Showing posts with label teachers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teachers. Show all posts

Sunday 17 April 2022

Real World Learning - Anvesha Rana


Real-World Learning and Reel World Learning are the sides of the same coin. Real Learning is necessary, but Reel Learning is what seems necessary. We cannot be aware of our education unless and until we are put in a situation to test our learning. Exams are the only way to test understanding these days, but there are numerous other ways to check our education. School Trips are an excellent way to assess students' global perspectives and core values.

Gathering in one place and deciding what to bring. The memories of dancing on the bus, eating on one plate and being friends with teachers are the recreations of my school trip. Schools trips may be educational, but they truly make learning fun!

Some trips are just unforgettable because they are lived full-heartedly with the best ones, and the best thing is that while coming back from these trips, we have an extra-large suitcase full of all the memories in our Hearts.

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Friday 15 April 2022

My School's Birthday - Anvesha Rana

 We all may be a different fish, but at Gyanshree School, we all swim together!

Today, April 15, is the day when Gyanshree was born. As our school completes its 9 years of excellence, we all celebrate its Founders Day. The School that started in 2014 with a fixed vision and mission is today a place where all children love to go. 

The vision of Gyanshree school was to prepare each student for a rapidly changing world by equipping them with critical thinking skills, a global perspective and respect for core values and the mission of the school was to ensure 'Effortless and Meaningful' learning. The qualities are inhabited by the teachers and the many students, who respect the school and share its spirit among themselves. 

As Gyanshree enters its 10th academic year, the school continues to excel and reach new heights. I have seen the school's growth from an early stage to what it is now, and the credit goes to every person associated with the school. So, Happy Birthday, Gyanshree!

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Sunday 10 April 2022

Teachers Travel with You All Your Life - Anvesha Rana

        " A Good Education can change anyone, but a Good Teacher can change everything. "

When we go to school, we go with the mindset to learn whatever is taught but seldom do we ponder upon the lives of those who come with the vision to give others as much knowledge as possible, our teachers. A Teacher is a crucial part of any child's development, and they play a vital role in success. Wherever I am standing today, it is all because of my parents and teachers, who never gave up on me and constantly encouraged me to walk forward and never look back again. 

Since childhood, I have always felt connected to all my teachers and share a special moment with each one. I cannot describe it accurately in words but simply say that My Teachers are the Best. A few instances where my teachers are still travelling with me are: 

When I was young, I loved art and would almost draw anything in sight. One day when I went to the fruit market with my mother, I had set my eyes upon a green apple, and it was the first time that I had seen an apple other than red, so this was really amusing for me. The next day at the art class, when we were asked to draw an apple, I drew a Green Apple! All the other kids were doing red, but I was confident that Apples were also green. When our art teacher came to inspect our work, she looked at my drawing and asked about it, so I told her that I had seen green Apples. To my surprise, my teacher agreed and even praised me for my creativity; a phrase that she had said at that time makes sense to me now 'Art Has No Rules.'
Listen to the podcast

Many other occasions have taught me lessons for life, and those are the learnings that I carry forward. Teachers are critical to me because I am who I am because of them.

Thank You, Sandeep Sir, for being the most creative teacher I have met.
Thank You, Brinda ma'am, for being the most dedicated educator.
Thank You, Sunita ma'am, for motivating me to indulge in language.
Thank You, Mahvesh, ma'am, for laying the foundation stone and constantly guiding me.
Thank You, Akanksha ma'am, for making lifelong geography learning.
Thank you, Supriti ma'am, for always being there no matter what.
Thank You to all my teachers who have always promoted Learning for Life!

Anvesha Rana

Grade 10-B
Gyanshree School
Intern at My Good School

Sunday 3 April 2022

Learning: From Isolation To Collaboration - Anvesha Rana

Never Stop Learning because Life Never Stops Teaching. We might complete our school years, move on to college, and then get a job, but the perspective that School is the only place to test our knowledge is incorrect; every little situation in Life tests our character. We should get over the idea that only children should study. Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, which will mean for your Life. Surprisingly, we face actual knowledge application only after our school years. Education is not a part of life, it is Life itself, and the School Of Life is an environment where we are students forever. For the whole purpose of Learning, we must never graduate from the School of Life.

