Showing posts with label harmony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harmony. Show all posts

Monday 20 May 2024

United we stand, divided we fall - Anmol Kashyap

“United we stand, divided we fall”

United we stand divided we fall implies that individuals who stand together are glad to accomplish any objective throughout everyday life.

However, separation can cause a great fall. Be it individual or expert, unity holds importance in each period of life.

If we work on something as a team and live in harmony with each other we shall succeed in life and if we go against each other and try to work on a task alone we are likely to fail at it.

Individuals who stand together are glad to accomplish any objective throughout everyday life. Unity is a great strength, while division always leads to defeat. If we work together we can be successful. If we fight each other we will fail.

-Anmol Kashyap
 Sunbeam School, Lahartara

Wednesday 1 November 2023

The Tree - Sakshi Singh


In the forest deep, A tree stands tall. Dancing free is a sight to see. With every breeze they seem to play, birds find a place safe from storms and the world's alarms.
"O kind soul, please spare me. Even I am part of nature's life. I breathe for the earth and dance with the sky. From the wood that builds your shelter to the papers you write, I serve in countless ways, from morning until night."
Let's cherish and protect them; they are vital to every living being. The blessings they bring, for together, we find harmony in this living thing.
Sakshi Singh
Gyanshree School
Image Courtesy-

Monday 28 August 2023

Is social media distracting us? - Sakshi Singh

Picture Courtesy:

Social media, a double-edged sword,
It connects us all, yet ties us to strings. 
In virtual worlds, our thoughts are muddled. 
In screens we're lost, our focus blurred.

Pings and constant calls
Distracting us from life's moments, big and small.
Scrolling boundlessly, time slips away.

Likes and comments, we crave them so.
But are they worth the time we hold?
In this online crowd, reflect and find a harmony where you truly belong.

Sakshi Singh 
Class- IX C || Gyanshree School 

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Our broken relationship with Nature - Rishona Chopra

Nature is all around us. The magnificent trees, the lush green forests, the animals and the birds. And in fact, we humans are nature. We are not a part of it, but we are nature. 

Nature heals us. By this, I don't mean just the trees and forests that heal us. Our loved ones, friends and parents care for and support us, standing selflessly as our backbone. 

Human's greatest enemy is ego. Is it the fuel for anger, jealousy, greed and whatnot? For desire, we fight wars. Why? For a mere piece of land. That very land belongs to none of us. Countries fight for the mountain areas that come into our country. But, in reality, that land is neither ours nor theirs. It is nature which has no possession. We don't have the owners we belong to, and neither does the land. 

Without realizing it, we hurt nature for a silly reason. Amid these wars, aren't oceans and mountains being affected? 

We greedily fight for possession, but do we take that possession with us when we die? One day, it all has to be lost. 

Plants, humans, animals and birds are all nature. We are one and are meant to live in harmony. But we have all broken ourselves into different categories. We are told to live in peace and harmony, yet we have created a broken relationship with one another. 

The beauty of our world lies not in our planet's biodiversity but in the harmony that we create with one another. 

Due to the broken relationship, neither are satisfied; neither are we nor are the plants and animals. 

It is high time we fix this relationship by realizing that ego is our greatest enemy and has ruined so much for us. 

We must cure the wounds we have caused and prevent more from being created. 

Listen to my podcast.
Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Sunday 25 September 2022

Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war - Reveda Bhatt

The renowned English poet John Milton once wrote in a letter to English General Oliver
Cromwell- “Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war.”

The fact that the majority of the world demands justice by sole means of war forgets that
there is a concept of harmony in the absence of hostility and violence, known as peace!
The word peace is derived from the original Latin word ‘pax‘, which means a pact,
an agreement to end the war.

Trust me, it’s not as tough as it seems to be; there are millions of people who’ve lost their
lives to violence and many who’ve lost their beloved ones to brutality.

It’s all a perspective-based scenario, a country which loses its soldiers to another
considers them to be martyrs while the other one calls them terrorists, who, instead of
fighting to create peace, get rested in peace.

We, people, do not understand that the peace created after the war is not exactly
‘real peace’ but a helpless and tarnished aftermath of the most severe form of violence. We
do attain peace. We are left with no choice.

On the other hand, the victory procured by maintaining peace is totally and wholly different,
it does uphold happiness and agreement.

Our latest witness of violence was the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which was heartbreaking. On the one hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin constantly sent orders to attack Ukraine. At the same time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wasn’t ready to order his military to back off and surrender. Therefore, I guess we have all seen the aftermath with our own eyes.

Peace was always an option for them, and cooperation was an option for them, but they chose
war, and war it is, then.

Coming back to the word ‘peace’, apart from being a pleasant word, it also refers to a
peaceful society and a beautiful world.

