Friday 3 June 2022

Why you should join My Good School? - Anusha Jain

Anusha Jain 
Class 10
Ahlcon Public School

My Good School works for the personal and social development of every individual. Find out how we work and what is in store for you?
Discover more www.GoodSchools.IN


Thursday 2 June 2022

My Good School Season 2, Episode 4 - Hope

“I am Anvesha, and I am Simar, and we will be hosts for the event!”

Another month means another podcast produced by none other than our interns. Anvesha and Simar are back with a podcast on a heartwarming topic - Hope! 

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -

That perches in the soul -

And sings the tune without the words -

And never stops - at all -

~Emily Dickinson

What is life without Hope? What does Hope mean to you? Does Hope change our perspective on life? When do you feel the most hopeful? Does someone or something help you to be hopeful? Make sure to ponder these questions and share your thoughts in the comment section. 

Tune in to listen to Ms Arushi Goswami -  she shares their thoughts and feelings on this important topic. 

Comment below and let us know if you liked the podcast. If you want to be part of similar podcasts, join us! We hope to meet you again when we are back with a podcast on ‘Humility’ next month. 

My Good School celebrates Hope and has come up with a podcast made and produced by our interns!

Omoiyari - Rishona Chopra

Omoiyari is the Japanese art of compassion. It is a form of selfless empathy and compassion. It is when you put yourself in their shoes. Japan uses Omoiyari as in their country; care, consideration, and kindness underpin all aspects of daily life in Japan.

The most important part is that they don't force anyone to do it it is simply their lifestyle. It is just about making others happy and comfortable, and as they say, "Make Others Happy, and you will be happy too"!

"Know the pain of others by pinching yourself."
Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Humility - Rishona Chopra

Here is my podcast on humility

Do you wish to rise?
Begin by descending.

Do you plan a tower that will pierce the clouds?
Lay first the foundation of humility.

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI
Gyanshree school

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Act It Out! - Rishona Chopra

Acting is a skill which needs simply one thing, and that is - confidence. If you don't have the confidence, it's impossible to master it. Trust me, it is the most difficult and the easiest thing to do.

All you have to do is just flow with the character and imagine that there is no one around. If you can do that, the rest will come out beautifully, whether it was perfect or not.

I think I had stage fright before the performance, but I felt I was confident after it. I think I would not do good at all, but in the end, I do. Only your effort should be noticed.

If you tried your best, then everything is perfect.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Hope - Gaurangi Rastogi

Please read The Little Book of Values:
Educating Children to become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens.

People talk about hope whenever you are stuck in a difficult situation.

But what is hope? Sometimes this question clicks my mind. It is a step that motivates you to reach your destination or aim to be achieved. 

Recently, I travelled to 'Char Dham Yatra'. Which is enjoyable. When I saw the track, I felt disappointed. It was a tiring journey, but something inside kept my excitement alive.

I think that's hope!

Hope never lets your aspirations or dreams die. It keeps it alive in your heart. Some examples of maintaining hope in my daily life:

Hope of mummy making something good in Lunch.

Hope that my family to bring surprises on my birthday 

Hope of going to park and cycle 3 rounds without stopping.

Gaurangi Rastogi 
The Doon Girls' School 

On Hope - Afifa Fatima

Please listen to my first podcast, and share your comments below.

"I love my school; we learn from friends, teachers and family".

Afifa Fatima
Grade VI
The Doon Girls & Boys School

Reflections Since 2021