Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Reflection Sunday 19th January 2025

Session No. 172

Mr Raghu Pandey,  the founder of, led an insightful session focused on preparing students for the future in the context of AI readiness, internet maturity, and digital citizenship. 

Key Points from Mr. Raghu's Session:

  1. AI Readiness & Future Careers:
    Mr. Raghu discussed how AI will disrupt traditional career paths and job structures. He explained the importance of students developing essential skills to thrive in an AI-powered world, including:

    • Continuous online learning is needed to stay adaptable and acquire new skills.
    • Online Reputation Management to effectively showcase their abilities and secure opportunities.
    • Mastering the "4 C's"—Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration—is key to success in human-centred roles, even as AI evolves.
  2. Online Safety and Internet Maturity (FAST CAR Method):
    Mr Raghu stressed the importance of students practising internet maturity and adhering to online safety practices. The FAST CAR method for online safety was highlighted:

    • Firewall, Antivirus, Strong Passwords: Basic tools for securing devices and personal information.
    • Trust with Caution, Confidence, Avoidance, and Reporting: Guidelines for online interactions while avoiding cyberbullying and antisocial behaviour.
    • Never Share Physical Location Online: Encouraging students to protect their privacy.
    • Be Cautious of AI-generated content: Always verify the credibility and source of information found online, as AI-generated content can sometimes be misleading.
  3. Digital Citizenship Skills:
    Mr. Raghu emphasized the importance of developing digital citizenship skills, including responsible, ethical, and safe use of technology. He discussed how these skills are essential for navigating the digital world and balancing emotional and moral growth in an AI-driven society.

In conclusion, Mr Raghu's insights provided a clear roadmap for ensuring students are ready for the future and well-prepared to responsibly navigate digital citizenship's challenges.

Book Reading

Chapter 14, "Misal Pao," from My Name is Cinnamon by Vikas Joshi

What skills does Cinnamon demonstrate while interacting with others in the chapter, and how do these skills help him navigate his relationships?

This question encourages us to reflect on Cinnamon's communication, empathy, and adaptability as he interacts with those around him.

How do the characters in this chapter use practical skills to express themselves or contribute to their family and community?

This question explores how specific skills, such as cooking, can represent personal expression and connect individuals to their culture or traditions.

In what ways does the chapter illustrate the difference between academic skills and life skills, and why might both be important for personal growth?

This question considers the value of academic achievements and life skills (such as social interaction, resilience, and emotional intelligence) and reflects on their balance.

How does Cinnamon’s perspective on the value of skills evolve throughout this chapter, and what does this reveal about his character development?

This question invites us to reflect on Cinnamon’s growth and how he came to understand the importance of various skills—both practical and personal—on his journey toward self-discovery.

Sunday, 6 October 2024

Reflections Sunday the 6th October 2024

 - From My Guide Inside-

1. We can make healthy decisions and make and keep healthy friendships. Create and submit a reflection!
2. What were the words discussed today, and how do they reverberate with you?
3. The Best Ship is Friendship- Comment.
4. In the replay of the Signal Story, what did Rohan remember that made everything different?
5. What steps have you made to establish positive relationships with your friends, family, and/or relatives?
6. Write a story of your own by using the Power Words.
belonging—be a part of
realize—see, understand

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum that aligns with our work at My Good School and helps us focus on life skills.

From My Name Is Cinnamon-
1. What was your takeaway from today's session?
2. Have you ever been to Kolkata? Share your experience.
3. Does communication change depending on how something is said? How?
4. Why do people snore?
5. What could be the side effects after you raid the kitchen late at night?
6. Post a photo of the regional art form and discuss it.

These are some suggestions you can choose from. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!

You can email your reflections to

My Good School 06-10-2024 

VIEW RECORDING - 204 mins (No highlights)


To discuss social-emotional learning concepts and read a chapter from "My Name is Cinnamon", followed by updates on the upcoming My Good School retreat.

