Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Joy Of Learning - Rishona Chopra


The Joy of Learning Diaries is a website where students can post their reflections on My Good School’s reading program every Sunday. They can literally post anything they want. We publish the Joy Of Learning Diaries, and our blogs go in an extensive diary where many students can post.

We connect the Joy Of Reading with the joy of writing by -

  • What we read in the reading session we reflect upon by writing.
  • What we have written can be converted into a podcast (audio file) - Joy of Speaking.
That is how My Good School connects the three joys.

In school, we learn academics, but at My Good School, we help improve and enhance the primary interests. We experience the joy of writing, reading and speaking. Apart from that, we have a few partner programs too. Like, Slooh  (Space Program) and Sportify (Sports Program).

Most important of all, students can become interns! 

While being an intern sounds like a lot of hard work, it is straightforward as long as you like doing it. I am an intern, and I simply love it! I get blogs from other students and post them. I also make a few designs for My Good School, which is marvellous. Interns help grow the school too. 

We learn with joy!!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

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Reflections Since 2021