Showing posts with label parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parents. Show all posts

Monday 27 March 2023

What is peer pressure, and how can we deal with it? - Shambhavi Nautiyal

Reading Chapter 43, Sunday the 26th of March 2023

Peer pressure is the direct or indirect influence of our peers which tells us that we need to act in a certain way like the people surrounding us. It is often observed in teenage but continues as an existing matter throughout our lives regardless of age. It is a trap which makes people victims of many addicting and harmful practices. It could be wrong personality traits such as people pleasing and sometimes ruinous activities like smoking and drugs. 

It starts with compellingly curious intentions of just wanting to fit in, make friends and enjoy company, but later on, it becomes a habit. For instance, something often seen in the present youth is the following of the perpetually changing Instagram trends by young school-going teenagers to feel accepted and admired. 

We see kids going out of their way to follow social media trends and become famous because of peer pressure and the fact that this is seen as the definition of likeable and "cool". In school, too, we see popular girls and students liked by most of our peers or teachers, and we try to become like them. We observe that because of some of their habits, many people appreciate and admire them. To gain that popularity, we try to procure their idolized external features, skills or behaviours. In light of this fact, in this process, we lose ourselves. We lose our own identities. 

We never learn to love ourselves since we are compared to others by ourselves or our parents to our peers. We become even lonelier because of masking ourselves and never focusing on nurturing ourselves. We are left with no friends of our own, not even ourselves. Even when we stop trying to be like others, we still take that habit of people pleasing with us, in which we let people cross our boundaries and put them before ourselves, creating a frail sense of self-worth. However, we can fight it, come out of it and fix this whole scenario. 

As for me, I had been in some influencing company, and over time, I noticed that I had become a people pleaser and that I had been neglecting myself for my peers. I was listening more to them rather than my piece of mind. So, to fix those habits, I had to release that person from my life and start instilling healthier relationship patterns in my attitude. I had to change my outlook by changing my behaviour and thoughts. I had to make it clear to myself that it was okay for me to put myself and think about myself first before taking any decision instead of following my friends blindly and speculating about their behaviours, meaning how they treat me. I had to fix my sense of self-worth. 

So it is salient to love ourselves so that we don't compare ourselves to others and don't let others' judgements affect us, which calls out for having a deep sense of self-worth. We should practice self-compassion and not let ourselves get trapped in the vicious trap of peer pressure cause each one of us deserves to be loved, adored and treated like the queens and kings we are. So before judging yourself after seeing someone else, remind yourself of and be grateful for how confounding, worthy and attractive you are.

Always keep that in mind before wandering to search for love outside; look inside, and you will find the person who has always been and shall always be ready to love you.

Friday 24 March 2023

My Guide - Sunday School 19th March 2023

A good teacher's qualities include communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning. A teacher's guidebook suggests different methods and techniques for a teacher while teaching in the classroom. It helps the teacher to manage a classroom, identify new approaches in the learning process, select teaching content sequentially, method suitably, materials and learning process appropriately.

Januka Basnet

In my life, so many people guide me, like my parents, house mother and my friends. Firstly there are my parents who teach me. They tell me not to go down the wrong path and what I should do in my life, and if I do something wrong, they stop me from doing that thing again. After them, my House Mother and friends, my House Mother who always told me to focus on my studies and to work hard and also guided me to stay away from wrong things and then my friends who always scolded me for don't bad things, and I am happy to have them in my life. Before all, we didn't know each other we all were strangers, but now we all stay like a family, and they always guide me for good things. I am lucky to have them in my life. 

Anchal Mehra

For me the people who assist me in doing work and activities are my guide.

When I was born my first guide in this world were my parents and then after a few years I was sent to a school which was completely a nightmare for a few days, and then after I started liking to go to school. Then I met many teachers whose teaching was absolutely great and many of them gave me inspiration and motivated me to move forward now I feel like they were my “supporting stick when I was a growing plant". It's true that every start has an ending but it is also true that every ending has a new beginning, I had to say goodbye to all my old teachers but, now I have many new teachers and seniors who guide me.

Here at Pestalozzi, all the staff who contribute their efforts to make me a better version of myself have become my guide. Even Sandeep sir, Jugjiv sir, Shipika ma'am and the students attending Sunday School are now my guide.

Tenzin Jambey

Wednesday 25 January 2023

Foolish mistake in my life - Nishan Karki

It is not possible that no one makes mistakes in their life. There are no exceptions. Mistakes made by people may be significant, small and foolish. I have also made several mistakes in my life. I remember some of my mistakes but some I do not. I have not actually made significant mistakes or worst mistakes. They were foolish and small.

The foolish mistake in my life was not coming home early from school. I used to be late coming back home because I used to spend time with my friends. One day I came very late to home because I went to my friend's house. My parents scolded me for making such a foolish mistake. I tried to get out of this mistake and never repeat it. I succeeded in my plan and was particular about coming home early.

- Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Thursday 19 January 2023

What I value the most in life - Monika Singh Pundir

Many things have their own value in my life, like the opportunity I have got and will get only once. For now, as a student, earning a scholarship and going to the best colleges and universities are valuable to me. Every single person values their parents and time because, without parents, we could not make it possible, but being happy and being treated equally is also valuable. 

The most valuable thing for us in this life is happiness because we get only one life, so we should enjoy it. 

Monika Singh Pundir
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Thursday 5 January 2023

What I fear the most - Tenzin Nyingsel

Tenzin Nyingsel

Wed, 4 Jan, 09:54

Subject: Reflection on; What I fear the most and how I can overcome that fear...

I hope this email finds you well.

What I fear the most is generally what many people have been through, which is the fear of getting a scolding by their parents, especially my father; even though he is the most friendly person in the family, his anger is the most dangerous from our family.

I still remember the day when he scolded my brother for not picking me up from school and leaving me there till 6 or 7pm, which was very scary since I couldn't walk properly due to the injury on my foot. I can never forget that anger and the fight they both had because of me.
For me, that's my biggest fear and how to overcome that fear is still in process because I try my best not to make him angry and to always listen to his guidance.

Thank you for reading.

Yours faithfully,
Tenzin Nyingsel,
From PCVS (Pestalozzi Children's Village Society)

Wednesday 14 December 2022

What makes us who we are - Monika Singh Pundir

The person I am today is because of my parent's hard work. If I didn't have parents like them to give birth to me, l would never be able to stand in this world.  

Not only my parents but there are also many people behind me in this position right now, like my teachers, who were always there to help me with my problems and teach me the right things to do. I am very grateful to them for whatever they have done for me. 

I am most grateful to Pestalozzi Children's Village Society, who provided us best to the best facilities in the field of education and wants us to have a brighter future. Finally, there are my friends who always supported me and trusted me. 
Monika Singh Pundir

Monday 12 December 2022

What Makes Us Who We Are - Tenzin Nyesel

The first people that came to mind after hearing about that topic are my parents, who have done so much for me. The way I'm able to live, read and write is all because of my parents who've invited me into this world and have done so much hard work for me to live a good life.

Then my second thought was my teachers who've taught me not only studies but also good manners and habits.

The last thought was that my friends have always supported me and always been there for me at whatever stage.

These all are people in my life who've made me who I am right now, for which I'm very thankful and grateful.

Tenzin Nyesel
Pestalozzi Childrens Village, India

Sunday 23 October 2022

My Covid Experience - Arfa Khan

As soon as we heard that the virus had reached India, our anxieties crept up on us. My overprotective grandfather always reminded us to take precautions and would never let us take even a step outside the house unless it was necessary. In the first wave, we all were horrified of the virus and would misunderstand even cough to having the virus. In the new days of the virus, I got a cold, and my nose was blocked. I mistook it as having the virus and started crying, which usually happens once in a blue moon. Catching the virus had become my worst nightmare; I would always chicken out just after hearing it. My grandfather used to watch a news channel with the sound of the EKC/ECG monitor's heartbeat going flatline, which would always make my mother and I feel very uncomfortable. I took things so much to the next level that I would wake up at 4am and check if my parents were breathing. Thanks to our anxieties and our taking precautions, my family didn't catch the virus in the first wave. We became a bit relaxed and, to be honest, a bit careless…and that was a fatal mistake.

In the second wave, my whole family (apart from me) caught the virus. My uncle threw a housewarming party, and we all attended it. Because they were relatives, my family took off their masks. A few days later, my grandfather showed symptoms of covid and soon, so did my grandmother; they both got tested and came out positive. We could not find a hospital with vacant beds, so I had to stay isolated in my room for the time being. After searching for many days, my aunt found a hospital and my grandparents were admitted. My father kept going to and fro from the hospital and our home. We barely got time to meet each other. We only talked via video call, and I used my father's old phone, which was very rusty and laggy. Life felt very empty and depressed. Each day was the same; time went by so fast. My father also caught covid because of constant exposure to covid in the hospital, which was soon transmitted to my mother. I had to wear a mask at all times. Because of my society's high number of cases, grocery stores refused to give home deliveries, and mothers had to go out and get them. My other aunt's friend had an organization which delivered food to covid patients, and that's how we got our food. My mother got so sick that she threw up every day for 3 days straight, which was horrifying because I have emetophobia (the fear of vomit). My grandparents had to be kept on ventilators. My grandfather's health was getting worse day by day. On the other hand, my grandmother got discharged but again admitted 2 days later. My grandfather stopped talking and soon didn't even open his eyes; the next day, he died. I saw him on his last day via video call, and I pitied him. All of this happened during my summer vacation (2021). Because of all this chaos, I couldn't complete my holiday homework, and I had to cram it into just 4-5 days. When I look back on it, I feel very empty from the inside. It was the lowest and darkest time of my life. I can see the changes in my everyday things in the absence of my grandfather. I just wish Covid never existed. My family would have been so much better. In fact, the whole world would have been so much better. 

-Arfa Khan 
Ahlcon Public School


Friday 15 July 2022

A beautiful journey - Rishona Chopra

A journey starts,

With a happy heart.
A few brakes and bumps,
But over those thorns we have to jump,
That’s the start when I am not perfect,
But giving up is not correct.
We are all beginners,
And that’s how we become winners,
Winners and beginners of life,
Now as sharp as a knife.
Mistakes keep happening,
But we should understand their meaning.

Never giving up hope,
And striving for more!

I was never good at writing, reading and this technology, but soon I learned. I was too a beginner, and I am learning and growing!

Thank you to all my teachers and my extraordinary mother and father for helping me strive for more and encouraging me every fall.

Rishona Chopra

Grade VI

Gyanshree School

Friday 1 July 2022

Love - Rishona Chopra

If you judge people, you will have no time to love them.
- Mother Teresa

Love is when you care for somebody so dearly that often the care is a silent one. My parents have loved me unconditionally. They might not have time for other things, but they have all the time in the world for me. 

As Jetzunma Tenzin Palmo rightly said, love is when you say - I love you because I want you to be happy; if that includes me, great if it doesn't matter. I think absolute joy is when we give love. We can provide that love for our parents. A cup of water when they come home, asking them how their day was and giving them a big tight hug can show your love. After all, love has to be in actions, not in words. Unconditional love is essential for happiness and satisfaction. If we love others unconditionally, others will also love us similarly.

Even self-love is quite essential. Of course, that doesn't mean that we should be a narcissist. Self-love includes self-esteem. Often looking at others, doubts arise in our minds like - Should I be more like her? Am I not good? Why is she so good at everything?. Instead of doubting ourselves, we should love ourselves.