Key Takeaways


Social-Emotional Learning Presentation

"My Name is Cinnamon" Chapter 5 Discussion

My Good School Retreat Planning

Next Steps

  • Students to reflect on learnings from today's session and write about them
  • Manisha to reach out to teachers/schools to provide more details on the retreat
  • Participants are encouraged to register for the retreat
  • Continue weekly Sunday sessions and prepare for the upcoming Dussehra holiday

Action Items

  • Call teachers from each school about retreat. Brief on differences from a picnic, full school curriculum in 4 days. Discuss web pages, answer questions, and explain travel logistics. - WATCH (30 secs)
  • Post reflections and questions from today's meeting - WATCH (20 secs)

Saturday, 20 January 2024

The Jai Hind Project - Vineet KKN 'Panchi'

Streaming Worldwide

The Interns of My Good School produce podcasts with Γ©lan. Listen to heartwarming stories about schools, schooling and their passion for education. Check out the Learning Forward Podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google, or your favourite podcast application.

In Season 13, Episode 5 of Learning Forward, Vineet KKN 'Panchhi' converses with Anvesha Rana and Saikiran Sahu, leaving a lasting impression on listeners with his unconventional introduction. While most guests are introduced by their educational qualifications, Vineet urged audiences to focus on his passions instead. From cars and bikes to travel and communication, music, outdoor films, voice acting, writing, leadership coaching, and Urdu poetry, Vineet is a dynamic individual with diverse interests. He describes himself as a "rolling stone" and has pursued his passions relentlessly. From being a teenage musician in a band to a filmmaker, communication expert, and Urdu poet, Vineet has done it all. He is also the founder of The Jai Hind Project and Word of Mouth Media. By showcasing his unique perspective, Vineet's approach inspires viewers to embrace and pursue their passions with the same dedication and commitment.

Monday, 21 August 2023

Why Does My Voice Matter? - Shambhavi Nautiyal

Picture Courtesy:

My voice matters because 'I matter'. 

I want my voice to matter to all. My voice is purely the interpretation of my thoughts. And it resonates with my soul's reflection on what my body and my mind are going through. It fabricates all of my emotions, opinions, beliefs and desires. It unfolds one by one like the onion peels layer by layer, taking physical form, and I turn my thoughts into reality. 

My voice raises my apprehensions. And sometimes, it unravels my reality. It often unleashes the truth of my core. It lets me stand tall with my head held high.

My voice has been raised on innumerable instances - whenever my existence was questioned; whenever my presence was neglected; whenever my efforts were made meaningless; whenever my credibility was shaken. 

It is not that I raise my voice only if I am overlooked. I am also vocal when it comes to my loved ones' well-being. I also voice it whenever it is a matter of my faith. When it comes to my nation, I never lose the opportunity to take a stand and vote my opinion. That is my karma.

So, it matters how I use my voice.

Do I use my voice to manipulate others?

Or Do I use it to spread negativity and cuss at them, or do I use my voice to show gratitude, express love and use words of kindness and comfort for others?

That is what matters. 

No matter what you say or how you use your voice, it does make a difference. 

If you choose to be flippant and hurtful, it shall harm the people around you for the time being, but ultimately it shall come back to you since then, no one shall want to be friends with you and will start eviting you. Thus, your voice will eventually lose all its meaning, and at last, it will not matter anymore.

However, if you use your voice otherwise, then it shall be reciprocated with pleasure, and you will receive more happiness since now you have learned how to appreciate the things that you have.
When you learn to love yourself, you will start feeling confident. And also deflect people with remorse in their voices. In return for all the good that we do, we receive good, too. 

We should learn to trust that our voices matter because then we can present ourselves and our ideas in the most captivatingly confident manner.

As citizens of this world, we should keep exploring ourselves and honing our skills. We avoid questioning each of our beliefs. We work and focus on embarking on and strengthening the flourishing ones and eliminating the detrimental and deteriorating ones. 

Voicing our thoughts in an upright manner brings a difference in our life. It sharpens the outlook of a wider diaspora commendably. That is how the changes brought in mundane tasks and procedures. That is how the laws are made. That is how the amendments are brought into reality, bringing brimming smiles to the downtrodden section of society. 

Each voice does matter as it facilitates the formation of a powerful road map and vital development of one's nation and ensures accomplishment. Let us have some faith in our worth and keep believing that we all are worthy by simply existing and being ourselves. 

