Tenzin Nyingsel,
From PCVS (Pestalozzi Children's Village Society)

How do I overcome the fear within? - Nishan Karki

Reflecting on my fears post the reading session at The Sunday School.

I fear many different things, but I fear the most is failing to do several things or failure. I get this fear when I do not feel like I am not doing well in exams or in several things.

To overcome the fear of failure, I try to be calm and do my work with dedication, focus and carefulness. I have good time management that can help me to overcome this fear.

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Childrens' Village 

Monday 2 January 2023

What I fear the most... Tenzing Dhekyong N

Reading Chapter 32 - Human Quality: Preparedness

"What I fear the most is the scare of the darkness. So generally, many people are scared of the dark. I have been wondering about those creepy things repeatedly during my childhood, so that's why I had a fear inside me of ghosts. I still am scared of a ghost, but I try to overcome them by thinking of funny movements which have happened today". 

Tenzing Dhekyong N
Pestalozzi World Children's Village

What I Fear The Most... Gaurangi Rastogi


At The Sunday School, we read the book The Art Of Focus by Gauranga Das on the 1st of Jan, 2023. Reading Chapter 32 - Human Quality: Preparedness, we set out to discover the fears within. Gaurangi Rastogi shares her reflections in her maiden podcast. You must listen to her and prepare to overcome your fears. She studies at The Doon Girls' School Dehradun and works as an Intern at My Good School. We meet her often at The Sunday School - reading, writing and speaking. #JoyOfLearning

Sunday 16 October 2022

The greatest gift - Rishona Chopra

The greatest gift we want to give to our loved ones every day, at every moment, is happiness. We spend time with them, buy them physical comforts, and support them, yet they are sometimes unhappy. Most likely, it is because we are unhappy. Happiness is energy, not matter. Just by being happy ourselves and being happy while discharging our responsibilities, our happy vibrations radiate and trigger the happiness frequency in our loved ones and uplift their state of mind to happiness.

Have you sensed that you need to make much more effort in sustaining your roles and responsibilities if your mind is unhappy? Despite your extra steps to care for and provide for them, are your family and friends unhappy with you? Does it leave you wondering what more you should have done? We often quantify our efforts and measure our loved ones’ happiness against it. The truth is, how much we do for people doesn’t matter. What matters is how happy we were while doing everything.

While caring for people or doing something for them, let us not create thoughts of stress, fear, anxiety, anger or pain. Otherwise, our negativity is sure to deplete people we do so much for, not allowing them to be happy with us. Without being happy, you cannot give happiness to others. Be happy and do everything that you need to do. It’s your energy which influences their happiness.

Remind yourself – “I am an embodiment of happiness. Being happy myself and taking care of people keeps my loved ones happy.” When you experience unconditional happiness, you have nothing but happiness to give everyone. You don’t even have to offer; it automatically radiates. From today, let bliss be your natural way of living. Let nothing and no one pull you down. In every scene, contribute towards creating a happy family, workplace and world by always being happy.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday 19 June 2022

Avni: Inside the Hunt For India’s Deadliest Man-Eater - Rishona Chopra

On November 2, 2018, tigress 'Avni' or T1, as she was known officially, believed to have been responsible for the deaths of 13 people in Maharashtra in two years, was shot dead in the Yavatmal district of the state.

Like we humans think of killing animals and banning them from the world the same way animals want to kill us because humans and animals can both live in harmony, but fear causes us to create trouble. Just imagine yourself as a tiger who people want to hunt down and hurt; won't you want to hurt those who hurt you? Sometimes, when I look at a tiger's eye, I feel the sadness, fear and pain in her eyes. 

After all, the cause of animals hurting us are only humans. We cut trees and make buildings in the forest, harming the animals. Imagine people charging in your home and ruining your place. You now have nowhere to live.

We blame animals for hurting us, but actually, we hurt them primarily because of fear.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday 5 June 2022

The Bravery Test - Rishona Chopra

Being brave is simply overcoming your fears. It can be your fear of the dark or of a dog or ghosts or shadows by just doing it. If you are scared, you will fall if you climb a tree, then don't do it, but if you want to overcome your fear, just do it.

