Wednesday 8 February 2023

Oh Teacher, I Salute Thee - Nishan Karki

Teachers are the person who teaches us in school, tuition, online classes, etc. They try to give their best to teach us. Kabir Das, in his Shakis, says that if God and teacher are in front of me, to whom I shall greet first. Then he says, it is only possible because of our teacher that I can see and helps us reach God. He simply wants to say that teacher is even greater than God.

What Kabir said in his Sakhi is also true. The teacher always supports and encourages us to study well. They always advise us to go on the right path in life and always choose the right one. Teachers give us many things for which we should salute and respect them. 

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Oh teacher, I salute Thee - 5th Feb 2023 Reflections For The Week

I salute my teachers for being an inspiration to me. Teachers provide knowledge and education. They become our moral supporters for us. With the teachers, we can make it this far. Our parents are also teachers. They were our first teachers who taught us how to walk when we failed and attempted a lot of times. Our teachers in School are the ones who showed us the light when it was dark. Teaching is a complex thing to do. & With all my heart, I thank my teachers for cooperating with us during the pandemic outbreak. Pestalozzi has also played a massive role in my life by giving me the best quality of education and supporting not only me but thousands of children like me.

I am thankful to be a part of this train journey full of joy and happiness. At last, hats off to the real heroes of our society... 😌✨

Tenzing Dhekyong N

We should always respect our teachers not only because they are elders than us but also because they are the ones who love and care for us like their own children. They taught us not only how to read and write but also to distinguish between right and wrong. We can best show respect to our teachers by listening to them and following their instructions. We should not talk unnecessarily with our friends while the teacher is teaching in class; we should focus more on the teacher leading us and ask questions by being curious. This is the best way to communicate with teachers, be humble, and show respect to them.

Jeni Sherpa

Saluting basically means respecting someone, so we respect teachers. Someone has rightly said," School is the second home, and teachers are second parents." The teacher has a significant role in shaping student's life, making them able to solve problems and face the world confidently and boldly. Nothing is enough to pay the debt of the teachers to students because teachers are the ones who teach us every value in life and enlighten the students. Many people find teachers more valuable than god. By being good to them, listening to them, being respectful and doing well, we can be students, which is what every teacher wants their students to be. Teachers are those who show every student their correct path and guide them. Words are not enough to thank teachers as they stand there for students in every problematic situation.

Shristi Khulal

Teachers always want the best for us. They care for every student and are forever ready to help us. Beyond our academic success, they also care about our happiness, well-being and life outside the classroom. Though they can sometimes be a little strict with us, we must understand that it is for our own good. As I say for teachers Wishing you joy and happiness, you are a fantastic teacher, and you only deserve the best. You are the spark, the inspiration, the guide, the candle to my life. I am deeply thankful that you are my teacher. Books, sports, homework and knowledge, are the pillar of our success, and you are the best in the classroom.

Januka Basnet

A teacher is someone whose position comes second in our life after our parents. Our parents only tells which I the right path but our teacher tells us how to walk on the right path. Our parents tells us not to make mistakes but teacher tells how to rectify the mistakes and learn from it. Life is like a journey on a train and our parents and teachers are like the drivers of the train. From our birth to the year of three our train of life is driven by our parents and when we get in play group the  driver gets charged and we get derived by the teachers for almost seventeen to eighteen years. The teachers are the most important person in our life because they are the one who thinks about us and lead us to a brighter future. That is why School is also known as our second home.

Monika Singh Pundir

Pestalozzi Children's Village India 

Sunday 5 February 2023

Oh teacher, I salute Thee - Tenzin Nyingsel

"Teacher, a person who awakens joy in creative expression and knowledge," said the great scientist Einstein. They might indeed scold us or punish us, but that has always been what is done well for us. Whatever the teacher has always done for me has always been perceived as a valuable learning experience and never as an arduous duty. Teachers have always been the person in my life who've guided me on the right path of my life and have always encouraged me to move forward in my life.

 At last, I want to say to teachers that whatever you've taught and have given lessons will always be walking by my side on my life path to which I salute you.

Tenzin Nyingsel
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

The Road Less Travelled - Rishona Chopra

There are two paths in life: the first is where you have many friends and where you are liked by everybody. You adjust and fit in the crowd. The second path is lonely. You only have a few friends and simply focus on your goal. Instead of fitting in, you stand out. 

We can see thousands of bad examples around us, the ones we should not be influenced by. You can take the example of people who drink, who smoke, and teenagers who party all day and don't study. Often, we find ourselves trying to fit in with others. On this path, we see many people who don't like us simply because they are jealous. As it said, "If none hates you, you're probably doing something wrong"!

On the first path, we find ourselves indulged with many people; we are happy, but as I said, around us are bad examples and hardly anyone good. Often, we get in touch with bad company and lose our way. 

Although it is said to focus on the journey and not the destination, the goal keeps you moving in life.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Prévenance - Rishona Chopra

La prévenance, c'est juste quand une pensée vous vient à l'esprit pour prendre soin de quelqu'un. Simplement cette pensée crée la Compréhension. Un peu de considération, et un peu de révision pour les autres, font toute la différence.