If we are unwilling to learn, no one can help us, and if we are determined to learn, no one can stop us. Learning is not an event; it is a continuous process that most strive for. How long can we know as an individual? Most of the Learning done in isolation is theoretical and has no actual implementation. Whereas when we meet different people, we tend to learn numerous things from them unconsciously. When we appreciate the skills of others and unintentionally try to inherit them, we are learning in collaboration without even being aware of the same.

Learning is the transition from isolation to collaboration. A School is perhaps the first place where this transition occurs. Students, rather than being confined to their desks, communicate with each other on diverse topics, which initiates interesting discussions and stimulates the mind. Similarly, many teachers work together for a single class; they come together for a single cause and achieve it through simple determination. Students and Teachers also collaborate for the welfare of everyone. Age is just a number when it comes to learning new things.

Anvesha Rana, 

Grade 10-B, 

Gyanshree School. 

Tuesday 29 March 2022

If School Bells Could Talk - Aanya Kumar

"TRIIIIIIING! LUNCHTIME!" I would say this every day at noon. Neither a second before nor a second after. I am always on time. However, I am not taken seriously by my folks. I am there in schools so that children learn to be disciplined. Sometimes teachers need teaching too. I am more like a principal of the school. Strict, disciplined and most importantly, very (and I mean VERY) punctual. Here's how my days go. I wake up sharp at eight, and my first words are always "Morning, School!" Next, I talk to the real principal. "Second Period" and "Third Period" and so on till SEVEN periods!. That's how my days end. Moreover, I have to say the same thing every day just for punctuality in children. What a tiring job I have. "TRIIIIIIING! SIXTH PERIOD!" I may be found irritating to those who love the concept being taught during class timings and a lifesaver for those who are getting bored. But now you know… I am way more than that. I am the timetable of those who don't value my friend's time.

Aanya Kumar

Podar International School

Grade 6B

Thursday 24 March 2022

The Annual Day at School - Anvesha Rana

The Annual Day at School is an occasion where we ignite the concealed explorer inside each child. Be it the sports day, the investiture ceremony or the theatrical performances. All these functions at school initiate children to think beyond the blue. Studies are not the only thing we go to school for; school is about friends, teachers, skills, sports, services and most importantly, Fun! 

If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life. If we all love to go to school, then we will indulge in all the activities there, and by doing that only, we will be able to experience The School of Life. 

Annual Days have always been special to me. The teamwork by everyone to put up the show is evident in the performances, the zeal with which everyone performs is irreplaceable, and the sense of belonging to the school lasts forever. Annual Days are an excellent way to create mutual trust between the students. All the kids strengthen their bond and spark respect for their school by performing together. Annual Days should celebrate the community and promote the diverse cultures in the particular region.

The Annual Day should be one such day when the entire school comes together for a single cause. It should celebrate each student's creativity, uniqueness, interest, skills, and values as part of this colossal organization. A school without students is like memory without a picture. Students make up the school. Thus, it is vital that the students are happy. 

Anvesha Rana.
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School.

Sunday 20 March 2022

Annual Day at School - Arav Agarwal

After reading the chapter The Annual Day At School from the book My Good School: Where Passion Meets Education by Sandeep Dutt, I just flashback, remembering my annual days and the joy and happiness everyone used to get after participating in the Annual Day. 

We all love annual days, and so do I. We, as children, wait eagerly for such fun-filled events. We have skits, voiceover, dance, music band, and speeches on our yearly days. Also, the students get the opportunity and have fun organizing and planning the annual day along with the teachers. 

I still have memories of my Annual Day when I was in Senior KG. I was given the role of Narendra Modi and was to give a speech of Narendra Modi, and the theme was women empowerment. I still remember that parents were clapping in between the lecture. I also remember that after the Annual Day, when I went to School, a few children and parents used to ask me that are you, Narendra Modi. Also, a few parents asked my mother if, are you Narendra Modi’s mother. So, this was my memorable experience of my Annual Day.