Love is not only for people but for our work too. With passion and love for our work, we can achieve anything!

'Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.'

- Lao Tzu

Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School

Sunday 26 June 2022

We Were Only Playing - Rishona Chopra

Playing is probably the best thing about childhood. I love playing, going out in the sun and running and having lots of fun; that is childhood. Here's a thing about playing - you don't need toys to play with. All you need is a friend, and that friend can be you.   

Making games to play with yourself is the art of playing. When I am bored, I make some slime and squish it with some chemicals and do experiments or while studying, I act as if I am a teacher and teach all concepts to imaginary children and sometimes to my parents too! 

Totto-chan had a pet. A pet comes with a lot of responsibility, but you always have a partner to share your feelings with. I sometimes wish I had a quiet puppy, but I am not ready to take the responsibility, and I think that if we keep a pet, we shouldn't keep it in a cage and bring it with its sibling or mother, so we don't separate the pet from their family.

The innocence of a child is all about their selfless compassion - In Japan, they call it - Omoiyari, a section of Ikigai. In the chapter, even though Totto-chan was bitten by Rocky, she cared even more and ensured he wouldn't be scolded.

Selfless compassion was mastered by Totto-chan at such a young age. But as we grow, we often start to think more about ourselves and not about others, but I bet when Totto-chan grows up, she will have mastered Omoiyari!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday 12 June 2022

My Tantrums As A Child - Gaurangi Rastogi

 My childhood was a colourful one. Full of life, fun and tantrums. Whenever I talk about my childhood to my family, they say, “Beta, you were so fussy about anything you wanted.” 

I still remember one of them: a fuss about a dress! 

Really on a dress! 

I was 5 and very passionate about Disney princesses; my favourite was Cinderella. I wanted a dress like hers, which was unavailable in my hometown. So, I told my Papa to ask my aunt and bring it whenever she visited me. I did not eat anything for weeks when she got the dress. I rejoiced and kept it for my next birthday. For years, I just kept procrastinating about wearing the dress. It’s just kept in my closet and has fungus on it. 

There are many stories like this in my life, but this story made me realise that there is a reason behind our parent’s deeds. 

Gaurangi Rastogi 
The Doon Girls School 

Sunday 10 April 2022

Honesty - Avni Karmarkar

The Honest Boy
Once, there was an impoverished boy named Paul. He lived with his family. His parents worked hard to raise their son. Paul was a very good boy and always spoke the truth. His parents taught him that "Honesty is the best policy!"

One day, the King visited Paul's small village, and all the villagers came out to greet the King. The King was giving away cookies and candy. Paul and the villagers crowded near the King's carriage to try to get some gifts from the King. Finally, the King got to Paul and gave him a box full of cookies and candy. Paul was so excited that he immediately rushed home to share the candy with his family.

When Paul returned home, he noticed a beautiful ring among all the candy. 
He thought to himself that this ring could make him rich. And he and his family no longer had to worry about having enough food to eat. After thinking about what to do all day, Paul decided to return the ring to the King.

Paul went to the palace and returned the King's ring. The King was very thankful to Paul and said to him, "Son, this is my favourite ring! You are a sincere boy, and I want to reward you with lots and lots of gold coins!" When Paul's parents learned about his honesty, they became delighted.

When Paul came home, his parents hugged him. Paul was a wealthy boy from that day, and his family never went hungry again. 

Name: Avni Karmarkar
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

Tuesday 1 February 2022

Friendship - Rishona Chopra

Friends are companions for life, a family that we choose for ourselves. It's, of course, essential to building a good relationship with them, right? 

Some of us might look at friendship as a bond that we share with our best friends, but it is not just a relationship that we build with our friends but with everyone around us.

It implies a friendly and compassionate attitude towards all, and it's essential to have good social skills. Now I would like to share a story about friendship.

Once I saw a young girl walking across the street. I waved to her, and she waved back at me. I could feel that she was timid. I walked up to her and asked her if she would like to be friends with me. She was very nervous and mumbled, '‘Yes." I didn't understand her behaviour but was friendly with her. Soon, we became good friends. We played, we helped each other. I never saw her mother or any of her family members around, but she looked happy when she played and talked to me. 

For a long time, I never really asked about her parents. But one day, I finally asked her if her parents were around so that our parents could meet up. She frowned. After a deep breath, she told me, "I don't have any parents. I live with my uncle and aunt. They are very busy people. But the way you have always been there for me didn't let me feel lonely.' I was taken aback by that response. I hugged her and told her, 'Thanks for being my friend too'.

So having a friendship with everyone is a gift for all. Did you see how that little girl felt so much happier after having me as her friend? Friendship helps us build better connections for life and gives us reasons to smile every day!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Sunday 16 January 2022

Never Give Up Hope - Rishona Chopra

Never Give Up Hope
Reading from Is Your Child Ready To Face The World? By Dr Anupam Sibal
Narrated by Rishona Chopra
Grade V, Gyanshree School, Noida

Thursday 6 January 2022

Freedom - Hiyaan Shah

For me, absolute freedom is to be yourself. Childhood days are an essential part of life. But at this stage, parents keep the kids so occupied that we lose our freedom. But I am thrilled that my parents have balanced all my likes and the freedom to play and get down and run, which is my favourite. I make my friends run so much, and all get so tired that they sleep early at night on that particular day, and I will never forget this. One Freedom experience is I have shops below my house and whenever I am tempted or wish to buy something I ask my parents, and then I take little money from my savings and go and buy myself and show them. I permanently save cash and coins, which I find here and there in my wallet. You should enjoy your freedom and never hesitate to express your feelings as those who understand will never judge you, and those who believe will understand.

Name: Hiyaan Ishan Shah
Grade: 1
Billabong High International School, Thane

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Be A Dreamer - Prarthana Rastogi

Everyone has the freedom to dream. It is a beautiful and soulful experience. Children of our age have dreams to become someone according to their likings and expect their parents to help them pursue it.

Hence, parents should encourage their children to dream and contribute to the process of fulfilling the same.

When parents have different expectations from their children, they do not realize they knowingly or unknowingly put their children under pressure.

As a result, the child, in fear of disappointing their parents, forget about their dreams and start following what their parents want them to be.

However, these people sometimes are not successful because their heart does not follow them, and their mind is not accepting it. 

As a child, I also dream of becoming a Sports Star. I love playing sports. I’m passionate about basketball, badminton, and cricket. 

If you have the determination and are mentally strong, you’ll surely be successful. 

Last but not least, parents should understand their children and support them in all ways to follow their hearts and pursue their dreams.

Name: Prarthana Rastogi
Grade: 8
The Doon Girls School

Monday 27 December 2021

Courage - Samruddhi Patankar

I am Samruddhi Patankar from grade 2; I would like to share my short life stories of courage.

I needed courage when I was only 5 yrs old to speak on the stage but, then my parents gave me courage by encouraging me, I did it. 👧🏻

When I was going to school 🏫 for my meet-and-greet session, I needed courage because I would meet my teacher that time; I got it from myself.

I often got scared by something that I didn’t even know, but I always told my teacher. She always gave me the courage, from now I see something scarier I don’t get scared. From then I have realized what courage means.

Name: Samruddhi Patankar
Grade: 2A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Saturday 2 October 2021

Appreciation - Darshil Sunil More

Name - Darshil Sunil More
Billabong High International School Thane
Grade - 5 A

Appreciation - Unnatti Jamdar

When I was a small kid, I always wanted to win a race. 

My parents knew that as well, but I never received the opportunity but.
One day, I won the race, and it was a proud feeling for my teachers, me, and my parents. I will never forget the appreciation that I received.
Name - Unnatti Jamdar
Grade - 5A
Billabong High International School Thane