According to Lao Tzu‘s famous saying:
If there is peace in the world,
there must be peace in the nations.
If there is peace in the countries,
there must be peace in the cities.
If there is peace in the cities,
there must be peace between neighbours.
There must be peace in the home if there is peace between neighbours.
If there is peace in the house, there must be peace in the heart.

Thank you!

Reveda Bhatt
The Aryan School, Grade 9

This is a post from her speech at school.

Peace - What it means for us?

Thank you to all who joined us today; we are over 100, and you will see up to 75 names; there were many sharing devices, for which we are most grateful.

We look forward to more quotes. Our value of the month is PEACE. Is it different from the piece?

Avni Kochhar
"Peace means everyone being treated equally. Peace means harmony."

Shambhavi Nautiyal
A piece can be a piece of mind, but peace is much more than that. It's trust between two individuals; it's having self-belief and perception of yourself. If you have made peace with yourself and your mind, you can have a whole new vision of the world, and simply nothing can go wrong.

Rishona Chopra,
12:03 PM
Peace is one virtue we must maintain in the smallest of things. Even sharing a piece of cake will have to be shared with peace as we tend to fight over the smallest of things, neglecting that this small piece of cake can ruin our relationships.

Peace, for me, is when you gain complete self-confidence without worry or fear. It is mental strength and brings happiness to me.
Kanika Dogra and Tenzin paldon

"Peace is mental freedom. Free yourself to achieve it."

Nidhi Chauhan
Peace allows us to overcome our problems. It will help us to live the best of all possible lives, and "Never let anyone destroy your inner peace".

Tenzin Lhadon
Peace begins with a smile.
When a person has patience and is happy and grateful for all the things

Best post as a Comment as mentioned at The Sunday School. 

Thursday 11 August 2022

Value for August is Patience

In August, we celebrate Patience; please share your thoughts with us, comment below or send a blog post by email to

We need to build the future of learning at school on 22 values: Appreciation, Caring, Cooperation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity. The teachers collaborate and work in groups to discover how the values come alive. Individuals take stock of their values and how they wish to lead their life. This program will inspire you by using examples of where the values are already being used by children and adults in schools and share practical tools to stimulate discussion and philosophical debate. #JoyOfLearning

Joy Of Learning (JOL) is based on The Little Book of Values: Educating Children to Become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens by Julie Duckworth and Ian Gilbert, which explores twenty-two values that can be taught through schools. 

My Good School
Where Passion Meets Education

Sunday 10 July 2022

When It All Began - Anvesha Rana

We don’t have to be great to start, but we need to start to be great. All of us must have been a beginner at some point in our lives, on the sports field or on the dance stage. Every person who has achieved success today would have been a beginner once, so allow yourself to be a beginner, for no one starts off being excellent, and it is the critiques that shape our character, not the praise. 

In school life, co-curricular activities are just as important as academics. I loved to dance in the cultural arts but was not really good at it. However, during the pandemic, I tried different forms of dance and today, dancing is something that occurs naturally to me. Another activity that I was a beginner at once was writing, but after joining the reading club program, my thoughts changed direction, and I just couldn’t contain them anymore, so I had to write! Practice makes a man perfect; the more I wrote, the better I became!

When I was a new student at school, I found it hard to follow the rules - standing in line, not talking, asking for permission - it was all different. I learnt very early in life that the golden rule everyone should follow is Equality. 

Equality in mind and body; Equality in harmony with the soul; Equality in speech and action; and Equality in life are what we should aim for. Just like the students of Tomoe treated their janitor wonderfully, we should respect everyone for whatever they do, be it small or big, be it quick or slow, and we should treat others the way we wish to be treated. 

Live by the Golden Rule, for it is not stringent but only robust, 

It is Equality. 

Anvesha Rana,

Grade 10-B,

Gyanshree School

Monday 21 June 2021

My Family and Their Happiness - Gaurangi Rastogi

We, humans, are social beings. We have family, friends, and relatives. Since this Covid-19, we have been separated from our families. Now, let me tell you, what does family mean to me?  My family means a place where I can be safe physically and mentally. My family means a culture my world resides in. My family means a shield that protects me from bad influences. My family is like a body in which everything works in harmony. 

My family means everything to me, and I want to see them always happy. My family makes me happy, and so even I should try and keep them happy. Some simple ways in which I give happiness to my family are:

● by bringing good marks and doing well at school. 

● by spending time with them instead of playing on gadgets. 

● by teaching them something 

● by supporting them in bad times

 ● by not being stubborn 

● by sending them letters and emails every weekend from school. 

Gaurangi Rastogi 
Class VI
The Doon Girls' School

Reflections Since 2021