We used to have a theme each year for our annual day. I am also missing my Annual Day for two years. As mentioned in the book, Annual days help us identify our skills and strengths, and I was able to identify my skills and strengths through my annual days. Also, it is mentioned in the book that students should get the rightful opportunity to showcase their creativity and talent, which everyone does beautifully on our School’s annual days. 

Annual Days were so much fun for my friends and me, and we used to enjoy them a lot.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

Saturday 12 March 2022

Why Go To School ? - Anvesha Rana

All of us go to school, where we learn and grow. Most of us love to go there, some don’t, and others just despise the idea of a school, but do we even know the latent purpose of the place we have been attending since our childhood? Many believe that schools are where students study, but they are beyond that. Schools are abodes of knowledge where students learn under the direction of teachers. Schools are more than academics. They are about encouraging sports, promoting service and initiating skill. The real purpose should ignite lifelong curiosity and make every child a lifelong learner. If any person has the will to learn, the fire to know, and the desire to succeed, they are unstoppable. 

A School should value each child who knocks at the door to seek knowledge. The school should not become a matter of marks, subjects or grades. Instead, it should be a journey for each individual to mould themselves into perfect works of art to discover their true identity and passion. Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever. If we start taking an interest in daily education, not just in school but outside the school boundaries, utilize life as much as we can, we will never miss an opportunity to learn something new. Be it a new dish, a new skill, a new dance, a new craft, etc., the passion for knowing everything will always run in us, which is when passion will meet education.

Schools are not just for students to discover their true self; some teachers can also realize their self-creation at schools. Teaching is one of the most beautiful professions, where students never run out of questions and teachers always have an excellent reply to each one. Happy teachers are one of the most integral aspects of making a Good School. Educators and teachers also launch themselves on a path of self-discovery whilst providing education to many.  

All schools have different visions, missions and philosophies. For instance, Shanti Niketan, a school by Rabindranath Tagore, had a task for education for better concept clarity and understanding of topics. It was a different school and was one of the best in its league. Similarly, schools should stand out with some striking features, making parents choose them for their children. 

To sum it all up, a school is not just a brick-and-mortar structure but a haven of knowledge, safety, friendship, learning, and happiness. School is an environment for improvement, which any individual can create within themselves through ‘ The School Of Life.’

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10 - B, 
Gyanshree School

Thursday 10 February 2022

Friendship - Mishika Baweja

Hello! Today I am going to talk about friendship. Everyone likes to make friends. We talk, dance and play with friends. I have many friends in my grade 3 class like Aryama, Janya, Amina and Manya. My best friend is Aryama. She is very kind to me. I, being her good friend, have helped her many times. Let me share my experience. 

One day I was walking down the stairs, suddenly, I fell down from the fifth stair. I injured my leg. It was paining, and Aryama saw me on the ground; she got to know what had happened. She helped me stand on my feet. This is how my friend helped me in school.

I also talk with my other friends, Janya, Manya, Aryama and Aarohi. I love to speak with them because they are my good friends. I even remember when we used to get lunch in school, we shared lunch with each other. That was my best experience ever with friends sharing our tiffins. 

My teacher in grade 3, Nishita ma’am, is also my friend because she is very friendly and makes us laugh a lot. We enjoy her classes a lot. Thank you to all my friends for being with me.

Mishika Baweja
Gyanshree School

Sunday 26 September 2021

Appreciation - Arav Agarwal

Appreciation Poem For Teachers 

Dear Teachers, a heartfelt thank you for all the things you do, 
Overcoming challenges and making our dreams come true! 

You have not only taught us to read and write, 
But also taught us to be kind, loving and polite! 

You were the true warrior in this pandemic, 
And made sure that we have the best academic!

 You are awesome teachers and work tirelessly to make our future.
Thank you dear teachers!!

  Arav Agarwal 
Billabong High International School Thane

Saturday 15 May 2021

Happy Teachers bring learning to life!


The future of education will be built on immutable values alone:
Appreciation, Caring, Cooperation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity. Listen to stories retold by our happy teachers for our student's community.

Reflections Since 2021