In the previous chapter, The Great Adventure, Totto-chan and Yasuaki-chan showed great courage. It took a lot of effort to climb a tree, but they did not give up and continued trying. In the end, climbed the tree and had lots of fun!

Totto-chan overcomes her fear of ghosts. Of course, you don't have to meet ghosts, but just through thoughts, you can overcome your fear. She soon was happy in her fear too! She thought that if we are scared of ghosts, ghosts are afraid of us too!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday 29 May 2022

Report Card - Sunita Mehta

Hoping for the best, fearing the worst,
Report card day brought jitters to even the best!
Oh! for the Gods to show mercy, I was not all that pricey,
While fate couldn't be challenged, it could be shared, 
Distributed evenly among friends and siblings,
A red line on every report card was not a bad ask! 
Eternity was walking up to the teacher, 
hoping for the best, fearing the worst.

Sunita Mehta
Joy Of Learning mentor and headmistress at Gyanshree School Noida.

Saturday 8 January 2022

Courage - Shaurya Buchade

Hi, I am Shaurya Buchade from Grade II – A. Meaning of my name “Shaurya” is “ brave and courageous”, and I always behave accordingly!

It is said that no one is born courageous, but one can develop a habit to be it. When I was 2 yrs old, I had a phobia of playing on swings, slides at the playground. My Mom started taking me to the garden regularly, where other kids of my age group used to play on slides very confidently and quickly; my mother encouraged me to do the same, but my little heart got filled with fear by the thought of climbing a slide. But, one day, I developed courage and mounted on the slide slowly with my mother’s help and then experienced its joy. I had conquered my fear forever. If I had not taken that small courageous action on that day, I would have missed all the fun and joy of playing with my peers in the playground.

One should have confidence in themselves; courage automatically follows. Whenever you face a problem, think for some time, and then find a solution and solve it.

Every season has a beautiful reason.

Every problem has a meaningful message.

All we need is a fresh vision.

Name: Shaurya Buchade

Grade: 2A

Billabong High International School, Thane

Sunday 26 December 2021

Courage - Khushi Badgeri


Courage allows you to attempt things that you have not tried before. It takes courage to admit and say sorry when you are wrong. Courage is mental or moral strength to withstand danger, fear or difficulty. In short, courage means to say I have to do it, I will do it. 

Courage makes us believe in ourselves. Let me share my experience. I had a toothache. It was paining so severely that I could not eat or drink anything. But I was afraid of visiting Dentist. My parents forced me to see the Dentist. I went to Doctor and saw the Dental Chair, and I ran out and started crying. Then my parents told me that there was nothing to worry about and not hurt me. I told myself nothing to worry about and everything would be fine. You are brave and strong. You can do it. Somehow I managed to build up mental courage and got my dental treatment done, 

Now, I am not afraid of any Doctor and their treatment. I know they will take good care of me. So, this is how I overcame my fear of visiting a Dentist.

Courage also means thinking positively.

Name: Khushi Prashant Badgeri
Grade: 2 A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Saturday 25 December 2021

Courage - Aavansh Gupta

 Courage is to control fear in a situation that may be dangerous or

unpleasant. You can swim in oceans, climb up mountains or go to

space. But the main point is that not everybody dares to do

that. Everybody wants comfort. You can choose courage or

comfort, but you can’t choose both. 

So, let me share a self-composed poem that could inspire everyone reading.





















Aavansh Gupta
Grade IV
Gyanshree School

Monday 20 December 2021

Courage - Aashay Gaitonde


It was the year 2019. I had gone on a holiday with my family to Pali, where we stayed at a weekend home. On a lazy Sunday morning, Dad & I were playing in the kids' pool. I don't know how to swim, but I always liked playing in the water. It's always great fun to splash onto the water and create waves with our hands. However, who knew, that such a fun morning could end with a horror story. While playing in the pool, I slipped and fell face-first into the water. My head was UNDERWATER! I couldn't breathe and panicked. I couldn't move. It's only because my dad pulled me up that I could breathe again, albeit with great difficulty (because of the water in my nose!)

Fast forward to 2021, my parents planned the same trip this weekend & to the same place. And guess what? My mom & dad said to me this morning, "We are going to play in the pool." And this time, it was going to be the regular swimming pool and not the kids' pool. I was petrified! I tried to convince mom not to take me to the pool, but she said, "You need to learn swimming. Getting into the water is the first step.".

I was nervous, but the minute I went back into the water, I slowly started enjoying the pool like old times. And my mom taught me to hold my breath and put my head underwater for a few seconds. My immediate reaction was, "No!". But I knew mom was right. I had to stop being afraid at some point. I tried going underneath the water, and I could finally do it! I was able to put my head underwater and come out safely!

It may be a tiny thing, but for me, it was a big step to overcome my fear of water. I am not afraid of the pool anymore. I am not afraid of getting drowned too. I played in the pool for another hour, and I was able to enjoy every minute of it. This is my little story of courage. 

Name : Aashay Gaitonde
Grade: 5A
Billabong High International school, Thane

Courage - Ushita Saxena

                                                        “Courage is grace under pressure”.

All of us, no matter how young, have done something courageous. It would be

doing something for the sometimes or being calm under pressure. Here is my tale

of being courageous.

‘Once, I was going to the park with my sister. I was going inside the lift. And after

a few moments, the lights went out. The lift suddenly stopped, and it was going to

the basement. I was surprisingly calm and collected and knew what to do. My

sister, however, was panicking. As I tried to calm her down, the lift had arrived at

the basement. I pressed the “call” button, and one of the guards on the ground

floor told us to calm down. After 5 mins the lights came on. Finally, I went to

the park.’

See? It isn’t a challenging job. Courage isn’t having no fears but withstanding them

instead. You need it to begin. It gives you the ability to not be embarrassed or shy

and take the first steps to try something. It is one of the most essential values of life.

Ushita Saxena 

Grade V

Gyanshree School

Sunday 5 December 2021

Courage - Rishona Chopra

Based on the chapter It’s never too late, from Is Your Child Ready to face the world by
Dr Anupam Sibal

Sometimes when we have fear or are in a situation where we have options, one risky and the other an easy one. Here we have to display courage. Courage is being fearless, showing an end to fear and bringing in bravery. Of course, it is difficult, but that is what life is about. Taking risks and having new experiences.

Take the example of Dr Christiaan Barnard- a cardiac surgeon Dr Christiaan Barnard was an ambitious cardiac surgeon who started performing and studying cardiac surgeries. He started performing heart and lung transplants. He had a few cases where he could just make joy with his first successful surgery or put everything at stake. Here he took the risk and performed a successful surgery!

So to have courage, you just need to believe in yourself.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V 
Gyanshree School 

Saturday 4 December 2021

Courage - Hetal Vaishnav

Courage means the ability to control fear. Another word for courage is being brave. It is a good value, and it is essential for us.

We should not be afraid of fear. So it is essential to inculcate courage in ourselves. I would like to share an example of a woman.

Women face many problems, they solve all of the issues because of courage. If we are afraid of difficulties, we will never solve those problems. Courage also builds our self-confidence.  I would also like to share one more example of our freedom fighters. Today, we all remember our freedom fighters because of their quality of courage. Only because of their courage and bravery, our country becomes free from British rule. So let's be brave and stand for the right cause.

Hetal Vaishnav 
Class VIII A
The Fabindia School 

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Courage - Rishabh Sheikh

I believe that one of the solutions to overcome fear is to develop courage. Courage is the mental and emotional preparedness and ability to deal with difficult, challenging, and sometimes seemingly impossible circumstances. 

Courage is a highly prized virtue, and many famous and respected people have spoken or written about it over the year. We probably all have an idea of what we mean by courage or bravery, as it is sometimes known.

I learned that courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. The brave man is not one who does not feel afraid; he is ready to face it.  

Rishab Sheikh
Class III
The Fabindia School