Prévenance pour les animaux, vos parents, vos amis et toute personne dans le monde. Même en donnant de l'eau à un chien, en ouvrant la porte à un enfant et en montrant que les lacets de quelqu'un sont dénoués. Tout compte et montre votre attention. Prévenance pour mère nature. Si la prévenance existait pour tout le monde et pour tout, tout irait beaucoup mieux.

Un exemple où je me souviens avoir éte pensif es lorsque, lor d'une course dans une école, l'un des élèves est tombé. J'ai remarqué que personne ne l'aidait et que j'étais trop occupé à gagner la course. Pour être honnête, au début, je n'ai pas remarqué non plus. Je pensais que les étudiants autour d'elle l'aideraient mais comme personne ne le faisait, je suis monté et je l'ai aidée à se lever. Mais même si je l'ai aidée à se relever, je n'ai pas attendu une minute de plus et j'ai juste couru pour continuer la course, ce qui, je pense, est un peu égoïste de ma part. Au fond de moi, moi aussi, j'étais préoccupé par la victoire de la course.

J'ai besoin d'améliorer cela en moi et de surmonter le désir d'égoïsme et d'apprendre à être altruiste. La réflexion ne doit pas venir simplement pour montrer à quelqu'un que vous avez fait quelque chose, mais doit venir du cœur. Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School

Oh, teacher, I salute Thee - Shambhavi Nautiyal

I salute all the teachers, whether or not they have taught me, as every teacher deserves recognition and honour. I salute you because you struggle, hustle and take action just for the betterment of me, a student. I come to you to earn and attain the knowledge you have, and in this cultivated relationship of a teacher and a student, we start to play a significant role in each other’s lives. You find ways to make me understand the lessons better and be more engaged in class, so I don’t feel estranged and stuck out like a sore thumb. You are the one who decides my favourite subject, and all these efforts of yours make me admire you and look up to you after seeing your concern for me. Oh, teacher, I express my utter gratitude to you and hope that I come out as gratifying student. Your words of wisdom and encouragement make me push ahead against all odds and work harder than I did before to become worthy of a teacher like you. Please remember that we, your students, will be there for you in times of need. Oh, teacher, you make our childhood, and I promise to continue to trust what you have told me.

A teacher sheds blood, sweat and tears to ensure that her students are confident in their knowledge and are confident enough to present it. The teacher works hard only to improve the student and not to profit herself in any way. She dedicates her entire life to spreading her knowledge amongst a different set of students every year. She looks out for her students and corrects them when they are wrong. Education is what distinguishes humans from animals, and teachers are the ones who educate us, so we should respect teachers above all. Outside of the classroom, no one knows a teacher or her worth. It is the students only who genuinely know her, in light of the fact we as students should carry our teacher’s legacy because we are who we are today because of the teachers who taught us in whatever category or time.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Ahlcon Public School

Saturday 4 February 2023

No Discover Like Self Discovery! - Oshi Singh

We all wanted superpowers as children!

We want to be like Iron Man and Spiderman. Accept it or not but we all tried the levitating spell like Hermione taught us "Wingardium Leviosa". We all used household items like props. Spatula used to be the weapon and your bathing towel, your drape and our most memorable memory was saving the world. It sure seems like a lot of fun having a superpower like if you could read minds you could  be the best person around for everyone or time travel would enable you to have a perfect life because you could just use your power and not make any mistake. This sure seems perfect and it might be if someday we could experience it right? But the show must go on because as always I differ. Not because this doesn't seem tempting enough but because we all already have superpowers and I am not talking about a power to stop time or something like that but the one inside us like MS Dhoni has for cricket, Da Vinci for Painting and Robert Downey Jr. for acting. If you think you have to be famous to find your superpower you're wrong. It can simply be anything beatboxing for someone and modelling for someone. Now some of you might be under the impression that I am just saying this cliché stuff like everyone else but I differ again.

Hypothetically if I ask you a question that would you rather have a superpower or push a mysterious button and wait for the mystery to unravel. You would probably go with superpower right? Many of us would and with this ladies and gentlemen, I prove my point. When we have something that others don't, we start feeling special and unique. In time we let that thing define ourselves. Instead of taking risks and finding our personality, we play safe and stick on to that thing. It doesn't matter if you are a great athlete or a musician what YOU will see of yourself would be just one thing that is the superpower. If you were born and brought up in a family of dancers when you grow up, you would feel that your interest is dance, but the inner truth is that it's not. Take some time alone and whatever fascinates you is YOUR interest.

If you are thinking that this is just an aimless paragraph you are reading, cooperate a little more because the paragraph is really important. It is about finding your self-worth and self-discovery. So do you really know yourself? Why should you know yourself? Are the questions you might be wondering. Well knowing yourself is what will make you unique. It will help you find yours and a if you don't know yourself how can you except people to know you and respect you? 

Knowing yourself is no else than a superpower. 

Find your values, and your interests, your temperaments. Focus on yourself, and your strengths while making your weaknesses stronger than ever and if you don't know where to start, spend some time with yourself and you shall get all the answers. After all, there's no discovery like self-discovery! 

Oshi Singh
Gyanshree School 

Reflections Since 2021