Friday 24 May 2024

The Key Endeavour of Jataka Tales - Sanvi Rai

The key endeavour of the Jataka tales is to teach people the value of a good life. Every jataka tale teaches the people the values of mankind and humanity in various aspects. The message conveyed by Buddha in these tales has great significance. 

From the story “The Fowler and the Quail” we can witness the power of unity and oneness the cooperation and the strength unity lies within is remarkably evident. Yes, the story did connect me today and taught a mesmerising lesson about being in a team and we should not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs. 

In essence, oneness is a feeling of interconnectedness and being spiritually related to one’s soul and heart. We gain the supreme power to see tranquillity and beauty around everyone and embedded in each soul. Religion is a complex system of beliefs and practices concerning the universe's existence, nature, and purpose. It typically involves devotion to a higher power. 

Sanvi Rai
Class 9
Sunbeam School, Bhagwanpur

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