In the end, I would conclude with a famous quote from Steve Jobs that says - 
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
That is all which matters. As human beings, our voices deserve a hearing. Since we are always looking forward to improved facilities and lifestyles for humans living on this planet, and in this process, we can only achieve the best with communication and collaboration whilst having mutual respect.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Class- 9 || Ahlcon Public School

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Why is it necessary to ask questions? - Nishan Karki

Every person in the world has questions ranging in their minds. Questions indicate desire and curiosity to know something by asking others. People may ask questions to several people like parents, teachers, relatives, friends, brothers, sisters and many more people. Every time different questions come into people's minds.

There are several reasons for the necessity of asking questions. We ask questions to get information about different things. Asking questions helps us to develop our thinking skills, communication skills, social skills, etc. It also increases our general knowledge or knowledge about different things. Thus it is necessary and essential to ask questions. 

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Sunday, 31 July 2022

Patience - Value Of The Month at My Good School

Hello Everyone. We are excited to share our poster for the value of August - Patience. 

Patience is a significant value for the students to develop as Patience is the key to success and strengthens our self-belief. I believe our classroom teaches us to live in harmony with our environment, which creates balance and harmony within us, developing Patience. The blackboard has always stood the test of time, teaching us patiently over the years to build our curiosity and think innovatively. 

Do you all agree that at My Good School, we are building the value of Patience by consistently reading every Sunday and listening patiently to each other, slowly helping us to learn and grow and experience the joy of learning?

Share your experiences and stories through written blogs, graphics, drawings or audio. You can email it to your school's blog coordinator mentioned in the poster.

Patience is the balm, the healer and the power behind learning. 

Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6
Billabong High International School, Thane

Step-by-step, day in and day out, we keep schooling ourselves; this cannot happen without perseverance. 

The Teacher, the Student, and the Blackboard have all stood the test of time; only the colour or materials may have changed - digital, intelligent, white...interactive. 

What is most crucial? 
Understanding comes with time, Patience and perseverance.

75 Year of Indian Independence, all of us are here this August to celebrate Patience, the value that alone keeps the world sane.

Let's Blog, email your thought and post to us at; visuals add value to your writings, and finally, stories retold are the best way to take learning forward at My Good School. 

Life Skills Program, by My Good School
Children pick up skills for life, preparing them to face the world. They experience values and virtues working with mentors and peers. Focus on the 6 C's: 1 Critical thinking; 2 Creativity; 3 Collaboration; 4 Communication; 5 Character; and 6 Citizenship. 

Check out 

#patience #democracy #teacher #school #digital #email #email #power #learningforward #learning #experience #communication #collaboration #collaboration #creativity 

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Trust - Krishna Dave

Image Courtesy
Trust is an essential thing in life, trust is hard to define, but we know when it's lost. It takes years to build but seconds to break, and it cannot regain. When a paper is crumbled, and you can smooth it over; but it's never going to be the same again. Trust makes the people believe in you like; when students trust, its a teacher, the teacher always tries to make the student future as bright as possible. Trust is fundamental to life, and it is always said that gaining someone trust is difficult, but it's not true if you build the nature of belongingness, then you can gain someone's trust easily without any difficulty. Faith and trust are two qualities that make a man great.

If you can trust, you are the person of courage because a coward person can never ever trust anyone in their life. When there is trust, communication becomes easy, and the goal can be achieved. It is a special thing to be trusted by someone. To be told, you are trusted is an even greater feeling. You should not trust anybody easily because people only take your advantage, always be careful before you trust anybody once you found someone you can trust then your life becomes good and sorted. 

Trust is like a good deed; it always comes in a good manner. Initially, being honest and trustworthy is the same because you never lie to someone, then automatically it builds someone to trust in you, which brings a feeling of happiness. For trusting someone, you should trust yourself first; if you can't trust yourself, then there is no way that you can trust anyone else because if you doubt yourself, then you will always doubt those around you as well. 

Trusting someone is always positive; trust is a scarce thing to find in life. It is always difficult to trust whom you don't know. Still, you should give one chance them by trusting them there will be two situations that person whom you trusted would break your trust then you should make that person your lesson by telling yourself that whom I trusted taught that you should never trust someone easily in your life or that person not break your trust, then you are lucky to have that person in your life. That person gives you good memories that give you the courage to deal with any problems in life.

Krisha Dave
Class- XII 
The Fabindia School
Image courtesy: