Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts

Sunday 1 September 2024

Reflections - Sunday School 1st September 2024

- From My Guide Inside

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. What were the words discussed today and how do they reverberate with you? 

3. I used to believe, that I am. 

4. I used to believe… But, now I understand…

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum which aligns with, the work we do at My Good School and helps us focus on Life-skills.

-From My Name Is Cinnamon-     

1. Don't you think math was invented to torture us?

2. What are UAO (Unattractive Academic Objects) according to you?

3. What are nicknames you use for someone and why?

4. Did you read any detective novels or know some famous detectives?  

5. Solve the following problem,' said Kadubole. 'Shashat has Rs 400. He spends 3/4 on sardines and 1/4 on prawns. 1 kg of prawns cost Rs 150 and 1 kg of sardines cost Rs 50. How many kgs of prawns and sardines does he buy? 

6. Does Cinnamon's life anecdotes resonate with you and how?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!     


You can email your reflections to

We will read Chapter 28 - Burnout, from The Hidden Life Of Trees, next week.

Thursday 22 August 2024

My Name Is Cinnamon - Vikas Prakash Joshi

Meet the author on Sunday the 25th of August 2024

Both a captivating chronicle and an endeavour of remarkable depth and ambition, My Name Is Cinnamon provides a richly textured narrative of a boy trying to find his roots and place in the world. On each part of his journey, he encounters new people, new cuisines, and new adventures as he learns a lot about himself and the world around him.

While being a light-hearted and heart-warming read, the book also covers some difficult themes that are rarely explored in ­children’s and young adult literature. It is a deeply moving testament to the unceasing desire to know oneself, the unrelenting pull of familial bonds, and the power of hope, sacrifice, and love.

With his perceptive observations, vivid descriptions, and an authentic voice, the author, Vikas Prakash Joshi, weaves an immersive plot with fully realised environments and characters that are sure to stay with you for a long time. Above all, My Name Is Cinnamon is about finding your own people and accepting who you are.

My Name Is Cinnamon, Vikas Joshi brings to life the lively tale of Cinnamon, a young boy living with his adoptive parents, who sets out to meet his birth parents in an impoverished tribal area. This emotionally sensitive topic is explored with felicity and humour, reminding us of the immense joys and painful travails of childhood. It’s a moving and uplifting book, and I wish Vikas Prakash Joshi all the best for his future writing success.’
―Dr Shashi Tharoor, Politician, writer, and former international diplomat

Kindle and Paperback editions available.

Vikas Prakash Joshi is an-award winning writer, editor, translator, podcaster, public speaker, novelist, amateur cook and occasional journalist in Pune, India. His first book for children, My Name Is Cinnamon (Hay House India), was published in November 2022 , and it has been lauded all over the world, in over 30+ countries, endorsed by many top Indian writers, and received 7 publishing offers. Story Ink, a Mumbai-based production company, has also acquired the book for screen adaptation. It was illustrated by the well known and award winning illustrator for children's books Niloufer Wadia. It has received 5 recognitions already: A3F Literary Award for Fiction 2023, Asian Literary Society Award for Best Debut Fiction,Asian Literary Society Certificate of Excellence in Fiction, Skipping Stones Magazine Honour List for International Books 2023, Longlisted and Shortlisted for Valley of Words Awards for Young Adult Fiction 2023. It was also chosen among 60 selected books by Indian authors for kids and YA by Hyderabad-based Beyond the Box organization, an organisation working in the field of literature.

We will read aloud from next week; please get your copy and join us at My Good School.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Taxila - Chitranshi Singh

Taxila (also called Takshashila or Takshasila) is an ancient city near Islamabad in present-day Pakistan. It holds significant historical and cultural importance:

Educational Center: Taxila was a renowned learning centre in ancient times, attracting students and scholars from various parts of the world, particularly during India's Maurya and Gupta periods (around the 6th century BCE to the 5th century CE).

Buddhist Center: It was an important Buddhist centre and played a pivotal role in spreading Buddhism across Asia. Many stupas, monasteries, and relics have been excavated from the site.

Crossroads of Civilizations: Taxila was strategically located on the trade routes that connected Central Asia with the Indian subcontinent. This geographical position facilitated cultural exchanges between different civilizations, including Persian, Greek, Central Asian, and Indian.

Archaeological Significance: The archaeological remains at Taxila provide valuable insights into the urban development, art, architecture, and daily life of ancient Indian civilization.

Chitranshi Singh
Sunbeam English School, Bhagwanpur

Sunday 7 July 2024

Reflection of the week - Sunday 7th July 2024

Listen to the Podcast on YouTube

- From My Guide Inside -   

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. What would you call your My Guide Inside? 

3. How does your My Guide Inside help you? 

4. Share your thoughts and feelings. Show insight and connections to this quote from My Guide Inside (Book II) Chapter One:

    My guide inside of wisdom is "powerful knowledge." Wisdom will "grow with you and guide you."

- From Jataka Tales -     

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?    

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?     

3. What learnings can we take away from the story today?   

4. How do parents name their children?

5. Where is Takksila located? What is its significance?

6. What is righteousness?

7. Moral Integrity

8. How would you tackle the problem if you were in the Bodhisattva's place? 

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!     

You can email your reflections to -


The speakers emphasised the significance of education and self-discovery, sharing personal experiences and insights on inner wisdom, thought labelling, and the connection between thoughts and feelings. They discussed the intersection of Yoga and AI, the importance of personal experience and self-denial in storytelling and the path to enlightenment. The speakers highlighted the importance of embracing simplicity, compassion, and wisdom in making good choices and guiding us through life.

12.00 PM
We decided not to read the chapter from The Hidden Life of Trees and instead hosted an Open House to meet Ms Manish Khanna and discuss how we could better engage with Fellows and Interns. Kunal shared an update about the Impact Study, and we discussed how we could improve our program on Sunday and engage with a wider audience.

Monday 20 May 2024

Importance of Indian Mythology - Tejas Kumar

Indian mythology holds immense significance not only within the cultural and religious structure of India but also globally, due to its rich varieties of stories, symbols, and archetypes. These myths, often soaked in symbolism and metaphor, serve as a fund of wisdom, offering deep insights into the human condition and the mysteries of existence. 

From the epic narratives of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata to the countless tales of gods, goddesses, and demons found in the Puranas, Indian mythology reflects the complex interaction between divinity and humanity, the eternal struggle between good and evil, and the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth.

Moreover, these myths not only entertain but also educate, transmitting moral values, principles, and philosophical concepts through fascinating storytelling. They provide a cultural identity to millions and encourage a sense of belonging and continuity across generations. 

Furthermore, Indian mythology continues to inspire art, literature, and popular culture, serving as an endless source of creativity and innovation. In essence, the importance of Indian mythology lies in its timeless relevance, offering deep insights into the human experience and serving as an endless source of inspiration, reflection, and spiritual growth.

Tejas Kumar 
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

Tuesday 25 April 2023

Meet and Greet with Bhairavi Jani

Learning Forward Podcast Season 10 Episode 14, we try to understand India's strategy for unleashing its innate greatness: Ms Bhairavi Jani, the author of Highway to Swades. Join Anvesha and Rishona on this marvellous trip to rediscover India's superpowers. In a country overflowing with its culture, a nation intertwined along with its love for heritage and a place blossoming in its beautiful diversity. We belong to India, the land of differences, but these differences act as a binding force for each of us. India is indeed a great country, full of stories to tell and experiences to share. Indeed, all the powers mentioned in the book have their unique meaning.

Photo courtesy:

Wednesday 5 April 2023

Reflection of the movie "SWADESH".

Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 at 21:24
Subject: Good evening, Ma'am. Reflection of the movie "SWADESH".
Courtesy: <>

1: "Exploitation".
Even today, many farmers, labourers and workers are exploited by landlords and contractors.

2: "Difficulties faced by village people".
About 60% of India comprises villages that are the grassroots of our country, meaning that "ordinary people reside in villages ". As I was also born and raised in a village, I agree that there are many problems which village people face, like water supply, electricity, poor health and education facilities and unemployment.

3: "Illiteracy of masses in the Village".
Even after setting up government schools in villages, parents don't send their children to school as the parents need to be educated. They only seek short-term benefits by sending their children to work, and that's why they don't prefer sending their children to school; they think that money is more important than education.

4: "Indian culture and tradition".
Most Indians still follow traditional practices and culture, and they preserve it. Our country is famous for traditional activities like dances, food, dress, games etc. and for culture like arts and customs followed by generation.

5: "Difference between developed and developing countries".
Our country is still developing, due to which we face many problems. Still, in developed countries, there are fewer chances of facing issues, and I think this is the reason for the settlement of Indians in foreign countries like the U.S.A and CANADA. Developed countries have better employment opportunities, low death rates, better health facilities, better education, less poverty and a happy, settled and peaceful life. 

The Conclusion of the movie
We should never forget the place from where we began our journey, as our roots alone hold us through thick and thin.

Monday 27 February 2023

Joy Of Learning @ Kalinga Literary Festival

Sandeep Dutt is an Advisor to the KFL and was invited as a speaker. In conversation what Geetika Kohli, he speaks about life, times and how we thrive in life with the #JoyOfLearning. 

The link to the video on Youtube:

The literary extravaganza, a spectacular range of language diversity in the programme, participation of 10 countries and over 25 languages. Over 500 speakers from various nationalities and recipients of major awards such as the Nobel, the Booker, International Booker, the Sahitya Akademi and many more.

Featuring a range of themes, including the ongoing climate justice debate under the urgency of borrowed time theme, the great women writers and artists focusing on the female voice and identity, crime fiction, memoir, translation, poetry, economics, tech morality and Artificial Intelligence, the global crisis, cutting-edge science, India and the world, art and photography, health and medicine, amongst others.

Every year, the festival brings together a diverse mix of the world’s greatest writers, thinkers, humanitarians, politicians, business leaders, sports people and entertainers on one stage to champion the freedom to express and engage in thoughtful debate and dialogue. The Kalinga Literary Festival has hosted nearly 2500 speakers and performers and welcomed book lovers worldwide since its inception in 2013.

Celebrities from literature, cinema, media and politics will assemble in the temple city of Odisha to deliberate on the “India and the World” theme at the Kalinga Literature Festival in Bhubaneswar from February 24-26. Acclaimed writers from Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan, the UK, Italy, South Africa, and Austria to the festival.

Monday 16 January 2023

What I Value The Most In Life - Shilpika Pandey


Having come across most of what life offers us in terms of personal, social, economic, and spiritual, I value the most in life respect! It is easier to love and pamper than give someone Respect. Respecting others comes from respecting yourself first, for what you are and wish to be, and valuing your existence. 

Devoid of cultural, professional, spiritual, and economic differences, one must learn to respect humans for actually being human . Respect provides a sense of security to all and connects beautifully with co-existence. One becomes literate to exist on this planet, but one must be educated on Respect to co-exist. 

An idea appreciated, an opinion heard, a belief secured, and a preference valued is what conforms to Respect. Everyone can speak but to be a good, patient listener, one needs to use the virtue of Respect. Respect is irrespective of gender, age and profile.

Respect is earned, not demanded!

Image credit:

Shilpika Pandey
My Good School

Sunday 18 December 2022

Coffee With The Coach : Our Culture - Anvesha Rana

Today We Talk About Our Culture

People are only mean when threatened, which is what our culture does. That's what our economy does. Even people with jobs in our economy are threatened because they worry about losing them. And when you get threatened, you start looking out only for yourself. You start making money as a god. It is all part of this culture. 

We should build our own culture. It doesn't mean disregarding every rule of the community, but while obeying the little things, we create our own choices for the big things - how we think, what we value - those you must choose for yourself. You can't let anyone- or any society - determine those for you. 

Our culture conditions people. It's the same for women not being beautiful enough or men not being rich enough. It's just what our culture would have you believe, but don't believe it. Every society has problems, and the way to do them is not to run away. You have to work at creating your own culture. 

No matter where you live, the most significant defect we human beings have is our shortsightedness. We are still determining what we could be. We should look at our potential, stretching ourselves into everything we can become. But if you're surrounded by people who say, 'I want mine now,' you end up with a few people with everything and a military to keep the poor from rising up and stealing it. 

The problem is that we don't believe we are as much alike as we are. Men and women, whites and blacks, young and old. If we saw each other as more alike, we might be eager to join one big human family in this world and to care about that family the way we care about our own. 

We all have the same beginning - birth, and we all have the same end - death. So how different can we be? Invest in the human family. Invest in people. Build a little community of those you love and who love you. At the start of life, when we are infants, we need others to survive, and at the end of life, we again need others to survive, but the truth is that in between, we need others as well. 

Anvesha Rana 

Grade 10-B 

Gyanshree School

Sunday 9 October 2022

Reading Swami and Friends - Dress and Costumes

In Father's Presence

Father was standing in the small courtyard, wearing a dhoti and banian...

We thought we would talk about dresses and costumes unique to our home and place; Pestalozzi Children's Village students shared their reflections:

Kanika Dogra is from Himachal Pradesh in India, and she writes, I'm from Himachal Pradesh, where men wear kurta pyjamas and caps; and women wear churidar pyjamas or salwar with kameez and dupatta. Himachali caps represent cultural identity; people in our community consider the cap a symbol of pride. like turbans for siks in Pujab. In Himachal, we have many different types of national costumes.

Tenzin Lhadon shared the Tibetan National Dress.

Tenzin Paldon

Tenzin Yangzom
Tenzin Dhekyong

Prerna Thakur

Reflections from Pestalozzi Childrens' Village, India

Monday 15 August 2022

What Independence means to me - Rishona Chopra

Independence is not the right to do as we wish but the right to do what is right. Independence is the essence of freedom, the feeling that we are not ruled by anyone else but have the opportunity just like others to explore and learn. Independence is to make our own decisions. In the national flag of India, the top band is of Saffron colour, indicating the strength and courage of the country. The white middle bar indicates peace and truth with Dharma Chakra. The last bar is green in colour, showing the land's fertility, growth and auspiciousness. Our country is developing, but its heart is devolved with unity and pride.

We have so many languages,
Each of them gives us so much knowledge.
Lots of different cultures,
Each one of them is precious!
This rich diversity,
Gives me a new identity.
Everyone is so unique,

Together when we come, no one is weak!
Even though our differences create problems,
We should understand our differences are our customs!
We are all united as a team,
We can together make a dream.
After all, it's unity in diversity,
We are just so extraordinary!
This country makes me feel proud,
It makes me unique in this big crowd.
I love my country the way it is,
All the fights were challenging quizzes.
Salute to those who lost lives for us,
So we live in a better world, and there is no fuss.
I see people dancing with pride on the street,
And giving each other sweets.
I see them saying "Jay Hind" proudly,
They say it clearly and loudly.

Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School

Friday 10 December 2021

A new world to bring - Rishona Chopra

If you look at the world now compared to the past, you might find the present life easier, but you will also notice that the world's culture and spirituality are lost. 

There was a lot of respect for culture and religion in the past. Everyone looked forward to religious festivals and ceremonies, but most of us hardly care about culture and faith in the present world. Most of us have forgotten that we have a family to spend time with. We look up to social media to communicate and share things. Most of us have forgotten that social media is just an app. We have our family and friends, some real people that actually understand our feelings. 

Apart from that, there is also a lot of unemployment in the world. People are greedy for money, even businessmen! Despite having more than enough, they still want more! People with greed pay less to their employees and don't control their spending. 

Now, it's your choice. What would you like - a spiritual and happy world or a lost and greedy world?

Every small step can make a big one.

Rishona Chopra

Grade V

Gyanshree School

Reflections Since 2021